????? 近日,戴爾公司(Dell)首席執(zhí)行官邁克爾?戴爾接受了《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)的采訪。采訪中,戴爾回顧了26年來,他在大學(xué)寢室里與羅杰斯共同創(chuàng)建的這家公司所走過的歷程。采訪中涉及的話題包括:平板電腦的迅速流行,如何令其驚嘆不已;搭載Android操作系統(tǒng)的平板電腦的市場份額最終將超越iPad;預(yù)測公司業(yè)務(wù)增長的主要來源(即:投資、收購以及合作伙伴關(guān)系)。(《華爾街日報》) ????? 奈飛公司(Netflix)今年第一財季已于本周一結(jié)束。分析師預(yù)測,該公司有望超越康卡斯特(Comcast)和天狼星衛(wèi)星廣播(Sirius XM Radio),而成為美國訂閱量最大的娛樂企業(yè)。[《好萊塢記者》(Hollywood Reporter)] ????? 邁克爾?阿靈頓在TechCrunch上撰文,對我們身處技術(shù)“泡沫”(沒錯,泡沫!)時代的原因進(jìn)行了分析,觀點頗為令人信服。(TechCrunch) ????? IT產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)開支細(xì)分(《華爾街日報》) ????? 你眼下正在尋求IT職位?那你真的可以考慮到初創(chuàng)公司任職。盡管美國失業(yè)率仍徘徊在9.2%居高不下,但83%的美國初創(chuàng)公司已計劃于2011年招兵買馬。(Mashable) ????? 計算機音樂之父麥克斯?馬修斯上周因肺炎辭世。1957年,他創(chuàng)建了“音樂”(Music)程序。IBM的704大型機用之彈奏了17秒種的音樂。此舉堪稱人類首次在計算機上對聲音進(jìn)行數(shù)字化、存儲以及檢索。馬修斯享年84歲。[《紐約時報》(New York Times)] ????? 亞馬遜(Amazon)EC2云服務(wù)崩潰的七大教訓(xùn)。[ZDNet/軟件作為服務(wù)(SaaS)] ????? 盡管業(yè)界有人猜測,Twitter會將總部遷出舊金山,但該公司不會這么做。這主要是因為如果該公司搬到舊金山的中央市場街和田德隆區(qū)等地區(qū)的話(事情終將如此),那么未來6年,它就能獲得減免1.5%的工資稅。[洛杉磯時報(Los Angeles Times)] ????? 為何上周iPhone的“位置門”(LocationGate)鬧劇并不像有些人所想象的那樣,能成為什么重大事件。[蘋果崇拜組織(Cult of Mac)援引《計算機世界》(ComputerWorld)] ????? 聯(lián)想公司計劃推出時尚的新型10.1英寸的ThinkPad平板電腦。該產(chǎn)品將搭載Android 3.0操作系統(tǒng);觸摸屏分辨率為1,280 x 800;具備手寫輸入功能,用于“畫草圖和記筆記”;采用雙核Nvidia Tegra 2處理器。預(yù)計該產(chǎn)品最遲將于9月上市。[This Is My Next] ????譯者:大海 |
????? Dell CEO Michael Dell sat down with The Wall Street Journal to reflect upon the path his company has taken since he co-founded it in his dorm room some 26 years ago. Among the areas discussed: how the tablet's meteoric success surprised him, why Android tablets will pass the iPad in market share, where he sees the most company growth coming from (hint: investments, acquisitions, and partnerships). (Wall Street Journal) ????? Analysts predict Netflix's latest quarterly earnings, due out today, could make it the largest subscription entertainment business in the U.S., passing Comcast and Sirius XM Radio. (Hollywood Reporter) ????? Over at TechCrunch, Michael Arrington penned a pretty convincing argument about why we're in the midst of a tech "blubble." (Yes, blubble!) (TechCrunch) ????? A breakdown of IT product and services spending. (Wall Street Journal) ????? Looking for a tech job? Seriously consider applying to start-ups. Despite U.S. unemployment hovering around 9.2%, 83% of U.S. start-ups plan to hire in 2011. (Mashable) ????? Max Mathews, aka the father of computer music, passed away last week from pneumonia. In 1957, he created the Music program, which allowed an IBM 704 mainframe computer to play a 17-second music composition. It was the first time ever sound was digitized, stored, and retrieved on a computer. Mathews was 84. (New York Times) ????? Seven lessons to learn from Amazon's EC2 cloud service outage. (ZDNet/Software as Services) ????? Despite speculation that Twitter would relocate its headquarters somewhere outside of San Francisco, it's sticking around. A lot of that's due to the passing of a payroll tax exemption that basically lets Twitter off the hook from a 1.5% payroll tax for the next six years, provided it moves to the city's Central Market Street and Tenderloin areas (which it will). (Los Angeles Times) ????? Why last week's iPhone "LocationGate" brouhaha isn't the big deal some think it is. (ComputerWorld via Cult of Mac) ????? Lenovo is planning a snazzy new 10.1-inch Android 3.0-based ThinkPad tablet with 1,280 x 800 touchscreen, a pen option for "sketching and note taking," and a dual-core Nvidia Tegra 2 processor. Expect this baby to hit by September at latest. (This is my next) |
