


Scott Woolley 2011-08-01


????別著急,英國的《每日郵報》(The Daily Mail)就曾警告手機用戶說:“在對廣島原子彈爆炸幸存者進行檢查時發(fā)現(xiàn),其癌癥病情發(fā)展同樣緩慢:爆炸10年后,研究人員沒發(fā)現(xiàn)任何腦癌跡象,但30年后,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)了大量腦癌患者?!泵绹恍┏鞘械氖姓h和公共無線電廣播中的辯論等各種場合,也同樣引用了與原子彈爆炸相關(guān)的數(shù)據(jù)?!敦敻弧冯s志網(wǎng)站Fortune.com制作的下圖顯示,在使用手機和被診斷出腦癌之間,根本不存在關(guān)聯(lián)。緊接著,《赫芬頓郵報》(Huffington Post)就發(fā)表了一篇文章,引用原子彈爆炸數(shù)據(jù)對此圖進行駁斥。

????Tumors in the brains of Japanese civilians who survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki seem to tell a frightening tale, the story of how a cancer epidemic can remain hidden for several decades and then suddenly metastasize. The atomic bombings thus provide a perfect explanation for why U.S. brain cancer rates have dropped slightly in the past few decades even as Americans' cell phone use rose 500-fold.

????Just wait, Britain's The Daily Mail warned mobile phone users: "the same slow development of problems occurred when the Hiroshima bomb survivors were tested: after ten years researchers found no evidence of brain cancer, but 30 years later many cases were found." Similar evidence from the atomic bombings has been cited in settings as varied as American city council meetings and debates on public radio. After Fortune.com created this chart showing the apparent disconnect between cell phone use and brain cancer diagnoses, an article immediately popped up on the Huffington Post using the A-Bomb evidence to debunk it.






????戴維斯等人【或者如《鏡報》(The Mirror)所持觀點:30年后幸存者的腦癌發(fā)病率開始增加】:認為第二次世界大戰(zhàn)結(jié)束40年后,原子彈爆炸幸存者的腦癌發(fā)病率方開始增加的說法,從很多層面上說都大錯特錯。日本地方當局從1958年才開始對腫瘤病人進行登記,因此原子彈爆炸后頭13年,根本不存在腦癌發(fā)病記錄純屬理所當然。而一旦相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)被集中起來,腦癌的統(tǒng)計數(shù)字即迅速呈現(xiàn)出非同尋常的增長。比如說,一項研究【名為《與原子彈爆炸輻射有關(guān)的神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)和腦垂體腫瘤》(Tumors of the Nervous System and Pituitary Gland Associated With Atomic Bomb Radiation Exposure)——譯注】對1961年~1974年(即原子彈爆炸后第16年~第29年)間原子彈爆炸幸存者的腦癌發(fā)病率進行了調(diào)查,發(fā)現(xiàn)此間某些幸存者的腦癌發(fā)病率增長了5倍。


????而且,位于廣島的輻射效應(yīng)研究基金會(Radiation Effects Research Foundation)首席科學家表示,就他所知,沒有任何跡象顯示,第二次世界大戰(zhàn)結(jié)束 30~40年后,原子彈爆炸幸存者的腦癌發(fā)病率突然增加,而且任何時間段內(nèi)亦不存在此跡象。主要問題在于,幸存者中患腦癌的人比例很低,他認為其中沒有模式可尋。輻射效應(yīng)研究基金會是美日兩國政府聯(lián)合建立的研究項目。該機構(gòu)自成立以來,一直在審慎地收集并分析與原子彈爆炸幸存者的健康相關(guān)的數(shù)據(jù)。

????原子彈爆炸導致一些人在爆炸后很快患上致命的腦癌這一殘酷的事實,恰好與其他輻射引發(fā)的癌癥的發(fā)病模式吻合。盡管不同人患腫瘤的機率各不相同,但由于輻射患上癌癥的人卻在逐漸增多。此外,原子彈爆炸引致腦癌發(fā)病率迅猛增長的看法也與臨床輻射治療中所見的引發(fā)腫瘤的模式相抵觸:此研究【《腦部遭受大劑量輻射誘發(fā)短暫潛伏期腦膜瘤的個案研究與文獻分析》(Radiation induced meningioma with a short latent period following high dose cranial irradiation - case report and literature review)——譯注】發(fā)現(xiàn),由于輻射引發(fā)的腦癌的發(fā)病時間因不同人而相差懸殊,平均而言,一般是在遭受輻射后18年左右發(fā)病,最短8年,最長28年。

????換言之,如果一個腦癌高發(fā)期即將來臨的話,科學界會看到“漲潮”的跡象。因此,腦癌發(fā)病率未見上升,實際上反而“令人心安”,布朗大學(Brown University)教授、《美國流行病雜志》(Brown University)的前任編輯大衛(wèi)?薩維茲表示。




????"To those who understand the long latencies involved, the absence of a general brain tumor epidemic at this time provides no comfort," wrote Devra Davis, author of a book on cell phones' cancer threat. "Survivors of the atomic bombs that fell on Japan experienced no increase at all in brain cancer until four decades after the war's end."

????It would be a compelling retort, if it were true. Fortunately for cell phone users, the real story from Japan is very different.

????Claims that survivors "experienced no increase at all in brain cancer until four decades after the war's end," as Davis writes (or even just for 30 years, as The Mirror has it) are wrong on multiple levels. Local tumor registries only began in 1958, so of course there are no records of tumors in the first 13 years after the bombing. Once the data began to be collected, an abnormal number of brain tumors quickly became visible. This study, for instance, covers a period from 1961 and 1974 (from 16 to 29 years after the bombing) and found a five-fold increase in brain cancer in some groups of survivors.

????Dale Preston, a leading expert in radiation induced cancers, says there's no sign of a "sudden spike of risk" in any of his research on cancer in bomb survivors. In fact he suspects tumors were already increasing in frequency in the 1950s, before the records were being kept. He is skeptical about drawing parallels between atomic bomb radiation and cell phone radiation (since the A-Bombs deliver ionizing radiation in one big dose, while cell phones deliver non-ionizing radiation in thousands of small doses.)

????And then there's the chief scientist of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation in Hiroshima, who says that he knows of no evidence that's identified a sudden increase in brain cancer after 30 or 40 years, or for that matter any other time frame. The main problem is that so few survivors developed brain tumors that he doesn't see how anyone could suss out any sort pattern. The Radiation Effects foundation is a joint project the American and Japanese governments that has been meticulously accumulating and analyzing data on the surviving civilians' health following the bombings.

????The grim fact that the A-bombs caused some people to get fatal brain cancers soon after exposure fits with the pattern of other radiation-induced cancers, which tend to increase gradually in the affected population, as different people develop tumors at different rates. The idea that the atomic bombs caused brain tumor rates to shoot up in a sudden spike also conflicts with other the tumor-causing pattern seen in medical radiation treatments: this study found huge variation in the onset of radiation-induced brain cancer, estimating an average lag time of 18 years, plus or minus 10 years.

????In other words, if a huge wave of brain cancer is on its way, scientists would expect to see the tide beginning to rise. Thus the lack of any uptick in brain cancers is "comforting," says David Savitz, a Brown University professor and former editor of The American Journal of Epidemiology.

????Still, conclusively disproving the link between cell phones and brain cancer will only come with another decade or two in which phone use plateaus while tumor rates continue to be flat or down.

????Hopefully the evidence will continue to mount. In the current issue of Bio-Electromagnetics a study of brain cancer in England found that "the increased use of mobile phones between 1985 and 2003 has not led to a noticeable change in the incidence of brain cancer in England between 1998 and 2007." For now the very good news for the billions of people who talk on cells phones is that the real scientific evidence on radiation-induced brain cancer indicates that (1) scientists would expect to see some sign of an impending epidemic if one were really on its way and (2) So far they don't.

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