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Will Daniel



2023年3月13日,美國紐約市,上午交易時(shí)段在紐約證券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)工作的交易員。圖片來源:PHOTO BY MICHAEL M. SANTIAGO/GETTY IMAGES

硅谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank)和簽名銀行(Signature Bank)在今年3月早些時(shí)候突然倒閉之后,再加上上周瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)不合時(shí)宜地陷入困境,監(jiān)管部門和商界領(lǐng)袖都在努力向消費(fèi)者保證銀行是安全的。美國聯(lián)邦存款保險(xiǎn)公司(Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.)、美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)(Federal Reserve)和美國財(cái)政部已經(jīng)聯(lián)手宣布,為硅谷銀行和簽名銀行無保險(xiǎn)和有保險(xiǎn)的所有儲(chǔ)戶兜底,因此目前危機(jī)在整個(gè)金融系統(tǒng)“蔓延”的可能性較小。

例如,經(jīng)過美國史上規(guī)模第二大和第三大銀行倒閉案后,美國財(cái)政部的部長珍妮特·耶倫在上周對(duì)參議院金融委員會(huì)(Senate Finance Committee)的立法者表示,美國人可以“相信”存款的安全。據(jù)路透社(Reuters)報(bào)道,花旗集團(tuán)(Citigroup)的首席執(zhí)行官簡(jiǎn)·弗雷澤于3月22日告訴華盛頓特區(qū)經(jīng)濟(jì)俱樂部(Economic Club of Washington D.C.),銀行系統(tǒng)“依舊穩(wěn)健”,大型銀行和區(qū)域銀行“資本充足”,而且“沒有發(fā)生信用危機(jī)”。


然而,利率上漲不僅導(dǎo)致硅谷銀行大量無保險(xiǎn)的儲(chǔ)戶發(fā)生擠兌,還使硅谷銀行產(chǎn)生了大量未實(shí)現(xiàn)損失。紐約大學(xué)(New York University)的研究人員在3月13日發(fā)表的一篇報(bào)告中指出,存在未實(shí)現(xiàn)損失的不止硅谷銀行,2022年年底,美國銀行的未實(shí)現(xiàn)損失達(dá)到1.7萬億美元。菲利普·施納貝爾教授和亞力克西·薩沃夫教授以及賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)(University of Pennsylvania)的伊塔馬爾·德雷克斯勒解釋稱,這些未實(shí)現(xiàn)損失幾乎與這些銀行的2.1萬億美元股權(quán)總額相當(dāng)。


此外,報(bào)告顯示,在美國銀行17萬億美元的存款中,目前接近7萬億美元沒有美國聯(lián)邦存款保險(xiǎn)公司的保險(xiǎn)。研究的作者包括南加州大學(xué)(University of Southern California)的姜雪薇(音譯)、美國西北大學(xué)(Northwestern University)的格雷戈?duì)枴ゑR特沃斯、哥倫比亞大學(xué)(Columbia University)的托馬斯·皮斯科爾斯基和斯坦福大學(xué)(Stanford University)的阿米特·塞魯。他們解釋稱,如果在最近銀行業(yè)的動(dòng)蕩之后,無保險(xiǎn)的儲(chǔ)戶決定取走資金,可能就會(huì)有數(shù)千億美元的存款面臨危險(xiǎn)。



根據(jù)銀行的會(huì)計(jì)方法,銀行持有的資產(chǎn)按購買價(jià)值記入賬目,而不是當(dāng)前的市場(chǎng)價(jià)值,因此銀行的資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表中不會(huì)體現(xiàn)未實(shí)現(xiàn)損失??屏_拉多州立大學(xué)(Colorado State University)的經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)教授、區(qū)域經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展研究所(Regional Economic Development Institute)的聯(lián)席所長斯蒂芬·韋勒指出,當(dāng)銀行面臨擠兌,大量?jī)?chǔ)戶紛紛提款時(shí),銀行不得不出售資產(chǎn),這時(shí)這些損失就會(huì)變成已實(shí)現(xiàn)損失。這就是硅谷銀行的遭遇。儲(chǔ)戶大量要求取款,迫使其不得不出售抵押貸款擔(dān)保證券,稅前損失達(dá)到24億美元。






潘興廣場(chǎng)資本管理公司(Pershing Square Capital Management)的創(chuàng)始人阿克曼在3月22日發(fā)推文稱:“我們的立場(chǎng)已經(jīng)從含蓄地支持儲(chǔ)戶,變成了[耶倫部長]今天明確提出的不考慮任何擔(dān)保。”他說:“如果在短期內(nèi)不發(fā)生存款外流,這才會(huì)讓我意外?!保ㄘ?cái)富中文網(wǎng))



硅谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank)和簽名銀行(Signature Bank)在今年3月早些時(shí)候突然倒閉之后,再加上上周瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)不合時(shí)宜地陷入困境,監(jiān)管部門和商界領(lǐng)袖都在努力向消費(fèi)者保證銀行是安全的。美國聯(lián)邦存款保險(xiǎn)公司(Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.)、美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)(Federal Reserve)和美國財(cái)政部已經(jīng)聯(lián)手宣布,為硅谷銀行和簽名銀行無保險(xiǎn)和有保險(xiǎn)的所有儲(chǔ)戶兜底,因此目前危機(jī)在整個(gè)金融系統(tǒng)“蔓延”的可能性較小。

例如,經(jīng)過美國史上規(guī)模第二大和第三大銀行倒閉案后,美國財(cái)政部的部長珍妮特·耶倫在上周對(duì)參議院金融委員會(huì)(Senate Finance Committee)的立法者表示,美國人可以“相信”存款的安全。據(jù)路透社(Reuters)報(bào)道,花旗集團(tuán)(Citigroup)的首席執(zhí)行官簡(jiǎn)·弗雷澤于3月22日告訴華盛頓特區(qū)經(jīng)濟(jì)俱樂部(Economic Club of Washington D.C.),銀行系統(tǒng)“依舊穩(wěn)健”,大型銀行和區(qū)域銀行“資本充足”,而且“沒有發(fā)生信用危機(jī)”。


然而,利率上漲不僅導(dǎo)致硅谷銀行大量無保險(xiǎn)的儲(chǔ)戶發(fā)生擠兌,還使硅谷銀行產(chǎn)生了大量未實(shí)現(xiàn)損失。紐約大學(xué)(New York University)的研究人員在3月13日發(fā)表的一篇報(bào)告中指出,存在未實(shí)現(xiàn)損失的不止硅谷銀行,2022年年底,美國銀行的未實(shí)現(xiàn)損失達(dá)到1.7萬億美元。菲利普·施納貝爾教授和亞力克西·薩沃夫教授以及賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)(University of Pennsylvania)的伊塔馬爾·德雷克斯勒解釋稱,這些未實(shí)現(xiàn)損失幾乎與這些銀行的2.1萬億美元股權(quán)總額相當(dāng)。


此外,報(bào)告顯示,在美國銀行17萬億美元的存款中,目前接近7萬億美元沒有美國聯(lián)邦存款保險(xiǎn)公司的保險(xiǎn)。研究的作者包括南加州大學(xué)(University of Southern California)的姜雪薇(音譯)、美國西北大學(xué)(Northwestern University)的格雷戈?duì)枴ゑR特沃斯、哥倫比亞大學(xué)(Columbia University)的托馬斯·皮斯科爾斯基和斯坦福大學(xué)(Stanford University)的阿米特·塞魯。他們解釋稱,如果在最近銀行業(yè)的動(dòng)蕩之后,無保險(xiǎn)的儲(chǔ)戶決定取走資金,可能就會(huì)有數(shù)千億美元的存款面臨危險(xiǎn)。



根據(jù)銀行的會(huì)計(jì)方法,銀行持有的資產(chǎn)按購買價(jià)值記入賬目,而不是當(dāng)前的市場(chǎng)價(jià)值,因此銀行的資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表中不會(huì)體現(xiàn)未實(shí)現(xiàn)損失??屏_拉多州立大學(xué)(Colorado State University)的經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)教授、區(qū)域經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展研究所(Regional Economic Development Institute)的聯(lián)席所長斯蒂芬·韋勒指出,當(dāng)銀行面臨擠兌,大量?jī)?chǔ)戶紛紛提款時(shí),銀行不得不出售資產(chǎn),這時(shí)這些損失就會(huì)變成已實(shí)現(xiàn)損失。這就是硅谷銀行的遭遇。儲(chǔ)戶大量要求取款,迫使其不得不出售抵押貸款擔(dān)保證券,稅前損失達(dá)到24億美元。






潘興廣場(chǎng)資本管理公司(Pershing Square Capital Management)的創(chuàng)始人阿克曼在3月22日發(fā)推文稱:“我們的立場(chǎng)已經(jīng)從含蓄地支持儲(chǔ)戶,變成了[耶倫部長]今天明確提出的不考慮任何擔(dān)保?!彼f:“如果在短期內(nèi)不發(fā)生存款外流,這才會(huì)讓我意外?!保ㄘ?cái)富中文網(wǎng))



After the rapid collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank earlier March, along with Credit Suisse’s untimely demise last week, regulators and business leaders have made it a point to publicly assure consumers that banks are safe. The potential for “contagion” throughout the financial system is now slim after the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), Federal Reserve, and Treasury came together to backstop all depositors, both uninsured and insured, at SVB and Signature, they say.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, for example, told lawmakers on the Senate Finance Committee last week after the second- and third-largest bank failures in history that Americans “can feel confident” about the safety of their deposits. And Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser told the Economic Club of Washington D.C. on March 22 that the banking system is “sound,” and both large and regional banks are “well-capitalized,” adding “this is not a credit crisis,” Reuters reported.

When Credit Suisse went under shortly after Silicon Valley Bank, analysts argued that it was a scandal-plagued institution that had racked up billions in losses from high profile issues—including the Archegos hedge fund implosion of 2021—and its clients and depositors merely lost confidence. And they note that Silicon Valley Bank made fatal, and easily avoidable, errors in risk management that aren’t indicative of the health of the overall financial system.

But SVB also suffered from heavy unrealized losses caused by rising interest rates that helped to trigger a bank run from its large base of uninsured depositors. And a new paper by researchers at New York University on March 13 found that they aren’t the only ones with these issues—U.S. banks had unrealized losses of $1.7 trillion at the end of 2022. The losses were nearly equal to banks’ total equity of $2.1 trillion, professors Philip Schnabel and Alexi Savov and the University of Pennsylvania’s Itamar Drechsler explained.

Rising interest rates have slashed the value of the U.S. Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities that make up a large portion of many banks’ assets. In another paper, also from March 13, university researchers found that U.S. banks’ assets have lost 10% of their value over the past year alone.

Additionally, of the $17 trillion in total U.S. bank deposits, nearly $7 trillion are currently not insured by the FDIC, according to that paper. The authors of the study—including University of Southern California’s Erica Xuewei Jiang, Northwestern University’s Gregor Matvos, Columbia University’s Tomasz Piskorski, and Stanford University’s Amit Seru—explained that if half of these uninsured depositors decide to withdraw their funds after the recent bank instability, it could put hundreds of billions of dollars of deposits in jeopardy.

“If uninsured deposit withdrawals cause even small fire sales [of assets], substantially more banks are at risk,” they wrote. “Overall, these calculations suggest that recent declines in bank asset values very significantly increased the fragility of the U.S. banking system.”

No fire without a spark

Unrealized losses aren’t reflected on banks’ balance sheets due to an accounting practice where assets are held on banks’ books at the value at which they are bought, instead of their current market value. And Stephan Weiler, an economics professor at Colorado State University and co-director of the Regional Economic Development Institute, explained that these losses will only be realized by banks if they are forced to sell their holdings amid a bank run where depositors withdraw their funds en masse. That’s what happened with SVB, depositors asked for the money back in droves, forcing the bank to sell its holdings of mortgage-backed securities at a $2.4 billion pre-tax loss.

“As long as people aren’t all coming in at the same time and demanding that their deposits back, you’re okay,” Weiler told Fortune on March 23.

The problem, JPMorgan’s analysts led by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou noted last week, is that $1 trillion in deposits were pulled from the “most vulnerable” U.S. banks after SVB’s collapse.

“So the chances of facing those unrealized losses are going up,” Weiler warned, and that could lead to more bank runs.

As a result of this potential problem for U.S. banks, multiple politicians, including Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and California Rep. Ro Khanna, have argued the Fed should backstop every type of depositor at all banks to prevent further bank runs from the public. And those calls intensified this week after Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on March 22 that she is not considering “blanket insurance” for all U.S. bank deposits, unless “systemic risk” becomes an issue, Reuters reported.

Even the billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman said last week that the FDIC “stop the bleeding” and “explicitly guarantee all deposits now.”

“We have gone from implicit support for depositors to [Secretary Yellen’s] explicit statement today that no guarantee is being considered,” Ackman, who founded Pershing Square Capital Management tweeted on March 22, adding that he “would be surprised if deposit outflows don’t accelerate, effective immediately.”



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