
????千呼萬喚始出來,如今,英特爾終于開始進軍移動市場,而且選擇了在中國打響第一炮。 ????本周二下午,英特爾(Intel)首席執(zhí)行官保羅?歐德寧在拉斯維加斯國際消費電子展(the Consumer Electronics Show)上發(fā)表主題演講,展示了第一部依托該公司Medfield處理器的智能手機。這部手機由聯(lián)想(Lenovo)制造,將于今年上半年登陸中國市場。英特爾同時宣布將與摩托羅拉移動(Motorola Mobility)展開合作,生產手機和平板電腦,不過他們的首部智能手機要等到今年下半年才會上市。歐德寧稱:“我們才剛剛開始把自己的技術帶進智能手機領域。我們打造的平臺極其出色,有利于合作伙伴們的創(chuàng)新。” ????雖然英特爾一直稱霸PC市場,不過它的處理器在智能手機和平板電腦領域卻舉步維艱。早在2010年,英特爾就發(fā)布了一款搭載自有處理器,由LG制造的手機,不過最終未能推向市場。英特爾寄予厚望的Meego(一款基于Linux的操作系統(tǒng))最終也血本無歸,尤其是盟友諾基亞(Nokia)“背信棄義”,突然轉投微軟(Microsoft)的Windows Phone系統(tǒng)。 ????不過英特爾最終找到了正確的路子。去年九月,英特爾調整戰(zhàn)略,宣布與谷歌(Google)合作,為其Android平臺提供基于英特爾架構的優(yōu)化。為了加快智能手機開發(fā)步伐,英特爾不久前還宣布將現(xiàn)有的四大部門整合成統(tǒng)一的移動集團。 ????英特爾需要在移動市場有所作為,這點很明確。雖然英特爾的確能從搭載競爭對手芯片的移動設備中獲益,因為它同時還銷售服務器處理器。英特爾曾表示每600部活躍智能手機就需要一部服務器。雖然英特爾也在試圖重新提振PC市場的需求,不遺余力地推動超級本、以及更輕薄、能夠即開即用的筆記本。不過計算機業(yè)正在飛速轉向移動市場,英特爾的這些努力顯然不夠。 ????聯(lián)想手機是新的開始,不過美中不足的是它只會在中國上市。英特爾和摩托羅拉的合作到底能結出多少成果,現(xiàn)在仍是個未知數(shù)。麥克?貝爾是英特爾新成立的移動和通信集團總經理,他對《財富》雜志(Fortune)表示:“這是Medfield處理器的首次登臺亮相。人們一直在質疑英特爾到底能否玩轉移動市場,我們的回答是:我們能,不過我們需要拿出真正的產品,這樣才能讓質疑者閉上嘴巴?!?/p> ????雖然英特爾一直在大談特談進軍移動市場,但其競爭對手高通(Qualcomm)和英偉達(Nvidia)等已經依靠來自ARM Holdings的授權技術,用產品牢牢地占據了這個市場。這意味著,想讓手機制造商選擇英特爾芯片絕非易事。 |
????It's been a long time coming, but Intel has finally entered the mobile market -- in China. ????Intel (INTC) CEO Paul Otellini unveiled a smartphone that runs on the company's Medfield processor in a keynote speech at the Consumer Electronics Show on Tuesday afternoon. The device, made by Lenovo, will be available in the Chinese market in the first half of this year. Intel also announced a partnership with Motorola Mobility (MMI) to develop phones and tablets, although their first product -- a smartphone -- won't be available until the second half of 2012. "We've only just begun to apply our technology to smartphones," Otellini said. "We've built an incredible platform for our partners to innovate on." ????Intel commands the PC market but has struggled to get its processors into smartphones and tablets. In 2010 Intel unveiled an LG device running on its processors, but the phone never made it to market. Its efforts to promote Meego (a Linux-based operating system) were a massive failure, especially after former partner Nokia (NOK) dumped the OS in favor of Microsoft's (MSFT) Windows Phone. ????But Intel has finally taken some steps in the right direction. Last September it switched gears and announced it would partner with Google (GOOG) to optimize the Android platform for Intel architecture. And in an effort to speed up development for smartphones the company recently combined four existing divisions into one mobile group. ????It's clear Intel needs to make it in mobile. The company does make money from mobile devices powered by rival chipmakers because it sells server processors. Intel has said one server is needed for every 600 smartphones in use. It's also trying to reinvigorate demand in the PC market by pushing ultrabooks or thin, instant-on laptops. But that won't be enough in a computing industry that's increasingly shifting towards mobile. ????The Lenovo phone is a start, but it will only be available in China. And whether or not Intel's partnership with Motorola will yield any successful products remains to be seen. "It's the coming out party for Medfield," Mike Bell, general manager of Intel's newly formed mobile and communications group, told Fortune. "People kept asking us if Intel can play in this space and our message was yes, but until we show something it doesn't get driven home for people." ????While Intel has been talking about moving into mobile, competing chipmakers like Qualcomm (QCOM) and Nvidia (NVDA), which license technology from ARM Holdings (ARMH), have flooded the market with their products. Proving it can finally give phone manufacturers an alternative to these products won't be easy. |