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蒂姆·庫克(Tim Cook)訪問印度,為蘋果公司在孟買開設(shè)的首家旗艦店揭幕。圖片來源:ANSHUMAN POYREKAR—HINDUSTAN TIMES/GETTY IMAGES

上周,蘋果公司首家印度零售店在孟買開業(yè),首席執(zhí)行官蒂姆·庫克參加了開幕儀式。庫克發(fā)推特表示:“孟買的活力、創(chuàng)造力和熱情令人難以置信!我們非常激動能在印度開設(shè)Apple BKC——我們在印度的第一家零售店?!?/p>

孟買的活力、創(chuàng)造力和熱情令人難以置信!我們非常激動能在印度開設(shè)Apple BKC——我們在印度的第一家零售店。


但這還不是全部。在接下來的幾天里,庫克會見了印度總理納倫德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi),以及寶萊塢明星和商界巨頭,并了解了當?shù)匚幕@表明印度在蘋果公司的擴張版圖中越來越重要。

科技市場研究公司Counterpoint Research的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,蘋果公司6%的iPhone在印度生產(chǎn)。與中國(蘋果公司的大部分產(chǎn)品都在中國生產(chǎn))相比,這一數(shù)字顯得微不足道。但這個數(shù)字正在迅速上升。據(jù)估計,印度目前每年生產(chǎn)1300萬部iPhone,而三年前僅為500萬部。隨著印度在消費和生產(chǎn)方面的市場份額不斷增長,蘋果也在密切關(guān)注這一進展。



科技投資公司Deepwater Asset Management的管理合伙人吉恩·蒙斯特(Gene Munster)在接受《財富》雜志采訪時表示:“印度是全球增長潛力最大的地區(qū),蘋果公司進軍印度市場是明智之舉。”



阿克倫大學(University of Akron)商學院副院長德瑪麗婭·慕克吉(Debmalya Mukherjee)在接受《財富》雜志采訪時表示:“隨著時間的推移,西方企業(yè)意識到,它們本來追求的是降低成本,但它們最終留在那里是因為當?shù)刂圃斓漠a(chǎn)品品質(zhì)卓越?!蹦驴思难芯款I(lǐng)域包括全球商業(yè)和印度等新興經(jīng)濟體。


Counterpoint Research高級分析師普拉奇爾·辛格(Prachir Singh)向《財富》雜志表示:“蘋果公司在印度的三家制造合作伙伴——富士康(Foxconn)、緯創(chuàng)(Wistron)以及和碩(Pegatron)——都是生產(chǎn)掛鉤激勵計劃的受益者。該計劃是印度政府旨在促進當?shù)仉娮又圃鞓I(yè)發(fā)展的刺激計劃之一?!?/p>



去年9月,蘋果公司宣布將在印度生產(chǎn)iPhone 14,自2017年以來,蘋果一直在印度組裝一些低端機型iPhone,包括iPhone SE和iPhone 12。摩根大通分析師預計,到2023年,蘋果iPhone 14預計將有5%在印度生產(chǎn),到2025年這一比例將攀升至25%。據(jù)報道,蘋果的主要供應商之一富士康也考慮在印度南部擴張,以增加產(chǎn)能,滿足在印度大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)iPhone的需求。





該品牌的絕大部分產(chǎn)品仍在中國生產(chǎn)。據(jù)《金融時報》報道,截至1月,超過95%的蘋果頂級產(chǎn)品是在中國生產(chǎn)的。而印度巨大的制造業(yè)機會也伴隨著系統(tǒng)性挑戰(zhàn)。政策智庫戰(zhàn)略與國際研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)印度問題主席理查德·羅索(Richard Rossow)表示,其中一些障礙包括無法在各州獲得穩(wěn)定的供應,如電力供應,以及長期懸而未決的勞工改革。








上周,蘋果公司首家印度零售店在孟買開業(yè),首席執(zhí)行官蒂姆·庫克參加了開幕儀式。庫克發(fā)推特表示:“孟買的活力、創(chuàng)造力和熱情令人難以置信!我們非常激動能在印度開設(shè)Apple BKC——我們在印度的第一家零售店?!?/p>

孟買的活力、創(chuàng)造力和熱情令人難以置信!我們非常激動能在印度開設(shè)Apple BKC——我們在印度的第一家零售店。


但這還不是全部。在接下來的幾天里,庫克會見了印度總理納倫德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi),以及寶萊塢明星和商界巨頭,并了解了當?shù)匚幕@表明印度在蘋果公司的擴張版圖中越來越重要。

科技市場研究公司Counterpoint Research的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,蘋果公司6%的iPhone在印度生產(chǎn)。與中國(蘋果公司的大部分產(chǎn)品都在中國生產(chǎn))相比,這一數(shù)字顯得微不足道。但這個數(shù)字正在迅速上升。據(jù)估計,印度目前每年生產(chǎn)1300萬部iPhone,而三年前僅為500萬部。隨著印度在消費和生產(chǎn)方面的市場份額不斷增長,蘋果也在密切關(guān)注這一進展。



科技投資公司Deepwater Asset Management的管理合伙人吉恩·蒙斯特(Gene Munster)在接受《財富》雜志采訪時表示:“印度是全球增長潛力最大的地區(qū),蘋果公司進軍印度市場是明智之舉?!?/p>



阿克倫大學(University of Akron)商學院副院長德瑪麗婭·慕克吉(Debmalya Mukherjee)在接受《財富》雜志采訪時表示:“隨著時間的推移,西方企業(yè)意識到,它們本來追求的是降低成本,但它們最終留在那里是因為當?shù)刂圃斓漠a(chǎn)品品質(zhì)卓越?!蹦驴思难芯款I(lǐng)域包括全球商業(yè)和印度等新興經(jīng)濟體。


Counterpoint Research高級分析師普拉奇爾·辛格(Prachir Singh)向《財富》雜志表示:“蘋果公司在印度的三家制造合作伙伴——富士康(Foxconn)、緯創(chuàng)(Wistron)以及和碩(Pegatron)——都是生產(chǎn)掛鉤激勵計劃的受益者。該計劃是印度政府旨在促進當?shù)仉娮又圃鞓I(yè)發(fā)展的刺激計劃之一。”



去年9月,蘋果公司宣布將在印度生產(chǎn)iPhone 14,自2017年以來,蘋果一直在印度組裝一些低端機型iPhone,包括iPhone SE和iPhone 12。摩根大通分析師預計,到2023年,蘋果iPhone 14預計將有5%在印度生產(chǎn),到2025年這一比例將攀升至25%。據(jù)報道,蘋果的主要供應商之一富士康也考慮在印度南部擴張,以增加產(chǎn)能,滿足在印度大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)iPhone的需求。




該品牌的絕大部分產(chǎn)品仍在中國生產(chǎn)。據(jù)《金融時報》報道,截至1月,超過95%的蘋果頂級產(chǎn)品是在中國生產(chǎn)的。而印度巨大的制造業(yè)機會也伴隨著系統(tǒng)性挑戰(zhàn)。政策智庫戰(zhàn)略與國際研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)印度問題主席理查德·羅索(Richard Rossow)表示,其中一些障礙包括無法在各州獲得穩(wěn)定的供應,如電力供應,以及長期懸而未決的勞工改革。








Apple CEO Tim Cook was in India this week to open the brand’s first flagship stores in the country. “The energy, creativity, and passion in Mumbai is incredible!” Cook tweeted. “We are so excited to open Apple BKC — our first store in India.”

The energy, creativity, and passion in Mumbai is incredible! We are so excited to open Apple BKC — our first store in India. pic.twitter.com/talx2ZQEMl

— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) April 18, 2023

But that wasn’t all. The Apple chief spent the next few days visiting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, meeting Bollywood stars and business magnates, and learning about the local culture—a sign of India’s increasing importance in Apple’s growth story.

India manufactures 6% of the iPhones—a miniscule number in comparison to China, where the bulk of Apple’s products are made, according to tech market research firm Counterpoint Research. But that number is rising rapidly. India is now making an estimated 13 million iPhones annually, compared to 5 million just three years ago. And as the country’s market share in the purchase and production fronts grow, Apple is paying attention.

Beyond its flagship store, Apple is increasingly looking towards India as it tries to reduce its manufacturing reliance on China following COVID-19-related supply chain disruptions and growing geopolitical tensions with Taiwan. During Apple’s first quarter earnings call in February, Cook said he was “very bullish on India,” calling it a “hugely exciting market” and “a major focus” for the company.

Experts say India was the obvious choice for new factories because of its skilled labor force, access to a big smartphone market, and government support for manufacturing. And apart from creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, Apple’s metaphorical spotlight on India is also boosting the country as it tries to position itself as an economic powerhouse.

“India has the greatest growth potential of any other region and that makes sense for Apple to go after,” Gene Munster, managing partner at Deepwater Asset Management, a tech-focused investment firm, told Fortune.

India as a manufacturing hub

India began positioning itself as a destination for international business in the 1990s, following economic liberalization policies, making it the global hub for outsourcing IT services.

“Western companies realized over time that they went for cost but they stayed there for quality,” Debmalya Mukherjee, associate dean at University of Akron’s business school, whose expertise includes global business and emerging economies like India, told Fortune.

At the national level, Modi’s government has been promoting his “Make in India” campaign since 2014, seeking to boost local manufacturing and create jobs. Production Linked Incentive (PLI) programs offer financial benefits to manufacturers in industries like electronics and semiconductors to attract domestic and foreign investments. And some of those policies have worked in Apple’s favor.

“All three manufacturing partners for Apple in India, Foxconn, Wistron, and Pegatron, are awardees of the PLI scheme which has been one of the top government schemes aimed at increasing manufacturing in India,” Prachir Singh, senior analyst at Counterpoint Research, told Fortune.

The pandemic also helped India by supercharging a shift for companies like Apple’s global revenue fell in the last three months of 2022 as a result—the first quarterly decline since 2019. Other production locations in Asia, including Vietnam, stand to benefit from Apple’s diversification from China. But India, the world’s most populous country, offered access to a tremendous middle-income consumer market that had not been directly tapped by Apple yet, and could potentially propel its growth.

“If you’re a tech company, which means that growth needs to be part of your DNA, in order to grow you have to go after big markets,” Munster said. “When you look at the world, the most juicy opportunity is India to drive that growth.”

Last September, Apple announced that it would make iPhone 14 in India, where it had been assembling some of its earlier models since 2017, including the iPhone SE and iPhone 12. In 2023, 5% of Apple’s iPhone 14 are projected to be made in India, climbing to 25% by 2025, according to JPMorgan analysts. One of Apple’s major suppliers, Foxconn, is also reportedly eyeing an expansion in southern India as part of this push.

Apple did not immediately return Fortune’s request for comment.

The smartphone conundrum

Despite India’s growing prominence in Apple’s supply chain, it’s not going to outshine China anytime soon.

China still controls the lion’s share of the brand’s products. As of January, more than 95% of Apple’s top products were manufactured in China, the Financial Times reported. And India’s massive manufacturing opportunity also comes with systemic challenges. Some of the hurdles include steady access to utilities like electricity provided by individual states and long-pending labor reforms, according to Richard Rossow, the India chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a policy think tank.

“You still don’t necessarily see massive waves of the big manufacturing investors flocking to India,” Rossow said.

On the consumer end, Apple products are still considered a luxury item. Brands offering cheaper alternatives including Samsung and Xiaomi capture nearly 40% of India’s smartphone market share compared to Apple’s 4%, according to Counterpoint.

India has also been slow to change its rules to allow companies like Apple to sell their products directly to consumers. Apple’s late retail foray into India was due to regulations that prevented foreign companies from opening single-brand stores in India unless 30% of the raw materials that go into the product were sourced locally. Instead, Apple had to sell its products in India through third parties. But that restriction was eased in 2019, paving way for Apple to finally open a store this week after its initial plan to do so in 2021 was delayed because of COVID-19.

The country’s relatively low rate of smartphone usage compared to some Asian peers suggests that India is ripe with opportunities for the iPhone-maker, particularly among the burgeoning upper middle class segment. Indian customers are opting for trade-in, financing and bundling schemes to purchase Apple’s products as more of them want to be associated with the premium brand, according to Counterpoint.

Apple has already gained an edge against rivals by setting up shop in India—a move that other businesses could also follow and profit from, according to Rossow.

“Either you go there [India], you make a big splash and you start learning how to operate in the market, or you wait till it’s perfect, and at which time you probably missed the bus,” Rossow said.



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