


Antonio Rodriguez 2012-01-19









????網(wǎng)絡(luò)愛(ài)好者: HTML5的擁躉應(yīng)該感到欣喜若狂才是,因?yàn)檫@意味著那些瞄準(zhǔn)新興安卓應(yīng)用市場(chǎng)的初創(chuàng)公司將再次勃興。這些公司開(kāi)發(fā)的界面不僅將繁重的部署工作推給了網(wǎng)絡(luò)(看看Kindle Fire和Google Market之間壁壘森嚴(yán)的架勢(shì),再想想其背后的原因所在,就能明白),而且還能將運(yùn)行時(shí)間這個(gè)環(huán)節(jié)甩給手機(jī)瀏覽器。然而,這個(gè)如意算盤打不響,特別是從短期來(lái)看尤其如此;而且這么做的將導(dǎo)致一些關(guān)鍵設(shè)備傳感器無(wú)法訪問(wèn)。但是,初創(chuàng)公司根本就不可能同時(shí)支持蘋果的iOS系統(tǒng)、以及谷歌摩托羅拉、HTC、亞馬遜等派系形形色色的安卓系統(tǒng)。因此,這一新興標(biāo)準(zhǔn)將大獲全勝。

????用戶:還記得過(guò)去的日子嗎?那時(shí),運(yùn)營(yíng)商主宰著一切,不管他們提供什么晚餐,用戶都得照單全收。盡管我們眼下并非要重返那個(gè)年代,但我還是忍不住想起我與一家美國(guó)運(yùn)營(yíng)商產(chǎn)品負(fù)責(zé)人的一番談話。那是在去年的移動(dòng)世界大會(huì)(Mobile World Congress)上,他對(duì)我說(shuō),他們眼中的理想世界是“共有5~10個(gè)平臺(tái),每家占據(jù)10~20%的份額。”原因何在?因?yàn)樵谌绱嘶靵y的局面中,總得有人幫助用戶理清一切,而運(yùn)營(yíng)商恰恰能籍此重返市場(chǎng)的主導(dǎo)地位。我不能確定他們的這個(gè)美夢(mèng)能否成真,但眼下設(shè)備操作系統(tǒng)市場(chǎng)四分五裂的局面顯然為他們提供了一個(gè)良機(jī)。如果運(yùn)營(yíng)商曾經(jīng)在哪方面大顯身手的話,那就是:他們以親身實(shí)踐證明,系統(tǒng)預(yù)裝功效神奇,能夠徹底摧毀用戶體驗(yàn)。

????I used to think that, as with Linux and web services in the early part of last decade, Android was going to be the mortar for the Internet of post-PC devices— an essential ingredient to put stuff together. And unlike Linux which puttered away quietly in the background doing the heavy lifting for services like Amazon and Google, Android was largely user-facing and would therefore benefit from massive platform scale (and the resulting de-facto standard it would create) in a way no piece of software since Microsoft Windows had. To to see the early onslaught of CES announcements, one would think so.

????What all of the talk of Android momentum and inevitability obscures, however, is that the dream of a common Android is dying. Three events in 2011 burned it and we're now holding onto a charred corpse that is quite different:

????The three events:

????1. Google buying Motorola and alienating all of the tier one handset makers (none of which to this day have the spine to state it publicly but all of which have now come up with their "plan B"),

????2. Microsoft extracting licensing fees from these same handset makers in the form of IP indemnification and

????3. Amazon shipping a wildly successful, yet unidentifiable, version of an old Android build over the holiday... and making it a wild success.

????Of the the three, #1 was completely avoidable but the other two may just have been the name of the game when there is so much at stake in the fight of who paints the interface for the next generation of computing.

????The result of this elephant dance? Well it depends on who you are:

????Web heads: All of the HTML5 folks should be ecstatic as it means that we're going to see a resurgence in startups that target the emerging Android splinters with interfaces which leave the heavy lifting on the deployment side to the the web (see the bit about how the Kindle Fire blocked the Google Market and vice versa for why) and on the runtime side to the mobile browser. It won't be as nice -- and in the short-term and it will lack access to key device sensors (though it may accelerate our getting those as API extensions of the DOM) -- but it is just not feasible to support iOS, Googlorola Android, HTC Sensedroid, Amazon Fire Droid, etc. if you are a startup. Big win for this emerging standard.

????Users: Remember the olden days when the carriers were in charge and you got whatever they were serving for dinner? Well we aren't ever going back to that but I can't help remember a conversation I had with the head of product for a U.S. carrier last year at Mobile World Congress where he told me that their ideal world was "5-10 platforms with 10-20% each." Why? Because in that mess someone has to help the user figure it all out and they are back to being in a pole position. I'm not sure they'll pull it off, but device OS fragmentation definitely gives them another at-bat and if there is one thing these guys have proven it is that preloads work magic to overcome totally busted user experiences.

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