


Adam Lashinsky 2011-03-04

????我妻子請求今天搭乘飛機時能帶上我的iPad,為的是飛行途中我們的女兒能有點兒事干。我在蘋果iPad 2發(fā)布會現(xiàn)場給她發(fā)短信說:“我想你剛剛得到了一臺iPad?!逼鋵嵨铱梢员磉_得更簡練些:“歸你了。我會去買臺新的?!?/p>





????*蘋果電視(Apple TV)也在慢慢擺脫早先的歸類,不再僅僅是 “業(yè)余愛好”而已。用蘋果電視將iPad2連到電視機上,簡直易如反掌。由于iPad受到普遍歡迎,多家廠商(數(shù)字視頻播放器企業(yè)Roku和谷歌就是其中兩家)正在競相角逐的外圍應用比以往任何時候都更可能成為現(xiàn)實。


????My wife pleaded to take my iPad with her on a flight today, the better to occupy our daughter while airborne. I texted her from Apple's event to announce the iPad 2: "I think you just got yourself an iPad." I might more succinctly messaged: "Keep it. I'm getting a new one."

????By now the Apple event has been tweeted, live-blogged and commented upon ad nauseum. So here are a few higher-level takeaways, behind the fact that the growing legion Mac fanatics will be waiting to buy (or already are pre-ordering) their thinner, lighter, cooler iPad 2s on March 11.

????* Steve Jobs is alive and apparently as well as he has been for months. He looked perhaps a little thinner than in October, and his voice faltered at times. But for all the people who thought they wouldn't see Jobs in public again after his announcement in January of a third medical leave, they were wrong.

????* You can tell the tropes Jobs thinks are important by how often he repeats them. "Post-PC world" was that trope today. Though I'm writing this post on a PC with a keyboard, it's easy to see where Apple is leading. Just seeing how an Apple executive turned his iPad 2 into a piano using Apple's GarageBand for the iPad proved the point. You can see how little by little the iPad is doing everything a Mac can do.

????* Apple takes the competition seriously. He repeatedly slammed Samsung and Motorola and Google, sometimes by name, sometimes by obvious inference. There's no doubt Apple is out front on tablets. Way out front. There's also no question Apple is paying attention. It still thinks like an underdog. Even if it isnt' anymore.

????* Apple TV is inching away from the hobby category. Apple unveiled a super easy way to connect an iPad 2 to a TV using Apple TV. With the ubiquity of iPads, this fringe application that numerous players are chasing (Roku and Google to name two), is ever closer to becoming a reality.

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