不過也就是在那個月,OnlyFans宣布了一項讓她和其他UP主心驚膽戰(zhàn)的政策——OnlyFans將禁止純色情內容。雖然這個網站靠色情內容在2021年掙了將近10億美元,而且吸引了近2億用戶,從而一躍成為英國增長最快的科技公司之一。當時,OnlyFans的創(chuàng)始人、CEO蒂姆·斯托克利曾經抱怨道,包括紐約梅隆銀行、摩根大通和英國Metro Bank銀行在內的一些金融機構不允許該平臺向色情UP主的賬戶付款,甚至關閉了不少色情UP主的銀行賬號,使他們失去了賴以生存的收入?!爱敃r我真的非常擔心我在OnlyFans上的這份工作也會失去?!盫anniall說。
好在一周后,色情UP主們等來了一紙緩刑通知——OnlyFans在決定生效前將其撤回了,并表示“我們已經獲得了支持我們的多元化創(chuàng)作者社區(qū)所需要的保障”。這次風波雖然只是一個小插曲,但卻讓OnlyFans在一定程度上失去了色情UP主們的信任,而OnlyFans的快速增長全靠色情UP主們拉來的流量。差不多就在這段時間,OnlyFans啟動了業(yè)務重組。2021年12月,斯托克利辭去CEO一職,繼任者是一個外界意料之外的人物——該公司37歲的營銷與傳播總監(jiān)Amrapali “Ami” Gan。
不了解成人產業(yè)的人大都對O站持懷疑的態(tài)度,不少人認為它是一個對女性進行性剝削的平臺(因為它的男性UP主相對較少)。Amrapali Gan上臺伊始的首要任務就是打消人們的顧慮,同時贏回色情UP主們的信任。和大名鼎鼎的P站(也就是Pornhub)相比,O站更受色情UP主歡迎的原因是它具有更好的安全和控制機制,而且它給UP主們的分成達到了80%,超過了包括YouTube在內的大多網站。為了讓O站的用戶群體保持增長,Amrapali Gan必須讓平臺保持對UP主的吸引力。但是為了保持與金融機構的關系,同時也為了吸引未來的投資者,她也需要平臺的UP主們不能逾越任何法律紅線。
這個難度簡直不亞于走鋼絲,但Amrapali Gan憑借自己在傳媒界攢下的背景,硬是讓OnlyFans完成了轉型。該平臺現在不僅受到色情工作者的青睞,同時也吸引了從健身教練到廚師等各行各業(yè)的人才來進行內容創(chuàng)作。
至于Amrapali Gan的改革取得了多大成績,OnlyFans公司一直守口如瓶?!敦敻弧吩啻握埰涮峁?022年的收益狀況,或者至少披露一下有多大比例的收入來自色情內容,多大比例來自其他內容,但OnlyFans始終拒絕透露。另外它也沒有透露2021年它是如何搞定與那幾家金融機構的爭議的,同時它敢不愿披露目前有哪些金融機構與其合作。
去年8月份我們第一次遠程采訪Amrapali Gan的時候,我們感覺她尚未完全適應作為一家備受爭議的公司的CEO所會受到的那種關注。當時她已經上任6個月了,但仍然保持著一些老習慣,她在骨子里仍然是一個傳媒人,不管你問她任何問題,她都能迅速抓住問題實質。比如她說O站是一個“內容第一的平臺”。對于2021年O站在色情內容政策上的朝令夕改,她則辯稱“這是一次重大的學習經驗”。
Amrapali Gan是在2020年9月加入O站的,當時這家公司年僅4歲。OnlyFans是英國企業(yè)家斯托克利2016年創(chuàng)辦的。一開始,這個訂閱制平臺采取了極其自由的內容政策,因此O站上很快聚焦了大量成人內容。OnlyFans起初是一個家族企業(yè),后來斯托克利家族在2018年將它的母公司Fenix International Limited的多數股權賣給了美國佛羅里達的網絡色情大亨雷奧尼德·拉德文斯基,拉德文斯基早年間就是靠推廣色情網站發(fā)家致富的。有些他推廣的網站上含有“幼齒”或者“人獸”等字眼,不過并無證據表明這些網站上有真正的兒童色情內容。英國政府的文件顯示,拉德文斯基目前持有OnlyFans至少75%的股份。拉德文斯基沒有回應我們的采訪請求。O站的一位發(fā)言人表示,拉德文斯基“并不參與公司的日常運營”。
Amrapali Gan最近從洛杉磯搬到了邁阿密,但是在接受《財富》采訪的時候,她人正在倫敦。她是第一個承認自己本來不太可能當上CEO的人。她自小在弗吉尼亞州長大,是家里的獨生女,她父親是一名印度移民。畢業(yè)以后,她曾先后在蛋白棒品牌Quest Nutrition、能量飲料制造商紅牛和西好萊塢的一家大麻公司從事營銷和傳播工作。在她的簡歷里,除了她曾經管過自己創(chuàng)辦的一家咨詢公司,就沒有其他運營方面的履歷了,而負責企業(yè)盈虧的運營崗位才是董事會的最愛。咨詢公司光輝國際的CEO接班業(yè)務全球負責人簡·史蒂文森認為,Amrapali Gan的晉升,表明了新一代的企業(yè)更注重溝通技能。隨著疫情模糊了工作與家庭、生活與職場之間的邊界,“替公司講故事的能力”也變得愈發(fā)重要了。

“非主流”的晉升之路,一定程度上也影響了她的工作方式。Amrapali Gan不太注重等級制度,她很樂意跟一個入門級的員工交談,態(tài)度跟見一位正在考慮加入O站的名人沒有多少不同。在參加峰會、晚宴等重大活動時,她也經常會用運動鞋配正裝。有一次她戴著印有O站標志的帽子去了倫敦的一家印度菜館,老板還問她是不是在O站上有賬號。她非但沒有說自己是CEO,反而笑著回答:“對,這是一個很棒的平臺。”
那么,Amrapali Gan是如何登上CEO寶座的呢?作為營銷和傳播總監(jiān),她也負責了一些不算分內的業(yè)務,比如公司戰(zhàn)略等。這是她在職場生涯早期就養(yǎng)成的習慣?!皸l條大路都通向她,”蛋白棒公司Quest Nutrition的一位老同事這樣評價道:“她幾乎參與了每一個項目?!?/p>
Amrapali Gan的同事們都表示,她具有一種在危機中保持頭腦清醒的能務,這對于一家成立以來就不斷經歷動蕩的公司來說,是一種很有用的品質。曾擔任O站外部法律顧問、現任公司戰(zhàn)策與運營總監(jiān)的凱莉·布萊爾表示:“她經常會停下來說,讓我們休息一下吧?!?/p>
在疫情期間,OnlyFans從一個小眾的色情網站,變成了一個家喻戶曉的平臺。由于線下“人與人的連接”風險太大,越來越多開不了張的性工作者轉戰(zhàn)O站,開始在平臺上上傳尺度大小不一的色情作品。疫情期間的宅家人群們也蜂擁而至,直接訂閱他們最喜歡的UP主的作品。Amrapali Gan表示:“‘網紅’這個詞已經轉型成了‘創(chuàng)作者’,在O站,每個人都能成為一個創(chuàng)作者,并且發(fā)展一個社區(qū)?!?/p>
OnlyFans會從UP主的訂閱收入中抽取20%的分成。2021年,有200多萬創(chuàng)作者通過O站的1.88億用戶獲得了總數近40億美元的收入。該公司還表示,自從Amrapali Gan上臺以來,O站已經突破了2.2億用戶和300萬創(chuàng)作者的大關。自公司成立以來,300多萬創(chuàng)作者累計已從O站平臺獲得了超過100億美元的收入。
雖然斯托克利在公開場合不敢得罪萬事達,但他卻點名批評了摩根大通、紐約梅隆銀行和英國Metro Bank。斯托克利還對《金融時報》稱,紐約梅隆銀行“標記并拒絕”了與O站有關的每一筆匯款。不過這三家公司都拒絕對此發(fā)表評論。
作為一個傳媒人,Amrapali Gan選擇了不討論這個問題。O站的財務總監(jiān)李·泰勒也并未透露過多細節(jié),只是在談到銀行封閉賬戶和拒絕支付的問題時表示:“我們現在正在優(yōu)化這些痛點,而不是需要解決這些問題,因為它們可能在前幾年才是比較嚴重的問題。”泰勒是在2019年加入O站的,他是O站的第8名員工,也和拉德文斯基一樣是公司的董事。
在財務的問題上,Amrapali Gan比較樂于談及的,是O站UP主的收入問題。2021年創(chuàng)作者們總共拿到了40億美元收入,其中大部分都被一些頂流UP主收入囊中。外界估算,幾個娛樂行業(yè)的“跨界玩家”,比如說唱歌手Cardi B、演員貝拉·索恩和卡戴珊家族的前兒媳布萊克·希納很可能是2021年O站收入最高的人,平均月收入估計可達8位數。
Amrapali Gan表示,如果算上這些名人的話,大概有1000名UP主已經在O站至少賺了七位數的收入。25歲的Kazumi曾是一名營銷人員,疫情爆發(fā)后,她開始把更多精力投入在O站上。如今,作為O站的模特和AV女優(yōu),她每月的收入可達30萬美元,使她成了O站上前0.01%的頂流網紅。她已經在洛杉磯買了一套公寓?!八耆淖兞宋业纳?,現在我和我的男朋友過得非常好。”她說。

對于一些收入不算高的UP主,他們也十分贊賞O站這個平臺。比如一個網名為“TNT Annie”的UP主表示,49歲的她已經跳了幾十年的熱舞,但是O站為她提供了一份被動收入。這樣即使她在不直播的時候,也有粉絲為她的內容付費。另外,O站的粉絲都是通過名字搜索UP主的,并且必須付費才能解鎖內容,而不是靠推薦算法才能刷到他們,這樣 UP主就能知道哪些用戶更喜歡他們的內容了。
O站能否實現這個目標,關鍵要看它的CEO。據康姆斯克公司統計,在2022年,也就是Amrapali Gan擔任CEO后的第一年,O站的獨立訪問者增加了34%。Amrapali Gan表示,她的首要任務就是“消除人們對該平臺的誤解”。
O站已經采取了一些措施來解決這些問題。該公司表示,O站的工作人員會要求UP主出示一些證件或者面部照片來進行身份確認。Amrapali Gan表示,有半數新注冊的UP主都因為無法滿足這些要求而被網站拒絕了注冊申請。對已經成功注冊的UP主,O站也會定期進行安全檢查。

Amrapali Gan還在試圖更直接地控制輿情。在她主持下,O站在蘋果應用商店發(fā)布了一個名叫OFTV的APP,O站創(chuàng)作者可以利用它制作照片和視頻上傳到各個社交媒體上。O站還推出一個專門向音樂和時尚內容UP主提供資金的“創(chuàng)意基金”。O站正在將自身重新定義成一個面對普羅大眾的品牌,這樣不僅能更好地保障UP主和訂閱者的利益,同時也有利于該網站最終被大眾市場所接受。Amrapali Gan表示:“至于說O站會變成什么樣子,我真的覺得我們才剛剛開始?!?/p>
Amrapali Gan本人的身份背景在這一轉變中起了至關重要的作用。一談起色情主播,人們很容易覺得怪怪的,或者覺得她們是被剝削了,不過Amrapali Gan非常善于與各種創(chuàng)作者交流。她表示,她自己也在大麻業(yè)等一些容易被污名化的行業(yè)工作過,因此她對可能發(fā)生的情況是做好了充分準備的。
Amrapali Gan是一個非常友好和活躍的人,談到她的小狗時,她顯得十分開心。她有的時候會跟朋友坐在屋頂上喝酒。在社交生活中,她也經常扮演一個聯絡人的角色,有時會召集所有人一起吃午餐。她在Quest Nutrition公司的同事亞歷山德拉·拉克森評價道:“不管什么事你可以去找她,而且你的秘密在她那里是安全的?!?/p>
雖然成人行業(yè)有不少內對Amrapali Gan領導下的O站持謹慎樂觀態(tài)度,但不管怎樣,O站目前正在制定一個新的標準。蓋洛普表示:“在這個領域,我們需要更多的女性企業(yè)家,而她正在開創(chuàng)一個新時代?!?/p>
在疫情期間,“加入我的O站訂閱”已經成了一個熱梗,經常出現在各種熱門帖子的回復下面。Amrapali Gan和她的管理團隊對此顯得很大度,不過他們希望有一天,這句話的含義能夠有所變化,而不僅僅是抖機靈。布萊爾說:“當我們成為人們提供的另一個鏈接,也就時另一個社交媒體平臺時,我們就實現了我們希望達到的那種普及度?!?/p>
不過也就是在那個月,OnlyFans宣布了一項讓她和其他UP主心驚膽戰(zhàn)的政策——OnlyFans將禁止純色情內容。雖然這個網站靠色情內容在2021年掙了將近10億美元,而且吸引了近2億用戶,從而一躍成為英國增長最快的科技公司之一。當時,OnlyFans的創(chuàng)始人、CEO蒂姆·斯托克利曾經抱怨道,包括紐約梅隆銀行、摩根大通和英國Metro Bank銀行在內的一些金融機構不允許該平臺向色情UP主的賬戶付款,甚至關閉了不少色情UP主的銀行賬號,使他們失去了賴以生存的收入。“當時我真的非常擔心我在OnlyFans上的這份工作也會失去?!盫anniall說。
好在一周后,色情UP主們等來了一紙緩刑通知——OnlyFans在決定生效前將其撤回了,并表示“我們已經獲得了支持我們的多元化創(chuàng)作者社區(qū)所需要的保障”。這次風波雖然只是一個小插曲,但卻讓OnlyFans在一定程度上失去了色情UP主們的信任,而OnlyFans的快速增長全靠色情UP主們拉來的流量。差不多就在這段時間,OnlyFans啟動了業(yè)務重組。2021年12月,斯托克利辭去CEO一職,繼任者是一個外界意料之外的人物——該公司37歲的營銷與傳播總監(jiān)Amrapali “Ami” Gan。
不了解成人產業(yè)的人大都對O站持懷疑的態(tài)度,不少人認為它是一個對女性進行性剝削的平臺(因為它的男性UP主相對較少)。Amrapali Gan上臺伊始的首要任務就是打消人們的顧慮,同時贏回色情UP主們的信任。和大名鼎鼎的P站(也就是Pornhub)相比,O站更受色情UP主歡迎的原因是它具有更好的安全和控制機制,而且它給UP主們的分成達到了80%,超過了包括YouTube在內的大多網站。為了讓O站的用戶群體保持增長,Amrapali Gan必須讓平臺保持對UP主的吸引力。但是為了保持與金融機構的關系,同時也為了吸引未來的投資者,她也需要平臺的UP主們不能逾越任何法律紅線。
這個難度簡直不亞于走鋼絲,但Amrapali Gan憑借自己在傳媒界攢下的背景,硬是讓OnlyFans完成了轉型。該平臺現在不僅受到色情工作者的青睞,同時也吸引了從健身教練到廚師等各行各業(yè)的人才來進行內容創(chuàng)作。
至于Amrapali Gan的改革取得了多大成績,OnlyFans公司一直守口如瓶?!敦敻弧吩啻握埰涮峁?022年的收益狀況,或者至少披露一下有多大比例的收入來自色情內容,多大比例來自其他內容,但OnlyFans始終拒絕透露。另外它也沒有透露2021年它是如何搞定與那幾家金融機構的爭議的,同時它敢不愿披露目前有哪些金融機構與其合作。
去年8月份我們第一次遠程采訪Amrapali Gan的時候,我們感覺她尚未完全適應作為一家備受爭議的公司的CEO所會受到的那種關注。當時她已經上任6個月了,但仍然保持著一些老習慣,她在骨子里仍然是一個傳媒人,不管你問她任何問題,她都能迅速抓住問題實質。比如她說O站是一個“內容第一的平臺”。對于2021年O站在色情內容政策上的朝令夕改,她則辯稱“這是一次重大的學習經驗”。
Amrapali Gan是在2020年9月加入O站的,當時這家公司年僅4歲。OnlyFans是英國企業(yè)家斯托克利2016年創(chuàng)辦的。一開始,這個訂閱制平臺采取了極其自由的內容政策,因此O站上很快聚焦了大量成人內容。OnlyFans起初是一個家族企業(yè),后來斯托克利家族在2018年將它的母公司Fenix International Limited的多數股權賣給了美國佛羅里達的網絡色情大亨雷奧尼德·拉德文斯基,拉德文斯基早年間就是靠推廣色情網站發(fā)家致富的。有些他推廣的網站上含有“幼齒”或者“人獸”等字眼,不過并無證據表明這些網站上有真正的兒童色情內容。英國政府的文件顯示,拉德文斯基目前持有OnlyFans至少75%的股份。拉德文斯基沒有回應我們的采訪請求。O站的一位發(fā)言人表示,拉德文斯基“并不參與公司的日常運營”。
Amrapali Gan最近從洛杉磯搬到了邁阿密,但是在接受《財富》采訪的時候,她人正在倫敦。她是第一個承認自己本來不太可能當上CEO的人。她自小在弗吉尼亞州長大,是家里的獨生女,她父親是一名印度移民。畢業(yè)以后,她曾先后在蛋白棒品牌Quest Nutrition、能量飲料制造商紅牛和西好萊塢的一家大麻公司從事營銷和傳播工作。在她的簡歷里,除了她曾經管過自己創(chuàng)辦的一家咨詢公司,就沒有其他運營方面的履歷了,而負責企業(yè)盈虧的運營崗位才是董事會的最愛。咨詢公司光輝國際的CEO接班業(yè)務全球負責人簡·史蒂文森認為,Amrapali Gan的晉升,表明了新一代的企業(yè)更注重溝通技能。隨著疫情模糊了工作與家庭、生活與職場之間的邊界,“替公司講故事的能力”也變得愈發(fā)重要了。
“非主流”的晉升之路,一定程度上也影響了她的工作方式。Amrapali Gan不太注重等級制度,她很樂意跟一個入門級的員工交談,態(tài)度跟見一位正在考慮加入O站的名人沒有多少不同。在參加峰會、晚宴等重大活動時,她也經常會用運動鞋配正裝。有一次她戴著印有O站標志的帽子去了倫敦的一家印度菜館,老板還問她是不是在O站上有賬號。她非但沒有說自己是CEO,反而笑著回答:“對,這是一個很棒的平臺?!?/p>
那么,Amrapali Gan是如何登上CEO寶座的呢?作為營銷和傳播總監(jiān),她也負責了一些不算分內的業(yè)務,比如公司戰(zhàn)略等。這是她在職場生涯早期就養(yǎng)成的習慣?!皸l條大路都通向她,”蛋白棒公司Quest Nutrition的一位老同事這樣評價道:“她幾乎參與了每一個項目?!?/p>
Amrapali Gan的同事們都表示,她具有一種在危機中保持頭腦清醒的能務,這對于一家成立以來就不斷經歷動蕩的公司來說,是一種很有用的品質。曾擔任O站外部法律顧問、現任公司戰(zhàn)策與運營總監(jiān)的凱莉·布萊爾表示:“她經常會停下來說,讓我們休息一下吧?!?/p>
在疫情期間,OnlyFans從一個小眾的色情網站,變成了一個家喻戶曉的平臺。由于線下“人與人的連接”風險太大,越來越多開不了張的性工作者轉戰(zhàn)O站,開始在平臺上上傳尺度大小不一的色情作品。疫情期間的宅家人群們也蜂擁而至,直接訂閱他們最喜歡的UP主的作品。Amrapali Gan表示:“‘網紅’這個詞已經轉型成了‘創(chuàng)作者’,在O站,每個人都能成為一個創(chuàng)作者,并且發(fā)展一個社區(qū)。”
OnlyFans會從UP主的訂閱收入中抽取20%的分成。2021年,有200多萬創(chuàng)作者通過O站的1.88億用戶獲得了總數近40億美元的收入。該公司還表示,自從Amrapali Gan上臺以來,O站已經突破了2.2億用戶和300萬創(chuàng)作者的大關。自公司成立以來,300多萬創(chuàng)作者累計已從O站平臺獲得了超過100億美元的收入。
雖然斯托克利在公開場合不敢得罪萬事達,但他卻點名批評了摩根大通、紐約梅隆銀行和英國Metro Bank。斯托克利還對《金融時報》稱,紐約梅隆銀行“標記并拒絕”了與O站有關的每一筆匯款。不過這三家公司都拒絕對此發(fā)表評論。
作為一個傳媒人,Amrapali Gan選擇了不討論這個問題。O站的財務總監(jiān)李·泰勒也并未透露過多細節(jié),只是在談到銀行封閉賬戶和拒絕支付的問題時表示:“我們現在正在優(yōu)化這些痛點,而不是需要解決這些問題,因為它們可能在前幾年才是比較嚴重的問題?!碧├帐窃?019年加入O站的,他是O站的第8名員工,也和拉德文斯基一樣是公司的董事。
在財務的問題上,Amrapali Gan比較樂于談及的,是O站UP主的收入問題。2021年創(chuàng)作者們總共拿到了40億美元收入,其中大部分都被一些頂流UP主收入囊中。外界估算,幾個娛樂行業(yè)的“跨界玩家”,比如說唱歌手Cardi B、演員貝拉·索恩和卡戴珊家族的前兒媳布萊克·希納很可能是2021年O站收入最高的人,平均月收入估計可達8位數。
Amrapali Gan表示,如果算上這些名人的話,大概有1000名UP主已經在O站至少賺了七位數的收入。25歲的Kazumi曾是一名營銷人員,疫情爆發(fā)后,她開始把更多精力投入在O站上。如今,作為O站的模特和AV女優(yōu),她每月的收入可達30萬美元,使她成了O站上前0.01%的頂流網紅。她已經在洛杉磯買了一套公寓?!八耆淖兞宋业纳?,現在我和我的男朋友過得非常好?!彼f。
對于一些收入不算高的UP主,他們也十分贊賞O站這個平臺。比如一個網名為“TNT Annie”的UP主表示,49歲的她已經跳了幾十年的熱舞,但是O站為她提供了一份被動收入。這樣即使她在不直播的時候,也有粉絲為她的內容付費。另外,O站的粉絲都是通過名字搜索UP主的,并且必須付費才能解鎖內容,而不是靠推薦算法才能刷到他們,這樣 UP主就能知道哪些用戶更喜歡他們的內容了。
O站能否實現這個目標,關鍵要看它的CEO。據康姆斯克公司統計,在2022年,也就是Amrapali Gan擔任CEO后的第一年,O站的獨立訪問者增加了34%。Amrapali Gan表示,她的首要任務就是“消除人們對該平臺的誤解”。
O站已經采取了一些措施來解決這些問題。該公司表示,O站的工作人員會要求UP主出示一些證件或者面部照片來進行身份確認。Amrapali Gan表示,有半數新注冊的UP主都因為無法滿足這些要求而被網站拒絕了注冊申請。對已經成功注冊的UP主,O站也會定期進行安全檢查。
Amrapali Gan還在試圖更直接地控制輿情。在她主持下,O站在蘋果應用商店發(fā)布了一個名叫OFTV的APP,O站創(chuàng)作者可以利用它制作照片和視頻上傳到各個社交媒體上。O站還推出一個專門向音樂和時尚內容UP主提供資金的“創(chuàng)意基金”。O站正在將自身重新定義成一個面對普羅大眾的品牌,這樣不僅能更好地保障UP主和訂閱者的利益,同時也有利于該網站最終被大眾市場所接受。Amrapali Gan表示:“至于說O站會變成什么樣子,我真的覺得我們才剛剛開始?!?/p>
Amrapali Gan本人的身份背景在這一轉變中起了至關重要的作用。一談起色情主播,人們很容易覺得怪怪的,或者覺得她們是被剝削了,不過Amrapali Gan非常善于與各種創(chuàng)作者交流。她表示,她自己也在大麻業(yè)等一些容易被污名化的行業(yè)工作過,因此她對可能發(fā)生的情況是做好了充分準備的。
Amrapali Gan是一個非常友好和活躍的人,談到她的小狗時,她顯得十分開心。她有的時候會跟朋友坐在屋頂上喝酒。在社交生活中,她也經常扮演一個聯絡人的角色,有時會召集所有人一起吃午餐。她在Quest Nutrition公司的同事亞歷山德拉·拉克森評價道:“不管什么事你可以去找她,而且你的秘密在她那里是安全的?!?/p>
雖然成人行業(yè)有不少內對Amrapali Gan領導下的O站持謹慎樂觀態(tài)度,但不管怎樣,O站目前正在制定一個新的標準。蓋洛普表示:“在這個領域,我們需要更多的女性企業(yè)家,而她正在開創(chuàng)一個新時代?!?/p>
在疫情期間,“加入我的O站訂閱”已經成了一個熱梗,經常出現在各種熱門帖子的回復下面。Amrapali Gan和她的管理團隊對此顯得很大度,不過他們希望有一天,這句話的含義能夠有所變化,而不僅僅是抖機靈。布萊爾說:“當我們成為人們提供的另一個鏈接,也就時另一個社交媒體平臺時,我們就實現了我們希望達到的那種普及度?!?/p>
In the summer of 2021, Vanniall was adapting to a new reality. At 25, she’d tested positive for HIV. A caseworker and doctor assured her the diagnosis was far from a death sentence. Medicine kept her healthy and symptom-free. Still, she was terrified of losing her career. As a sex worker and porn performer, she worried her HIV-positive status would eliminate her from the running for clients and casting.
Luckily, she had the security of OnlyFans, the U.K.-based subscription platform for content creators that has become the go-to site for the adult content industry. From her East Village, Manhattan, apartment, Vanniall (whom Fortune is identifying by her first name) staged videos and photo shoots for her OnlyFans account on her own terms, without always needing to incorporate another performer. By August 2021, she had been on the platform for almost three years, and OnlyFans earnings accounted for 60% of her income. “It felt like a saving grace for me in that moment,” says Vanniall.
But that month, OnlyFans announced a new policy that she and her industry peers had long feared. The platform was banning the sexually explicit content that helped it earn nearly $1 billion and reach almost 200 million users in 2021, making it one of the U.K.’s fastest-growing tech firms. Founder and then-CEO Tim Stokely blamed financial institutions, including Bank of New York Mellon, JPMorgan Chase, and the U.K.’s Metro Bank, for blocking the platform’s payments to its creators and closing accounts belonging to sex workers or businesses they rely on. “When that happened, I genuinely feared my OnlyFans career would be over too,” Vanniall says.
A week later, Vanniall and her peers got a reprieve: OnlyFans reversed the decision before it went into effect, saying it had “secured assurances necessary to support our diverse creator community.” The episode was brief, but OnlyFans’ flip-flop had cost it the trust of the sex workers whose content fueled its rapid rise. And on the other side of the webcam, the company began a business shake-up. In December 2021, Stokely stepped down as CEO, making way for an unlikely successor: Amrapali “Ami” Gan, the company’s 37-year-old chief marketing and communications officer.
OnlyFans was already a business many outside the adult industry looked at with suspicion, seeing it as a platform that enabled the sexual exploitation of women (and the smaller share of OnlyFans creators who are men). Gan inherited the task of quelling those concerns while at the same time winning back the favor of OnlyFans’ creators of explicit content. Early on, the site had endeared itself to the community by letting adult performers and sex workers showcase their content with more safety and control than outlets like free porn site Pornhub. Even before the payments scare, it lured mainstream creators and celebrities by offering them a direct channel to fans and an 80% cut of revenue—more than most other platforms, notably YouTube. For the sake of OnlyFans’ user growth, Gan had to maintain the site’s friendliness toward creators. But to preserve its access to financial institutions—and perhaps lure future investors—she needed to ensure creators didn’t cross any legal redlines.
To pull off the juggling act, Gan is leaning on her unusual background in communications to rebrand OnlyFans as a site that empowers sex workers but also offers a safe-for-work outlet for creators of all kinds, from personal trainers to chefs.
OnlyFans is cagey about Gan’s progress; it declined multiple requests from Fortune to share its 2022 revenue or break down how much of its content is sexually explicit versus not. The company hasn’t detailed how it resolved banks’ refusal to process payments in 2021, and it won’t disclose which institutions it works with now.
OnlyFans’ ongoing support of adult content suggests Gan is keeping creators and bankers somewhat satisfied. But the current cultural zeitgeist, in which OnlyFans is still shorthand for pay-per-view nudes, indicates Gan has a long way to go before the mainstream business and entertainment communities embrace her company.
Gan was still getting used to the attention heaped on the CEO of a buzzed-about company when we first spoke over Zoom in August. She had been in the job for more than six months, but old habits die hard; she’s a comms person at heart. Ask a question—any question—and she stays on message. OnlyFans is a “creator-first platform.” The site’s about-face on sexually explicit content in 2021 was a “massive learning experience.”
Gan joined OnlyFans in September 2020, when the company was four years old. Stokely, a British entrepreneur, founded OnlyFans in 2016. The subscription-based platform with unusually liberal content policies quickly grew into a go-to site for adult content. Initially OnlyFans was a family business, but the Stokelys in 2018 sold a majority stake in parent Fenix International Limited to Leonid Radvinsky, a Florida-based online pornography baron who got rich on turn-of-the-millennium referral sites that advertised passwords to porn sites. Some of the referral sites featured terms like “preteen” and “bestiality”; there’s no evidence that those sites linked users to actual child pornography. Radvinsky currently owns at least 75% of OnlyFans, according to U.K. government filings. Radvinsky did not respond to an interview request; an OnlyFans spokesperson said that he “isn’t involved in the day-to-day running of the business.”
Gan recently moved to Miami from Los Angeles, but when we speak she’s in London. She’s the first to admit she’s an unlikely CEO. She grew up in Virginia as an only child; her father emigrated from Nagpur, India. Her career has spanned marketing and communications gigs at protein bar brand Quest Nutrition, energy-drink maker Red Bull, and a West Hollywood cannabis café. The typical jobs that prepare an executive for the corner office—operational roles with profit and loss responsibility—don’t appear on her résumé beyond a stint running her own consulting firm. Her rise reflects the new weight companies are placing on communication skills, says Jane Stevenson, global leader for the CEO succession practice at consulting firm Korn Ferry. The pandemic blurred boundaries between work and home, personal and professional, making “the ability to tell the story of the company” more valuable, Stevenson says.
Gan’s unorthodox background shapes how she operates as CEO. Her leadership isn’t hierarchical; she’s as happy to speak with an entry-level staffer as a celebrity considering joining the platform. At major events like Web Summit, a tech conference, or an evening gala, she pairs stage-ready outfits with sneakers. When she wears an OnlyFans beanie into Dishoom, a hip Indian restaurant in London, the host asks if she has an account. She doesn’t clarify that she’s the CEO. Instead she smiles and replies, “Yes, it’s an awesome platform.”
So how did Gan get to the CEO seat? As CMO and CCO, she was involved in parts of the business, like company strategy, that wouldn’t typically fall under her job description. That’s a habit she picked up in earlier career stops. “All roads came back to her,” remembers Mike Curtis, a former colleague from Quest. “She had her hands in every project.”
Gan was close to Stokely; she says they’re still friends, though a company spokesperson declined to make him available for an interview and says he is “no longer involved with the business in any capacity.” (Stokely did not respond to interview requests.)
Colleagues describe Gan as levelheaded in a crisis, a useful trait at a startup that’s faced moments of turmoil since its founding in 2016. “She often stops and says, ‘Let’s just take a beat,’?” says Keily Blair, who worked as OnlyFans’ outside counsel under its prior leadership and now serves as Gan’s chief strategy and operations officer.
The pandemic took OnlyFans from adult industry side project to household name. With in-person sex work and live adult entertainment off the table, more adult performers joined the platform, creating content ranging from light nudity to more explicit pornography. Meanwhile, stuck-at-home users flocked to the site, subscribing directly to their favorite creators. “The word ‘influencer’ shifted to ‘creator,’?” says Gan. “That’s when everyone was able to become a creator and develop a community.”
OnlyFans’ COVID-era growth was impressive; it earned $932 million in revenue in 2021, up 160% from 2020. Of that revenue, $324.7 million was after-tax profit, a 575% leap.
OnlyFans’ income comes from the 20% cut it takes from creators. Just over 2 million creators took in nearly $4 billion in earnings from 188 million users in 2021. The company says that during Gan’s tenure, it hit the milestones of 220 million users and 3 million creators who have earned a total of $10 billion from the platform over the course of its six-year existence.
But as OnlyFans approached the billion-dollar revenue mark in 2021, the institutions handling the company’s cash balked, threatening creators’ livelihoods and thrusting the site into an identity crisis.
It’s hard to run a mainstream, sex-positive, paid platform. Just ask Cindy Gallop, a well-known advocate for destigmatizing the business of sex and the founder of MakeLoveNotPorn, a social sharing platform for sex videos.
She launched her site more than 10 years ago and has kept it operational on $3 million of investor funding. MakeLoveNotPorn is tiny compared with OnlyFans with 1 million users and $3 million in revenue over its lifetime. For such a small site, Gallop has spent an inordinate amount of time on payment processing. About 25% of transactions on MakeLoveNotPorn are declined, she says. After years of rejection by the mainstream players, she resorted to relying on services that charge processing fees as high as 12%, far higher than the payments industry standard of below 3%.
Financial institutions’ opposition to allowing porn-related charges isn’t entirely puritanical, Gallop explains. The firms view such charges as risky—worried a customer will later claim fraud “when the wife asks, ‘What’s this funny charge on our credit card?’?” as Gallop puts it. Another concern is unintentionally supporting the purchase of sexual content that is illegal—because it’s nonconsensual, depicts minors, or is connected to in-person sex work in places that outlaw it. Those fears are grounded in reality: Last year, a woman sued Visa for knowingly facilitating the spread of child pornography. (Visa has said it does not “permit the use of our network for illegal activity.”) To major financial institutions, the risks simply aren’t worth it, says Argus Research analyst Stephen Biggar. Adult industry payments generally account for less than 1% of a firm’s revenue base.
In April 2021, Mastercard made it even harder for adult industry merchants to use its services by requiring that vendors provide extra identity verification and content review. Stokely didn’t blame Mastercard for OnlyFans’ brief plan to ban sexually explicit content, but the timing was conspicuous. OnlyFans unveiled its proposed new rules four months after Mastercard announced its policy.
Instead, Stokely name-checked JPMorgan Chase, the U.K.’s Metro Bank, and the Bank of New York Mellon. The latter “flagged and rejected” every wire payment connected to the company, Stokely told the Financial Times. All three firms declined to comment.
OnlyFans has never officially disclosed how it overcame banks’ reluctance to process payments. But if some banks were the problem, others likely provided the solution. The episode convinced Gallop that OnlyFans had become too big to fail. “When you’re making that much money, it’s gobsmacking who will work with you,” she says. “And they won’t work with the rest of us.”
With her comms hat on, Gan won’t discuss the platform’s banking history. OnlyFans’ chief financial officer Lee Taylor offers only slightly more: “We’re optimizing now instead of solving for pain points, which was maybe the case in previous years,” he says, alluding to past shuttered accounts and blocked transactions. Taylor was hired as the company’s eighth employee in 2019 and serves as one of two directors of the company alongside Radvinsky.
The financial details Gan is eager to discuss are the earnings of OnlyFans creators. Much of the $4 billion creators pocketed in 2021 went to a top tier. Entertainment industry crossovers like rapper Cardi B, actor Bella Thorne, and Kardashian-adjacent reality TV personality Blac Chyna were among the platform’s highest earners in 2021, each making up to eight figures a month, according to outside estimates.
OnlyFans doesn’t promote adult content within the site’s ecosystem; instead creators advertise their profiles on traditional social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to drive fans to their subscription-based pages.
Once they’re on OnlyFans, creators produce content ranging from still photos to videos. They can choose how to share their content: whether it’s free, accessible to subscribers who pay $5 to $50 per month, or available on a pay-per-view basis. Fans can message creators directly and send “tips” with their DMs that bump users’ messages to the top of a creator’s inbox.
Including existing celebrities, about 1,000 creators have earned seven figures on the platform, according to Gan. Kazumi, a 25-year-old former marketer who uses a stage name, began putting more energy into her OnlyFans profile as the pandemic hit. Today, she says, she makes about $300,000 a month as an OnlyFans model and porn performer, placing her in the top 0.01% of OnlyFans earners. She bought a penthouse in Los Angeles. “It’s completely changed my life,” she says. “My boyfriend and I—we’re pretty much good for life.”
Even creators who don’t bring in such eye-popping sums praise the platform. A creator who goes by TNT Annie says that, at 49, OnlyFans gave her a career beyond the exotic dancing she’s done for decades—with the added benefit of providing passive income; fans pay for her content while she’s offline. Because OnlyFans users seek out creators by name and must pay to unlock content—instead of discovering them via algorithm or feed—creators know they’re reaching fans who want their content, which reduces online abuse.
Beyond the world of adult content, the platform is winning over users. Democrat Alexandra Hunt embraced it during her unsuccessful 2022 run for Congress in Pennsylvania after opponents attempted to smear her by highlighting her past work in a strip club. She used OnlyFans as a way to “clap back,” she says, and to build her profile nationally. Lexy Panterra was one of the first musical artists to pivot to OnlyFans after realizing she could pocket more money from OnlyFans subscriptions than from YouTube ad-sharing.
OnlyFans won’t categorize what share of its creators or how much of its revenue comes from adult content. “That puts people in a box,” says Blair. “What happens if on Monday I want to do cooking content, but on Wednesday I want to do sexy content? What does that make me?”
It’s news when a celebrity joins OnlyFans—an easy headline since the platform still carries the stigma that it’s only for sexual content. If the brand can diversify away from porn, a new profile won’t be remarkable. “We’ll have succeeded as a company when it’s clear that you can join OnlyFans for whatever reason and there isn’t an assumption that you’re going to be taking your top off,” says Blair. “But equally—it’s fine if you want to, as long as you’re 18.”
The key to achieving that mission may be OnlyFans’ CEO herself. During Gan’s first year as CEO in 2022, unique visitors to OnlyFans’ site rose 34%, according to Comscore. Gan says her priority is to “clear up misconceptions” about the platform.
Republican lawmakers in the U.S. want the platform investigated for online prostitution. Child safety advocates claim the platform failed to prevent kids from viewing or creating OnlyFans content. A cottage industry of OnlyFans managers who run the pages of performers has raised alarm among those who see the dynamic mimicking the age-old relationship between pimp and sex worker. The December arrest of online misogynist Andrew Tate on human trafficking charges in Romania shone a light on the risk of online porn trafficking, in which victims are forced to film content against their will. (Tate unsuccessfully appealed his detention.) Within OnlyFans’ ecosystem, some creators complain that opaque rules about what is and isn’t allowed on the platform cause unclear bans and suspensions.
The company has taken steps to try to address those concerns. It says human staffers confirm creators’ identities by requiring various government documents and facial photographs. The site rejects about half of new creator applications for failing to meet those standards, Gan says, and it conducts regular safety checks of those that are approved.
“Nothing takes that place of a human eye looking over someone’s ID to make sure that they are who they say they are,” says Gan.
The company also relies on employees—not A.I.—for what it calls “human-led and software-supported” content moderation. Staffers enforce its acceptable-use policy, which bans content like images of firearms or drugs; revenge porn; and material that promotes illegal activity, including sex trafficking and prostitution. In December 2022, that workforce took down 19,000 posts out of a total of 20.5 million.
OnlyFans says 80% of its 1,000 employees work on content moderation and safety. But there may be fewer people dedicated to those missions than before; OnlyFans says it laid off workers in July 2022 but declined to specify how many.
The site’s safeguards keep bots from joining the platform, and the site’s structure doesn’t allow posts to go viral, preventing some of the common challenges that come with scale. OnlyFans doesn’t sell ads and says it doesn’t collect user data.
“It’s demonstrated that you can be a very profitable company and know the identity of others using your services,” says Simon Bailey, an OnlyFans critic turned adviser who works for the U.K.’s Child Rescue Coalition. “So why shouldn’t other companies follow suit?”
Gan is also trying to take more direct control of the narrative. She shepherded the launch of OFTV, an App Store–permitted app that encourages OnlyFans creators to produce safe-for-work content that can be featured on streaming services. OnlyFans’ creative fund awards money to creators in music and fashion. Reframing OnlyFans to the general public does more than secure the creators and subscribers who generate revenue for the platform; it positions the brand to, one day, be accepted by the public markets. “I really feel we’re just at the beginning of what OnlyFans will be,” says Gan.
Gan’s own identity is critical to this pivot. It would be easy to sound creepy or exploitative talking up adult performers, but Gan easily gabs with—and about—creators of all kinds. She says her experience in other vice industries, particularly cannabis, readied her for operating in a stigmatized space.
She invites creators out to dinner to hear their perspectives and exchanges DMs with them from her own OnlyFans profile. “I make so much money, but I go into rooms and people still don’t want to give me opportunities sometimes because of what I do,” says Kazumi. “Woman to woman, it feels like she understands where we come from.”
Gan is a friendly, bubbly presence who lights up when discussing her dog, Foxx, and meets up with friends for espresso martinis on a rooftop. In her own social life, she’s a connector, the one who convenes everyone for brunch. “You can come to her and you know your secrets are safe with her,” says Alexandra Lacson, a friend and former Quest Nutrition colleague.
Others in the adult industry are cautiously optimistic about OnlyFans’ direction under Gan. Whether they like it or not, to those outside their industry, OnlyFans is now setting a standard. “We need more female entrepreneurs in this area,” says Gallop. “She does seem to be ushering in a new era.”
But public perception only goes so far. The company is still majority-owned by Radvinsky, with his ties to the “bestiality” porn sites. Fenix in 2021 paid out $284 million in dividends, mainly to its majority shareholder, according to financial filings.
The pandemic turned “Subscribe to my OnlyFans” into a meme, often posted below a viral tweet. Gan and her executive team are fine with that—but they hope that one day the meaning of the phrase will change, its sexual connotations gone. “When we become just another link that people provide—another social media platform,” says Blair, “that’s when we’ll have achieved that ubiquity we’re aiming for.”
Creators get their cut
OnlyFans has lured creators of all walks—from porn performers to chefs to musicians—with its various means of monetization and a revenue-sharing scheme that’s more generous than most other platforms’. —Alexandra Sternlicht
OnlyFans creators keep 80% of money generated from subscriptions to their pages or direct payments for their content.
The membership platform that’s similar to OnlyFans—but without the sex—pays creators 88% to 95% of subscriber revenue.
YouTube’s top creators have agreements to split video ad revenue with the platform that can pay them between 45% and 55%. The Google-owned site is known as the most lucrative for vloggers, minting the world’s highest-paid creators.
Qualified creators earn 55% of revenue from ads that run on Facebook Live broadcasts and prerecorded videos.
The Meta-owned app hasn’t traditionally offered creators direct compensation. Instead, creators make money with brand deals and by hawking their own products.
The streaming platform known for e-sports pays its top creators 55% of revenue on in-stream ads and 50% of revenue from subscriptions to their channels.
The video giant excited creators in 2021 when it rolled out a fund to pay them based on engagement. But participants reported earnings as low as $1 per month. A new initiative intends to pay creators of the app’s top 4% of videos.