


JP Mangalindan 2011-06-13

????上周一,史蒂夫?喬布斯(Steve Jobs)掀開了iCloud的面紗。許多人為此歡呼雀躍。




????休斯頓還以自己的母親為例說(shuō)明問(wèn)題。她擁有一臺(tái)搭載Windows 操作系統(tǒng)的上網(wǎng)本,還有一臺(tái)Android設(shè)備。對(duì)于她這類與蘋果封閉式操作系統(tǒng)絕緣的人來(lái)說(shuō),iCloud根本不會(huì)產(chǎn)生什么影響。此外,休斯頓認(rèn)為,由于iCloud剛剛問(wèn)世,用戶多大程度上能得心應(yīng)手地管理并同步其iCloud數(shù)據(jù),仍然是個(gè)未知數(shù)。用戶能否熟練使用不同的蘋果用戶賬戶與其他人共享自己收藏的音樂?用戶能否在編輯Word文檔的同時(shí),與Dropbox或者谷歌文檔(Google Docs)的用戶共享該文件?


????Box.net是家面向企業(yè)用戶的內(nèi)容管理服務(wù)提供商。其首席執(zhí)行官兼聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人亞倫?萊維對(duì)蘋果進(jìn)入云服務(wù)領(lǐng)域一事欣然接受。他也贊同休斯頓的觀點(diǎn),認(rèn)為iCloud并不會(huì)擠垮Box.net等第三方云內(nèi)容提供商。[這家初創(chuàng)公司最近剛剛在一輪融資中從風(fēng)險(xiǎn)資本機(jī)構(gòu)安德森?霍洛維茨基金(Andreessen Horowitz)等投資者手中融到了4,800萬(wàn)美元。]






????When Steve Jobs took the wraps off iCloud earlier this week, many cheered.

????Apple was finally charging into the cloud space with a service that could stand up to recent offerings from Google (GOOG) and Amazon (AMZN), providing storage of music, photos, videos, apps and other documents with quick and easy access via any Apple device.

????On the flip side, the announcement left some wondering whether iCloud threatens current third-party offerings, particularly popular cloud-based storage and file-syncing services that offer similar features.

????"Where's the fight?" says Drew Houston, CEO and co-founder of Dropbox, the popular file-syncing service that whizzed past the 25 million user milestone last April. "Steve Jobs is building this for the Apple (AAPL) world, but we're building this for everyone. It's really apples and oranges."

????Houston brings up the example of his mom, who owns a Windows netbook and Android device. For people like her, who are outside Apple's closed ecosystem, iCloud won't cut it. And because iCloud is still in its infancy, Houston feels there are still questions surrounding how thoroughly users will be able to manage and sync up their iCloud data. Can you share your music with others with different Apple user IDs? Can you share a Word doc with another user a la Dropbox or Google Docs and work on the same file simultaneously?

????"Dropbox works well across various platforms," Houston says. "Everyone will demand the same of Apple, and I just don't think they're going to get that."

????Aaron Levie, CEO and co-founder of Box.net, the enterprise-focused content management service, welcomes Apple to the space but echoes Houston, saying that iCloud won't crush third-party operators like his own. (Most recently, the startup raised $48 million during a funding round that included investors like venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz.)

????"Steve Jobs is really selling this as a way to synchronize all the things that you're buying from him, and enterprises aren't really worried about that," he says.

????If iCloud works as advertised, it'll be a boon for a good chunk of Apple device owners, but others may run up against the walls of Apple's so-called "walled garden" and quickly come to resent them.

????Levie argues that many consumers and businesses don't think about buying the full vertical solution from a single company: meaning, many don't just go to, say, Microsoft (MSFT) exclusively to buy everything from their desktop, operating system, and peripherals like printers.

????"The advantage for any startup in this space is that this is not an Apple-owned world, a Microsoft-owned world, or a Google-owned world," he says. "You want software and solutions that sit in between the various technologies that you're using, and I think that's a boon for any of the consumer players. It's absolutely a strategic advantage for all of the enterprise players, and we think it's really the winning strategy in this space: to be open, to be connected, to be agnostic."

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