今年9月15日,一篇發(fā)表在《美國醫(yī)學協(xié)會雜志》(Journal of the American Medical Association)上的研究就探討了這個問題。
根據(jù)美國人口普查局(U.S. Census Bureau)在今年夏天收集的數(shù)據(jù),在美國成年新冠病毒感染者中,有近20%的人自述康復后出現(xiàn)了“長期新冠”癥狀,也就是各種久治不愈的后遺癥。
今年9月15日,一篇發(fā)表在《美國醫(yī)學協(xié)會雜志》(Journal of the American Medical Association)上的研究就探討了這個問題。
根據(jù)美國人口普查局(U.S. Census Bureau)在今年夏天收集的數(shù)據(jù),在美國成年新冠病毒感染者中,有近20%的人自述康復后出現(xiàn)了“長期新冠”癥狀,也就是各種久治不愈的后遺癥。
How long do long COVID symptoms linger?
It’s the question on the mind of millions of sufferers. Less than three years into the pandemic, answers are limited. But those in Wuhan, China—where the outbreak began in late 2019—would know best, as they’ve lived with the virus’s repercussions the longest.
A new study published on September 15 in the Journal of the American Medical Association sheds some light on the matter.
Researchers at Army Medical University in Chongqing, China, and Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan, China, interviewed nearly 2,000 COVID survivors, all of whom were treated for the illness at Wuhan hospitals from February through April 2020. They found that the long-term symptoms of most—like fatigue, chest tightness, anxiety, and myalgia—lessened, then resolved between the first- and second-year anniversaries of their discharge.
The exception: patients with dyspnea (difficulty breathing), whose symptoms didn’t seem to resolve with time. Patients who had been admitted to the intensive care unit were also more likely to have persistent symptoms, researchers found.
The ongoing fatigue described by many COVID survivors is similar to that described by survivors of other diseases like Ebola and SARS, a coronavirus much more fatal than COVID-19 that caused epidemics in 2003. Fatigue in SARS survivors has been reported to last as long as four years, researchers wrote.
The study examined survivors of the initial strain of Omicron and may or may not be applicable to other strains, including Omicron, the authors emphasized.
Nearly 20% of American adults who’ve had COVID—an estimated 50 million Americans—report having long COVID symptoms after their infection resolves, according to data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau this summer.
Long COVID is roughly defined as symptoms that persist or appear long after the initial COVID infection is gone, but a consensus definition has not yet been broadly accepted.
Many experts contend that long COVID is best defined as a chronic-fatigue-syndrome-like condition that develops after COVID illness, similar to other post-viral syndromes. Other post-COVID complications, like organ damage and post-intensive-care syndrome, should not be defined as long COVID, they say.
But many of those writing reports, and self-reporting long COVID to the Census Bureau and other entities, likely aren’t making such a distinction. This means the number of those with true long COVID is likely overestimated.