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Will Daniel



2023年9月27日,美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)主席加里·根斯勒出席在國(guó)會(huì)雷伯恩大廈(Rayburn Building)由美國(guó)眾議院金融服務(wù)委員會(huì)(House Financial Services Committee)舉行的 “美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)監(jiān)督”(Oversight of the Securities and Exchange Commission)聽(tīng)證會(huì)。圖片來(lái)源:TOM WILLIAMS/CQ-ROLL CALL, INC VIA GETTY IMAGES

美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)的主席加里·根斯勒經(jīng)常會(huì)惹怒金融界甚至全世界最有權(quán)勢(shì)的一些人。例如,他在加密貨幣圈的不受歡迎已經(jīng)眾所周知,而且他與馬克·安德森等名人在人工智能是否會(huì)引發(fā)市場(chǎng)崩潰方面存在明顯分歧?,F(xiàn)在,他又與做市商Citadel Securities和對(duì)沖基金Citadel的創(chuàng)始人、對(duì)沖基金歷史上最佳年度業(yè)績(jī)的創(chuàng)造者肯·格里芬發(fā)生了爭(zhēng)論。億萬(wàn)富翁格里芬堅(jiān)決反對(duì)根斯勒為全球最大的避風(fēng)港市場(chǎng)——規(guī)模達(dá)數(shù)萬(wàn)億美元的美國(guó)國(guó)債交易,修改相關(guān)規(guī)則。

格里芬認(rèn)為,美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)的一些新規(guī)最終可能浪費(fèi)納稅人數(shù)百億美元,同時(shí)提高企業(yè)的借款成本。他于11月5日對(duì)《金融時(shí)報(bào)》表示:“美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)在自找麻煩。”對(duì)沖基金經(jīng)理格里芬在發(fā)表這番言論之前,曾經(jīng)于今年10月末在紐約召開(kāi)的羅賓漢投資者大會(huì)(Robin Hood Investors Conference)上譴責(zé)根斯勒。他形容美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)主席的監(jiān)管措施“讓我完全無(wú)法理解”。








Citadel并非唯一一家開(kāi)展國(guó)債基差交易的對(duì)沖基金,其他的主要市場(chǎng)參與者包括Millennium Management、ExodusPoint Capital Management、Capula Investment Management和Rokos Capital Management。格里芬認(rèn)為,如果美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)執(zhí)行新規(guī),導(dǎo)致最受對(duì)沖基金歡迎的這類交易的借款成本提高,這可能就會(huì)引發(fā)輕度的信用緊縮。




不止是根斯勒和國(guó)際清算銀行擔(dān)心美國(guó)國(guó)債市場(chǎng)。過(guò)去兩年,美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)、美國(guó)財(cái)政部、美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)、紐約聯(lián)邦儲(chǔ)備銀行和美國(guó)商品期貨交易委員會(huì)一直在合作修改規(guī)則,希望“提高美國(guó)國(guó)債市場(chǎng)的韌性”。機(jī)構(gòu)間工作組(Inter-Agency Working Group)在11月6日的報(bào)告里更新了他們迄今為止已經(jīng)執(zhí)行的措施,以及計(jì)劃執(zhí)行的措施。








2023年9月27日,美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)主席加里·根斯勒出席在國(guó)會(huì)雷伯恩大廈(Rayburn Building)由美國(guó)眾議院金融服務(wù)委員會(huì)(House Financial Services Committee)舉行的 “美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)監(jiān)督”(Oversight of the Securities and Exchange Commission)聽(tīng)證會(huì)。

美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)的主席加里·根斯勒經(jīng)常會(huì)惹怒金融界甚至全世界最有權(quán)勢(shì)的一些人。例如,他在加密貨幣圈的不受歡迎已經(jīng)眾所周知,而且他與馬克·安德森等名人在人工智能是否會(huì)引發(fā)市場(chǎng)崩潰方面存在明顯分歧?,F(xiàn)在,他又與做市商Citadel Securities和對(duì)沖基金Citadel的創(chuàng)始人、對(duì)沖基金歷史上最佳年度業(yè)績(jī)的創(chuàng)造者肯·格里芬發(fā)生了爭(zhēng)論。億萬(wàn)富翁格里芬堅(jiān)決反對(duì)根斯勒為全球最大的避風(fēng)港市場(chǎng)——規(guī)模達(dá)數(shù)萬(wàn)億美元的美國(guó)國(guó)債交易,修改相關(guān)規(guī)則。

格里芬認(rèn)為,美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)的一些新規(guī)最終可能浪費(fèi)納稅人數(shù)百億美元,同時(shí)提高企業(yè)的借款成本。他于11月5日對(duì)《金融時(shí)報(bào)》表示:“美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)在自找麻煩?!睂?duì)沖基金經(jīng)理格里芬在發(fā)表這番言論之前,曾經(jīng)于今年10月末在紐約召開(kāi)的羅賓漢投資者大會(huì)(Robin Hood Investors Conference)上譴責(zé)根斯勒。他形容美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)主席的監(jiān)管措施“讓我完全無(wú)法理解”。








Citadel并非唯一一家開(kāi)展國(guó)債基差交易的對(duì)沖基金,其他的主要市場(chǎng)參與者包括Millennium Management、ExodusPoint Capital Management、Capula Investment Management和Rokos Capital Management。格里芬認(rèn)為,如果美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)執(zhí)行新規(guī),導(dǎo)致最受對(duì)沖基金歡迎的這類交易的借款成本提高,這可能就會(huì)引發(fā)輕度的信用緊縮。




不止是根斯勒和國(guó)際清算銀行擔(dān)心美國(guó)國(guó)債市場(chǎng)。過(guò)去兩年,美國(guó)證券交易委員會(huì)、美國(guó)財(cái)政部、美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)、紐約聯(lián)邦儲(chǔ)備銀行和美國(guó)商品期貨交易委員會(huì)一直在合作修改規(guī)則,希望“提高美國(guó)國(guó)債市場(chǎng)的韌性”。機(jī)構(gòu)間工作組(Inter-Agency Working Group)在11月6日的報(bào)告里更新了他們迄今為止已經(jīng)執(zhí)行的措施,以及計(jì)劃執(zhí)行的措施。








Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler is used to ruffling the feathers of some of the most powerful men in finance, if not the planet. There’s his well-reported unpopularity with the crypto crowd, for one, and there’s noted disagreements with figures such as Marc Andreessen over whether AI could cause a market crash. But now he’s locking horns with Ken Griffin, the founder of market-maker Citadel Securities, the hedge fund Citadel, and the owner of the best annual performances in hedge fund history. The billionaire has adamantly opposed rule changes proposed by Gensler for the world’s greatest safe haven market: the multitrillion-dollar trading of Treasurys.

Griffin believes some of the SEC’s new rules could end up costing taxpayers tens of billions of dollars while raising borrowing costs for businesses. “The SEC is searching for a problem,” he told the Financial Times on November 5. The comments follow the hedge funder’s rebuke of Gensler at the Robin Hood Investors Conference in New York in late October, where he described the SEC chair’s regulatory efforts as “utterly beyond me.”

Of course, if the SEC gets its way, it would also be a serious issue for one of Citadel’s most profitable plays, the so-called Treasury basis trade.

The shadowy, extremely profitable trade that can go very wrong

The crux of the argument between Gensler and Griffin has to do with hedge funds’ tactic of shorting Treasury futures and then buying the corresponding Treasury bond in order to profit from the small difference (called the spread) between the two using some serious leverage. This is called the Treasury basis trade.

The problem is that when the spread in this trade widens during times of economic stress, like it did in March 2020 due to COVID-19 as investors rushed to get cash by liquidating Treasuries, the cost of borrowing for hedge funds using the basis trade goes up. This forces many to exit their positions, which leads to a further increase in spreads and a negative feedback loop that can cause serious liquidity problems in the Treasury market.

Given these risks, Gensler is worried about the size of the basis trade and the leverage used by hedge funds to execute it—and so is the International Bank for Settlements. The international institution that facilitates transactions between central banks warned in a September report that the “current build-up of leveraged short positions in U.S. Treasury futures is a financial vulnerability worth monitoring because of the margin spirals it could potentially trigger.”

Griffin argues that the Treasury basis trade actually works to keep spreads low, enabling the Federal government to issue new debt at a lower cost. That’s because when hedge funds buy Treasuries to pair with their short positions in the basis trade, it puts downward pressure on spreads and yields.

Griffin told the Robin Hood Investors Conference in October that the SEC is “consumed with this theory of systemic risk from this trade,” but the reality is taxpayers save “billions of dollars a year by allowing this trade to exist.”

Citadel isn’t the only user of the Treasury basis trade; other major players in the market include Millennium Management, ExodusPoint Capital Management, Capula Investment Management, and Rokos Capital Management. And Griffin believes that if the SEC implements new rules that increase borrowing costs for these hedge funds’ favorite trade, it could cause a minor credit crunch.

Leveraged Treasury futures contracts enable hedge funds to gain exposure to the Treasury market without putting down as much initial capital. That leaves them with more cash to invest or loan out elsewhere.

“If the SEC recklessly impairs the basis trade, it would crowd out funding for corporate America, raising the cost of capital to build a new factory or hire more employees,” Griffin told the Financial Times.

Wider fears beyond Gensler

Still, it’s not just Gensler and the BIS who are worried about the Treasury market. The SEC, Treasury Department, Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Commodity Futures Trading Commission have all been working together over the past two years to implement rule changes that are supposed to “enhance the resilience of the U.S. Treasury market.” The Inter-Agency Working Group gave an update on the measures they’ve implemented so far, as well as those they plan to implement, in a report on November 6.

In his November 7 speech at the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, SEC Chair Gensler detailed some of his thoughts on how the Inter-Agency Working Group could improve the “efficiency and resiliency” of the Treasury markets, including his views on four specific reform initiatives: the registration of dealers, the registration of trading Platforms, central clearing, and data collection.

Two out of the four initiatives Gensler discussed are likely to get Griffin up in arms. First, is a rule that the SEC finalized in May which requires hedge funds and private equity funds to make current reports on key trades in the Treasury market to the SEC. The goal is to make the market more transparent, but hedge funds have pushed back due to the expected costs of the reports and the already laborious standards in the bond market that require mountains of paperwork to be submitted to regulators.

Second, Gensler wants to make hedge funds that operate in the Treasury market register as broker-dealers in order to increase the regulatory oversight they face. But Griffin said that regulators should be looking into the banks that loan money to hedge funds to facilitate the Treasury basis trade instead of hedge funds themselves, arguing it would be “a much more cost-effective way to address any concerns that the SEC or other regulators in this space might have.”

“If regulators are really worried about the size of the basis trade, they can ask banks to conduct stress tests to see if they have enough collateral from their counterparties,” he told the Financial Times on November 5.

Despite the criticism from Griffin, Gensler was defiant in his November 7 speech. “We can’t stop our focus on reforms to bring greater efficiency and resiliency to the highly consequential Treasury markets,” he said.



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