


JP Mangalindan 2011-05-27

????隨著移動商務(wù)的興起,谷歌(Google)、Square、據(jù)說還有蘋果(Apple)等公司開始將賭注壓在移動支付上。通過采用這種支付技術(shù),用戶手中的智能手機儼然成了信用交易設(shè)備。據(jù)報道,杰克?多爾西的初創(chuàng)公司Square不僅發(fā)售了50萬張讀卡器,而且每天可處理300萬美元的移動付款業(yè)務(wù)。本周一,該公司發(fā)布了一款iPad應(yīng)用程序。該應(yīng)用可取代現(xiàn)金自動計數(shù)器,通過它,客戶用自己的Android或iOS設(shè)備即可為產(chǎn)品付賬。但是,多爾西并未提及這款應(yīng)用是否具備任何近場通訊(Near Field Communications)功能,以致網(wǎng)絡(luò)博客作者們心里直犯嘀咕。同時,據(jù)報道,本周四,谷歌會發(fā)布消息,介紹其與斯普林特公司(Sprint)合作開發(fā)近場通訊技術(shù)的一些新進展。

????周三, TechCrunch Disrupt大會在紐約市舉行。會上,TrialPay公司首席執(zhí)行官兼聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人阿萊克斯?藍貝爾、谷歌商業(yè)與支付部門的斯坦芬尼?蒂蘭尼厄斯、變形合作伙伴公司(Metamorphic Partners)的路易斯?戈什也都紛紛登臺亮相,就移動商務(wù)的未來,特別是近場通訊技術(shù)發(fā)表演講。雖然目前仍欠成熟,但近場通訊作為支付方式前景不可估量。在這種支付方式下,你的手機就相當(dāng)于信用卡,但又不同于現(xiàn)有的Square的產(chǎn)品,無需任何硬件插件。






????As mobile commerce emerges, companies like Google (GOOG), Square, and reportedly Apple (AAPL) are placing their bets on some form of mobile payment where the users' smartphone becomes a credit transactional device. On Monday, Jack Dorsey's startup Square, which reported the shipment of 500,000 Square card readers and processing of $3 million in mobile payments a day, announced an iPad app that replaces cash registers and lets customers pay for products with their Android or iOS devices. But Dorsey left bloggers hanging when he didn't announce any Near Field Communications capabilities. Meanwhile tomorrow, Google will reportedly make an announcement of its own regarding new advancements in NFC with Sprint (S).

????Today, at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in New York City, Alex Rampell, CEO and co-founder of TrialPay, Stephanie Tilenius of Google Commerce and Payments, and Lewis Gersh from Metamorphic Partners weighed in on the future of mobile commerce, particularly NFC, a promising, if still immature payment method where your phone acts as the credit card without the need for a hardware add-on as say, Square does.

????"We're making a big bet on it as a company," Tilenius of Google said. "There is a lot of potential there.Ten years from now we'll all acccept this as a reality." As an example, she referenced an NFC trial with Starbucks (SBUX) that nabbed some 3 million users. She also sees NFC making every day life easier: walk into a Gap (GAP) store, and if they don't have your size jeans, you can have your NFC scanned and have that size sent to you.

????Another benefit may be real-time, or near real-time feedback, from NFC-enabled coupons. If a customer uses a coupon, Rampell says it may take up to two weeks for merchants to receive feedback as to how well the coupons performed; with NFC, feedback can be instantaneous. Not only will merchants know sooner, but they can also adjust the coupon on-the-fly to achieve better sales and results.

????Gersh, while also extremely hopeful, struck a cautionary note.

????"NFC is coming. It's a wave," he said. "But there are a lot of hitches in use cases. People can get a discount from an ad. That's much more simple. But when NFC is in an environment where where 2 seconds make or break the transaction at the merchant level, there are still issues that need to be overcome." In other words, while NFC sounds like the future of mobile payments, and probably is the future of mobile payments, don't throw out your credit cards just yet.

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