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9月27日,Netflix的聯(lián)席首席執(zhí)行官特德·薩蘭多斯在比弗利山舉辦的Vox Media代碼會(huì)議上,罕見地公布了旗下最受關(guān)注的收視數(shù)據(jù),讓人得以窺見該公司收視率最高的影視劇究竟花落誰(shuí)家。



觀看用戶數(shù)最多的Netflix劇集和電影。圖片來(lái)源:Courtesy of Netflix

繼《布里奇頓》之后,開播前四周觀看用戶數(shù)最多的Netflix劇集分別是《盧平》(Lupin)第一部(7600萬(wàn))、《獵魔人》(The Witcher)第一季(7600萬(wàn))、《性/生活》(Sex/Life)第一季(6700萬(wàn))與《怪奇物語(yǔ)》(Stranger Things)第三季(6700萬(wàn))。觀看小時(shí)數(shù)排在《布里奇頓》之后的劇集則分別是《紙鈔屋》(Money Heist)第四部(6.19億小時(shí))、《怪奇物語(yǔ)》第三季(5.82億小時(shí))、《獵魔人》第一季(5.41億小時(shí))與《十三個(gè)原因》(13 Reasons Why)第二季(4.96億小時(shí))。

觀看小時(shí)數(shù)最長(zhǎng)的Netflix劇集和電影。 圖片來(lái)源:Courtesy of Netflix

電影排行榜上,動(dòng)作驚悚片《驚天營(yíng)救》(Extraction)與恐怖片《鳥盒》(Bird Box)分別占據(jù)兩大榜首之位。在Netflix上線影片后前四周內(nèi),《驚天營(yíng)救》的觀影用戶數(shù)最多(9900萬(wàn)),《鳥盒》的觀影小時(shí)數(shù)則最長(zhǎng)(2.82億小時(shí))。

排在《驚天營(yíng)救》之后的四部影片分別是《鳥盒》(8900萬(wàn))、《斯賓塞的機(jī)密任務(wù)》(Spenser Confidential)(8500萬(wàn))、《鬼影特工》(6 Underground)(8300萬(wàn))與《謀殺疑案》(Murder Mystery)(8300萬(wàn))。而排在《鳥盒》之后的四部影片則分別是《驚天營(yíng)救》(2.31億小時(shí))、《愛爾蘭人》(The Irishman)(2.15億小時(shí))、《親吻亭2》(The Irishman)(2.09億小時(shí))與《鬼影特工》(2.05億小時(shí))。





9月27日,Netflix的聯(lián)席首席執(zhí)行官特德·薩蘭多斯在比弗利山舉辦的Vox Media代碼會(huì)議上,罕見地公布了旗下最受關(guān)注的收視數(shù)據(jù),讓人得以窺見該公司收視率最高的影視劇究竟花落誰(shuí)家。



繼《布里奇頓》之后,開播前四周觀看用戶數(shù)最多的Netflix劇集分別是《盧平》(Lupin)第一部(7600萬(wàn))、《獵魔人》(The Witcher)第一季(7600萬(wàn))、《性/生活》(Sex/Life)第一季(6700萬(wàn))與《怪奇物語(yǔ)》(Stranger Things)第三季(6700萬(wàn))。觀看小時(shí)數(shù)排在《布里奇頓》之后的劇集則分別是《紙鈔屋》(Money Heist)第四部(6.19億小時(shí))、《怪奇物語(yǔ)》第三季(5.82億小時(shí))、《獵魔人》第一季(5.41億小時(shí))與《十三個(gè)原因》(13 Reasons Why)第二季(4.96億小時(shí))。

電影排行榜上,動(dòng)作驚悚片《驚天營(yíng)救》(Extraction)與恐怖片《鳥盒》(Bird Box)分別占據(jù)兩大榜首之位。在Netflix上線影片后前四周內(nèi),《驚天營(yíng)救》的觀影用戶數(shù)最多(9900萬(wàn)),《鳥盒》的觀影小時(shí)數(shù)則最長(zhǎng)(2.82億小時(shí))。

排在《驚天營(yíng)救》之后的四部影片分別是《鳥盒》(8900萬(wàn))、《斯賓塞的機(jī)密任務(wù)》(Spenser Confidential)(8500萬(wàn))、《鬼影特工》(6 Underground)(8300萬(wàn))與《謀殺疑案》(Murder Mystery)(8300萬(wàn))。而排在《鳥盒》之后的四部影片則分別是《驚天營(yíng)救》(2.31億小時(shí))、《愛爾蘭人》(The Irishman)(2.15億小時(shí))、《親吻亭2》(The Irishman)(2.09億小時(shí))與《鬼影特工》(2.05億小時(shí))。





Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos pulled back the curtain on the streaming giant’s closely-kept viewership figures on September 27, offering a rare glimpse at the titles that rank among the company’s most watched TV series and films.

Speaking onstage at Vox Media’s Code Conference in Beverly Hills, Calif., Sarandos shared slides revealing Netflix’s most popular series and movies by both the number of accounts that watched them in their first 28 days on the streaming platform, and the numbers of hours that they were watched in that timeframe.

Unsurprisingly, the Shonda Rhimes-produced period drama Bridgerton ranked as Netflix’s most watched series in both metrics. A total of 82 million accounts tuned into the title (for a span of at least two minutes) in the first four weeks that it was available, and for a total duration of 625 million hours watched.

Following Bridgerton, part one of Lupin (76 million), season one of The Witcher (76 million), season one of Sex/Life (67 million), and season three of Stranger Things (67 million) were Netflix’s most popular series by the number of accounts that watched them in their first four weeks. By viewing hours, Bridgerton was followed as the most watched by part 4 of Money Heist (619 million hours), season 3 of Stranger Things (582 million hours), season one of The Witcher (541 million hours), and season two of 13 Reasons Why (496 million hours).

On the film front, the action thriller Extraction and the horror flick Bird Box took the top honors, with the former ranking as most watched by number of accounts (99 million) and the latter viewed for the most hours (282 million hours) over their first four weeks on the streaming platform.

After Extraction, Bird Box (89 million), Spenser Confidential (85 million),6 Underground (83 million), and Murder Mystery (83 million) drew the most accounts on Netflix. By hours watched, Bird Box was followed by Extraction (231 million hours), The Irishman (215 million hours), The Kissing Booth 2(209 million hours), and 6 Underground (205 million hours).

The viewership figures were a surprise reveal for a company that has kept its viewership figures notoriously close to the chest. But Sarandos said Netflix is “trying to be more transparent” with its internal metrics, with the goal of giving both its Hollywood talent and the wider market a better idea of the extent to which it drives the cultural “zeitgeist,” he said.

Despite heightened competition from streaming rivals like Disney, Apple, HBO, and Amazon, Sarandos said Netflix maintains an advantage with its more than 200 million subscribers. He also noted that streaming at large is swiftly grabbing market share from traditional broadcast and cable TV in what he described as “an enormous shift.”

“In the U.S. where we’re most penetrated,25% of the time that you’re watching TV, you’re watching streaming—and 25% of that time, you’re watching Netflix,” Sarandos said.“This is an enormous shift. You can see how difficult it is now for a broadcaster to find an audience on their network, and how hard it is for anyone to break into the zeitgeist.”



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