


Anne VanderMey 2011-12-02


????諾羅德波可不是在為什么小型初創(chuàng)企業(yè)打工。他當(dāng)時正在為大型計算機(jī)公司戴爾(DELL)效力,負(fù)責(zé)成立一個新的業(yè)務(wù)部門。戴爾公司(Dell)總裁邁克爾?戴爾給他發(fā)布了什么指令呢?28年前,邁克爾?戴爾在德克薩斯州立大學(xué)(University of Texas)他自己的宿舍里開辦了同名公司。邁克爾?戴爾要求諾羅德復(fù)制他的創(chuàng)業(yè)模式,用來運(yùn)營數(shù)據(jù)中心的業(yè)務(wù)。




????并非所有內(nèi)部創(chuàng)新的努力都能成功。戴爾公司曾有一支獨(dú)立管理的移動通信業(yè)務(wù)團(tuán)隊,在去年智能手機(jī)業(yè)務(wù)失敗后宣布解散。斯坦福大學(xué)(University of Texas)教授巴巴?詩夫稱,實際上,很多大公司都試圖在公司內(nèi)部營造初創(chuàng)企業(yè)的思維模式,但都不成功,因為大公司并不喜歡冒風(fēng)險。



????Forrest Norrod knows all about running a scrappy operation: Five years ago, when he started a business to design computer data centers for big corporations, Norrod's outfit was so lean that his team used dollar bills to measure server racks when they couldn't find rulers. One engineer built a special chassis in his garage. Another time, an employee used duct tape to attach a power supply.

????But Norrod wasn't working for some little startup. He was launching a unit for Dell (DELL), the computing giant. His marching orders from CEO Michael Dell? To manage the data center business much the same way Dell did when he founded the eponymous computer maker in his University of Texas dorm room 28 years ago.

????Dell Inc., once the No. 1 PC maker in the world, now ranks third, behind Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and Lenovo. In corporate computing Dell finds itself competing with HP, IBM (IBM), and Oracle (ORCL), which sell broader portfolios of hardware, software, and services.

????So as Dell pushes into new areas, such as cybersecurity and data center design and management, executives are allowing those businesses to operate more creatively and less bureaucratically -- returning the company to its entrepreneurial roots. "We're moving from a company that is predominantly known as a PC company to a solutions company," says Steve Felice, a Dell group president. "A lot of this transformation requires innovation."

????Dell is taking a hands-off approach: Norrod's unit is housed at Dell's Parmer South campus, eight miles from headquarters in Round Rock, Texas. The 46-year-old executive says he has permission to ignore some of the corporate office's "help," such as painstakingly crafted product guidelines. When you're building a company, Norrod says, "you need a crayon drawing on a napkin." Today the business boasts some 500 employees (up from about 10) and more than $1 billion in annual sales. Similarly, Dell last year acquired KACE, a systems-management firm that has separate headquarters and management.

????Not every internal innovation effort is a success: Dell's independently managed communications group disbanded last year after its smartphones flopped. And in fact, many big corporations fail when they try to infuse startup thinking because they are allergic to risk, says Baba Shiv, a professor at Stanford University.

????But for Dell, acting more like a startup may be the best way to outmaneuver bigger tech rivals. Luckily the company has role models like Michael Dell. And Forrest Norrod.

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