Ren Ng
顛覆性相機即將登場 ????在過去的10年里,數(shù)碼相機的像素越來越高。在攝影界,最新的創(chuàng)新當屬Lytro公司即將推出的光場相機,它使用戶可以在完成照片拍攝之后再對照片進行對焦。在《財富》科技頭腦風暴科技大會上,Lytro的創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)官吳仁(譯音)展示了這款相機,并介紹了它的原理:相機里有一個小型傳感器,可以記錄下比傳統(tǒng)相機更多的光束。這些額外信息被存儲在每張照片的影像檔案里,哪怕時間過了很久,用戶仍然可以調(diào)整照片的焦距。該公司表示,今年晚些時候,該公司會面向消費者推出一款“價格有競爭力的”的相機。誰會買這樣的相機呢?星巴克(Starbucks)的首席信息官史蒂芬?吉列特也許會就買一臺。他在看了吳仁的展示后,在Twitter上寫道:“新的Lytro相機非常具有顛覆性,它將導致相機公司陷入嚴重的‘創(chuàng)新者困境’”。 ????——麥克?列夫?拉姆 |
Camera ready ????Cramming more and more megapixels into digital cameras is so last-decade. The latest innovation in the world of photography is Lytro's upcoming light field camera, which lets users focus a picture after it's been taken. In a demonstration at Brainstorm Tech, founder and CEO Ren Ng shows how it works: A tiny sensor records more light beams than conventional cameras. The extra information, saved in each image file, allows photographers to tweak their shot long after the "Kodak moment" has passed. The company says it will come out with a "competitively priced" camera for the consumer later this year. Who'll buy one? Perhaps Starbucks CIO Stephen Gillett, who, after seeing Ng's demo, tweeted, "New Lytro camera is so disruptive it is going to cause major 'innovator's dilemma' headaches for camera companies." ????--Michal Lev-Ram |