


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011-04-15



????日前,關于谷歌(Google)的新書《迷霧重重》(In the Plex)上架。在這本引人入勝的書中,批露了谷歌眾多內(nèi)幕隱情,其中一則內(nèi)幕消息就是,當谷歌創(chuàng)始人拉里?佩奇和謝爾蓋?布林被迫聘用首席執(zhí)行官時,史蒂夫?喬布斯曾是他們的首選。

????作者史蒂芬?列維此前還撰寫了《瘋狂地卓越》(Insanely Great)和《完美之物》(The Perfect Thing)兩部作品,分別記錄了Mac電腦和iPod問世的點點滴滴。然而,關于蘋果(Apple)和谷歌之間的關系,史蒂芬?列維在其新書中做了非常深入詳實的描述,這里介紹幾處精彩篇章:

????? 初期:“兩家公司開始了可能產(chǎn)生輝煌業(yè)績,甚至帶來整個行業(yè)變革的合作。當時,經(jīng)驗豐富的喬布斯向兩位“聰明”的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)新秀貢獻了其專業(yè)知識和智慧,而兩家公司將聯(lián)手把微軟(Microsoft)拉下馬?!?/p>

????? 埃里克?施密特加入蘋果董事會:“蘋果和谷歌有太多交集,儼然就像一家公司。施密特戲稱:‘如果兩家公司合并,我們就取名蘋谷(AppleGoo),但我們不用正式合并,就勝似合并’?!?/p>

????? Android的操作系統(tǒng)越來越像iPhone:“一段時間之后,喬布斯開始意識到,谷歌正逐漸成為一個競爭對手……到2008年,兩家公司的發(fā)展軌跡,至少在手機業(yè)務領域,更多的是無可避免的碰撞與沖突,而非合并?!?/p>

????? 谷歌瀏覽器Chrome:“據(jù)內(nèi)部人士透露,數(shù)月間,喬布斯就斷定自己是謊言的受害者。谷歌不顧對蘋果的影響,為實現(xiàn)自身愿景,毅然推出谷歌瀏覽器,由此拉響了第一聲警報?!?/p>

????? Android:“更為糟糕的是,Android操作系統(tǒng)開始向市場滲透。隨著喬布斯逐漸察覺到曾被自己視為良性競爭對手的,實際上恰恰是iPhone的成熟替代品,喬布斯越發(fā)感到難過……在大家眼里,喬布斯為自己從商及看人的敏銳眼光感到自豪,因此他不愿意承認,特別是打心眼里不愿相信,他曾經(jīng)一直試圖指導的那兩個年輕人最后背叛了自己。”

????? 喬布斯訪問谷歌總部Googleplex:“2008年夏天,喬布斯親赴山景城,評判谷歌欺騙行為對其業(yè)務的危害程度。據(jù)報道稱,當時他非常惱怒。他覺得谷歌不僅耍了他,還因此竊取了蘋果的知識產(chǎn)權。”

????欲知更多驚人內(nèi)幕,全書內(nèi)容為你詳細披露。印刷精裝本由西蒙與舒斯特公司(Simon & Schuster)出版,每本售價26美元;另外,亞馬遜(Amazon)Kindle和蘋果iBookstore提供新書電子版,每本售價12.99美元。



????One of the first details to leak out of In the Plex -- the new page-turner about Google released Tuesday -- was that when Larry Page and Sergey Brin were pressed to hire a CEO, Steve Jobs was their first choice.

????But Steven Levy -- who had previously chronicled the creation of the Mac (Insanely Great) and the iPod (The Perfect Thing) -- has lots more to say about the relationship of Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOG) in his latest book. Among the highlights:

????? Early days: "The two firms embarked on a potentially glorious, industry-changing alliance in which the veteran Jobs would lend expertise and wisdom to the smarty-pants Internet kids and the two firms together would take down Microsoft."

????? Eric Schmidt joins Apple's board: "There was so much overlap that it was almost as if Apple and Google were a single company. .. 'If we merge the companies we can call it AppleGoo," Schmidt joked. 'But we can merge without merging.'"

????? Android's OS becomes more iPhone like: "It took a while for Jobs to understand that Google was becoming a competitor... By 2008, however, the trajectories of the two companies, at least with respect to phones, was less a merger than an impending collision."

????? Chrome: "Insiders say that over a period of months, Jobs concluded that he was the victim of deceit. The first alarming sign of Google pursuing its vision regardless of its effect on Apple was the Chrome browser."

????? Android: "Android, though, was much worse. As he learned more about how the benign competitor he had envisioned was actually a full-blown alternative to the iPhone, Jobs became increasingly upset. ... From all accounts, Jobs prided himself as a canny observer, not only of business but also of human character, and he did not want to admit -- especially to himself -- that he had been betrayed by the two young men he had been attempting to mentor."

????? Jobs visits the Googleplex: "In the summer of 2008, Jobs ventured to Mountain View to personally judge the extent of the violation. He was reportedly furious. Not only did he believe that Google had performed a bait and switch on him... but he also felt Google had stolen Apple's intellectual property to do so."

????There's more where that came from. The book is available in hardback from Simon & Schuster ($26) and in a digital version on Amazon's (AMZN) Kindle and Apple's iBookstore ($12.99).

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