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元宇宙從只在硬核粉絲中流傳的小眾術(shù)語,變成了各種虛擬世界平臺的代名詞,如今已經(jīng)是一種商業(yè)術(shù)語。三星(Samsung)、Miller Lite和摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)等公司都在元宇宙平臺上創(chuàng)建了專屬空間,麥當勞(McDonald’s)和耐克(Nike)等公司則計劃將元宇宙融入自己的業(yè)務運營當中。

在《財富》雜志的系列視頻《N3w Lands:元宇宙探索》(N3w Lands: An Exploration of the Metaverse)里,來自元宇宙不同領(lǐng)域的專家們討論了這個新型領(lǐng)域的潛力。

在潛在收入方面,分析師們對具體數(shù)字難以達成一致,但他們認為該領(lǐng)域的規(guī)模將達到數(shù)萬億美元。摩根大通在上個月發(fā)表的一篇報告中表示,未來幾年,隨著用戶在元宇宙中買賣更有價值的虛擬土地、虛擬形象物品或虛擬店鋪中出售的實物商品,元宇宙的年收入將達到1萬億美元。但高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)對這個新興領(lǐng)域的收入預測更高。高盛在今年1月表示,元宇宙將是一個價值8萬億美元的市場。摩根士丹利則在今年2月表示,僅中國的元宇宙市場規(guī)模就可能達到8萬億美元。

2021年10月,F(xiàn)acebook更名為Meta,并承諾將元宇宙重新作為核心業(yè)務,使元宇宙引起了更多關(guān)注。在那之后,Meta的首席執(zhí)行官馬克·扎克伯格承諾投入100億美元發(fā)展元宇宙部門Reality Labs。他還推出了一款元宇宙平臺Horizon Worlds,能夠通過該公司的Oculus Quest 2虛擬現(xiàn)實頭盔訪問。



而Sandbox、Decentraland、Somnium Space和Cryptovoxels等平臺所在的另外一個陣營,追求的是創(chuàng)建一個去中心化的元宇宙。


加密藝術(shù)博物館(Museum of Crypto Art)的藝術(shù)家及住宅建筑師柯克·芬克爾對《財富》雜志表示,簡而言之,這些平臺支持“更分散的、或許更民主化的所有權(quán)模式。”







元宇宙從只在硬核粉絲中流傳的小眾術(shù)語,變成了各種虛擬世界平臺的代名詞,如今已經(jīng)是一種商業(yè)術(shù)語。三星(Samsung)、Miller Lite和摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)等公司都在元宇宙平臺上創(chuàng)建了專屬空間,麥當勞(McDonald’s)和耐克(Nike)等公司則計劃將元宇宙融入自己的業(yè)務運營當中。

在《財富》雜志的系列視頻《N3w Lands:元宇宙探索》(N3w Lands: An Exploration of the Metaverse)里,來自元宇宙不同領(lǐng)域的專家們討論了這個新型領(lǐng)域的潛力。

在潛在收入方面,分析師們對具體數(shù)字難以達成一致,但他們認為該領(lǐng)域的規(guī)模將達到數(shù)萬億美元。摩根大通在上個月發(fā)表的一篇報告中表示,未來幾年,隨著用戶在元宇宙中買賣更有價值的虛擬土地、虛擬形象物品或虛擬店鋪中出售的實物商品,元宇宙的年收入將達到1萬億美元。但高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)對這個新興領(lǐng)域的收入預測更高。高盛在今年1月表示,元宇宙將是一個價值8萬億美元的市場。摩根士丹利則在今年2月表示,僅中國的元宇宙市場規(guī)模就可能達到8萬億美元。

2021年10月,F(xiàn)acebook更名為Meta,并承諾將元宇宙重新作為核心業(yè)務,使元宇宙引起了更多關(guān)注。在那之后,Meta的首席執(zhí)行官馬克·扎克伯格承諾投入100億美元發(fā)展元宇宙部門Reality Labs。他還推出了一款元宇宙平臺Horizon Worlds,能夠通過該公司的Oculus Quest 2虛擬現(xiàn)實頭盔訪問。



而Sandbox、Decentraland、Somnium Space和Cryptovoxels等平臺所在的另外一個陣營,追求的是創(chuàng)建一個去中心化的元宇宙。


加密藝術(shù)博物館(Museum of Crypto Art)的藝術(shù)家及住宅建筑師柯克·芬克爾對《財富》雜志表示,簡而言之,這些平臺支持“更分散的、或許更民主化的所有權(quán)模式。”






The metaverse is many things to many people. But one thing that’s clear is the amount of attention it has received in the past year.

From a niche term limited to hard-core believers, the metaverse, loosely referring to a variety of virtual world platforms, has now become part of the business world’s vernacular. Companies including Samsung, Miller Lite, and J.P. Morgan have created their own spaces on metaverse platforms, with others like McDonald’s and Nike making plans to incorporate it into their businesses.

In Fortune’s video series N3w Lands: An Exploration of the Metaverse, experts from many areas of the metaverse talk about the potential of the emerging sector, in their own words.

In terms of potential revenue, analysts disagree on a concrete number, but it is said to be in the trillions of dollars. J.P. Morgan wrote in a report last month that the metaverse represents a $1 trillion yearly revenue opportunity in the coming years, as individuals buy and sell ever more valuable virtual land, items for their virtual avatars, or physical products from virtual stores. But Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley think potential revenues from the emerging sector could be even higher. Goldman said in January that the metaverse could be more like an $8 trillion opportunity. Morgan Stanley followed up in February by saying the metaverse could be worth $8 trillion in China alone.

Facebook brought increased attention to the metaverse in October when it changed its name to Meta and promised to refocus on the metaverse as a business. Since then, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg pledged $10 billion in spending to develop its metaverse arm, Reality Labs. He also rolled out a metaverse platform, Horizon Worlds, accessible through the company’s Oculus Quest 2 virtual reality headset.

There are two main camps when it comes to what the metaverse should be. It’s still unclear which one, if any, will prevail or whether they both will.

One camp, whose members include Meta, along with Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite, is focused on creating a centralized metaverse, where all aspects of the virtual world are controlled by one company.

The other camp, including platforms like the Sandbox, Decentraland, Somnium Space, and Cryptovoxels, is pursuing a decentralized metaverse.

They are creating virtual worlds that incorporate NFTs and cryptocurrencies as building blocks. NFTs refers to digital items whose ownership is recorded on a transparent ledger called the blockchain. These NFTs can be things like an image, audio file, or, in metaverse platforms, items like digital land or avatar outfits.

In short, these types of platforms have a “more distributed, maybe more democratized kind of ownership model,” Kirk Finkel, an artist and resident architect at the Museum of Crypto Art (MOCA), told Fortune.

Some of the platforms like the Sandbox and Decentraland have their own cryptocurrencies that players can use to buy things within the virtual worlds. Much as in the real world, markets and communities are already developing inside them, encouraged and facilitated by each platform's creators.

“Our objective is to re-create most of the activities and experiences from the real world,” said Sébastien Borget, the chief operations officer of the metaverse world the Sandbox.

It’s yet to be seen whether the metaverse will live up to the outsize attention users and businesses have placed on it. Although the metaverse is still in its early stages, it has no shortage of believers.



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