


Michal Lev-Ram 2011-06-16

????購買思科系統(tǒng)(Cisco Systems)的高端視頻會議解決方案——思科網(wǎng)真(Telepresence)的似乎都是財力雄厚的公司,如商務(wù)軟件公司SAP(SAP AG)和美國銀行(Bank of America)等。為什么這樣說呢?因為,單單在一個房間內(nèi)實現(xiàn)思科網(wǎng)真所需要安裝的屏幕、攝像機、基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施、燈光和家具就要耗資300,000美元左右。


????思科也不甘示弱。作為回應(yīng),周二上午,思科發(fā)布了一系列與其網(wǎng)真相關(guān)的產(chǎn)品,其中包括“思科網(wǎng)真遍天下”(Telepresence Everywhere)終端,這款新產(chǎn)品支持客戶更輕松地在多個房間實現(xiàn)遠程呈現(xiàn)。



????思科發(fā)言人麥庫洛奇表示, Vidyo“自然樂于把它的產(chǎn)品與思科最高端的旗艦產(chǎn)品進行比較(以突出其價格優(yōu)勢)?!彼伎凭W(wǎng)真確實昂貴,但是思科表示它同時也提供最低價格在300美元左右的視頻會議臺式機解決方案【2009年收購騰博公司(Tandberg)的成果】。而且,思科可能會在近期繼續(xù)推出價格更低、更靈活的思科網(wǎng)真。舍得花300,000美元安裝視頻會議系統(tǒng)的公司畢竟數(shù)量有限。




????Buyers of Cisco Systems' (CSCO) high-end videoconferencing solution, TelePresence, tend to be deep-pocketed enterprises like SAP (SAP AG) and Bank of America (BANK). Why? It costs about $300,000 to set up the screens, cameras, infrastructure, lights and furniture necessary to TelePresence-enable just one room.

????So it's no surprise that smaller players--like newcomer Vidyo--are trying to undercut Cisco. Last week the New Jersey-based startup introduced a lower-cost telepresence solution for the masses called VidyoPanorama. According to the company, VidyoPanorama will support as many as 20 screens at a time (meaning employees from 20 different locations can participate in a simultaneous video conference) for as little as 10% of the cost of current telepresence systems like Cisco's.

????Not to be outdone, Cisco responded on Tuesday morning with a flurry of telepresence-related announcements, including the "Telepresence Everywhere" endpoint, a new product that will allow customers to more easily telepresence-enable multiple rooms.

????"Price is always relevant to customers, but this market is rapidly moving beyond price to focus on ease-of-use, ease-of-integration and ease-of-interoperability," David McCulloch, a Cisco spokesperson, wrote to Fortune in an email. "As the number one telepresence vendor by a big share, we feel really good about our leadership in all three areas."

????Telepresence is part of Cisco's collaboration business, which has been growing at about 25% or more during the last five quarters and is on pace to bring in $4 billion in revenues this year. Meanwhile, the networking company's stock has plummeted to about $15, and CEO John Chambers recently said the company needs to refocus its portfolio of products. But it's unlikely that Cisco's collaboration business is going to be sold off. The company has bet big on telepresence—it's one of the few bright spots in its string of failed attempts to diversify (it recently shuttered its Flip video camera business).

????According to McCulloch, Cisco's spokesperson, Vidyo "conveniently compares its offerings to Cisco's top-of-the-range flagship product." TelePresence is costly, but Cisco says it offers a videoconferencing desktop solution (the fruits of its 2009 acquisition of Tandberg) starting at about $300. And it's likely Cisco will keep coming out with cheaper, more flexible versions of TelePresence in the near future. After all, there are only so many companies able to shell out $300,000 for a videoconferencing system.

????Vidyo's founder, Ofer Shapiro, says his company's not just competing on price. With $74 million in venture backing, Vidyo has developed a telepresence system that will allow up to 20 screens instead of the usual three- or four-screen solution. The company also says it uses bandwidth more efficiently and doesn't require any special, costly networks to be deployed.

????But, bottom line, price is Vidyo's big differentiator.

????"They [Cisco] are selling Rolls-Royces and Lamborghinis," says Shapiro, Vidyo's founder and CEO. "We're selling the Hondas and Acuras."

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