


Michal Lev-Ram 2011-12-27


????目前還沒(méi)有。至于說(shuō)近來(lái)一些過(guò)高的估值(比如SAP收購(gòu)SuccessFactors)是否合理,現(xiàn)在下結(jié)論為時(shí)過(guò)早。但有一點(diǎn)很清楚,那就是從專屬軟件向基于云計(jì)算軟件的轉(zhuǎn)移不能再被說(shuō)成是一時(shí)的風(fēng)流。咨詢公司JMP Securities 分析師帕特里克?瓦爾拉文在最近的一份報(bào)告中寫道:“我們認(rèn)為,甲骨文(Oracle)、SAP和IBM等大型軟件廠商正將市場(chǎng)份額拱手讓給規(guī)模較小、增長(zhǎng)較快的軟件即服務(wù)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手,后者正越來(lái)越被市場(chǎng)接受。我們認(rèn)為,這些公司為了阻止市場(chǎng)份額流失、在競(jìng)爭(zhēng)激烈的軟件即服務(wù)領(lǐng)域占據(jù)更有利地位,目前正把收購(gòu)視為解決方案?!?/p>



????投資銀行Cowen and Company的高級(jí)研究分析師皮特?戈德瑪奇在最近一份報(bào)告中稱:“我們認(rèn)為原因在于越來(lái)越多的客戶因?yàn)槌杀緣毫Χ∠耍ㄅc甲骨文的)維護(hù)合同,他們轉(zhuǎn)而購(gòu)買更現(xiàn)代化的技術(shù),導(dǎo)致甲骨文的所有產(chǎn)品都受到了影響?!?/p>



????People like to talk about bubbles. And the cloud. And, more recently, a potential cloud bubble. But are we really heading in that direction?

????Not yet. It's too early to tell whether some of the recent inflated valuations (a la SAP's acquisition of SuccessFactors) are justified. What's clear is that the shift from on-premise to cloud-based software can no longer be dismissed as a passing trend. "We believe that larger enterprise software vendors such as Oracle (ORCL), SAP (SAP), and IBM (IBM) have been losing share to their smaller, faster growing SaaS competitors that are increasingly being accepted in the market," JMP Securities analyst Patrick Walravens wrote in a recent report. "Increasingly, we believe these companies are viewing acquisitions as a way to stem market share losses and position themselves better in the competitive SaaS marketplace."

????In the last few months alone, Oracle acquired RightNow Technologies (RNOW), SAP bought SuccessFactors (SFSF) and IBM snapped up DemandTec (DMAN). Large, on-premise enterprise software makers are finally admitting that the way companies buy technology is changing. They're also acknowledging that they don't have the DNA to compete in the cloud, which is why they're acquiring smaller players that have built their business on the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model.

????Oracle in particular has been on a big acquisition spree. And it's also feeling the pressure from the shift in how customers buy software. On Tuesday the company announced its quarterly earnings missed expectations:

????"We believe this is because every product in Oracle's arsenal is under pressure as customers are increasingly canceling maintenance contracts as they look to cut costs and buy more contemporary technology," Peter Goldmacher, a senior research analyst with Cowen and Company, wrote in a recent note.

????So what's next? There are plenty of other acquisitions targets out there, and the smaller cloud players need the larger enterprise vendors to help in sales, distribution and reach. That's why you can expect the feeding frenzy to continue in the coming months. By end of 2012, we should have a better sense of which companies -- small and large -- will become the next big names in this new era of software. We should also have a better sense of whether paying a premium for cloud companies will have paid off.

????The success of these newly consolidated on-premise cloud companies in this space will partly depend on how well smaller cloud players are integrated into large enterprise vendors.

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