


Antonio Rodriguez 2012-01-19


????企業(yè)家:去年我給出的建議是:開發(fā)蘋果iOS和移動Web應(yīng)用,然后靜候時機,等到下載量超過百萬大關(guān)時再瞄準(zhǔn)安卓系統(tǒng)。到頭來,我發(fā)現(xiàn),幾乎沒什么人照這個思路行事。因此,我也對自己的建議作了一點調(diào)整:先開發(fā)iOS應(yīng)用和移動Web應(yīng)用,然后尋求資金/幫助,開發(fā)安卓應(yīng)用。但要確保,一定要開發(fā)最常用、最普通的應(yīng)用程序代碼。如果希望進軍一個嶄新的市場,也就是說在這個市場人們既不會給你錢,也不會給你看得見的推廣作為回報,那就必須走超級精益的道路,將界面的整個開發(fā)工作都放到Mobile Webkit平臺上(借助Phonegap等工具)來完成,直到確信開發(fā)出來的應(yīng)用能夠贏得大量的用戶。

????一旦WebOS開發(fā)陷入死循環(huán),惠普(HP)肯定會心甘情愿地許以高薪,激勵開發(fā)人員開發(fā)一切能夠帶動其操作系統(tǒng)平臺的應(yīng)用。這已經(jīng)是個公開的秘密。我認(rèn)為,安卓手機一線廠商目前還沒有走到這一步,但假以時間,這一點很有可能成為現(xiàn)實。盡管如此,仍然會存在各種各樣的麻煩,而且你最好接受微軟的“求愛”;如此,在派系林立、競爭激烈的安卓手機市場,你開發(fā)的應(yīng)用就會物以稀為貴。盡管亞馬遜的熱門應(yīng)用很可能永遠(yuǎn)無需支付開發(fā)經(jīng)費,特別是鑒于眼下的情況,雖然目前亞馬遜只趕上了一個圣誕節(jié),但是它某些應(yīng)用類別的下載量已經(jīng)超越了行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Google Market。而余下的應(yīng)用,恐怕是越有助于獲得用戶的,下載量反而越小。于此同時,不妨視之為非股權(quán)收益減損的股票資金來源。


????Antonio Rodriguez是矩陣合伙人公司(Matrix Partners)的主要合伙人。本文來自他的博客。


????Let's not forget, of course, that as users you'll have to deal with the aforementioned jankiness of HTML5 applications for a few revs. Trust me though, short-term pain, long-term benefit.*

????Entrepreneurs: Last year my advice was to build iOS and mobile web app and wait until you've got a million downloads before targeting Android. I see almost no one pursuing that approach these days, so I'll revise it a little: Build an iOS app and a mobile web app and then go hunting for dollars/help to develop for the splinters of Android, opting to build yourself only the most generic bits of app code that you will for sure be able to reuse. If you want to get on a market where no one will pay you either in dollars or in in-kind promotion, go super lean and build all of your interface in Mobile Webkit (through something like Phonegap) until you've got a feel for whether the particular splinter presents a juicy vein of user adoption.

????It not a particularly well-kept secret that when WebOS was in its death spiral, HP would happily pay developers to port any application which had shown traction to their platform. To my knowledge the Android tier one handset guys have not done this yet, but given a little time it may become a reality. There will still be all sorts of headaches involved, and you might be better off taking the love from Microsoft, but in a world of several warring Androids, you are the scarce commodity. Though the more popular splinters such as Amazon's will likely never have to pay for developers, especially given the fact that with only one Christmas under their belt, they are already outperforming the standard Google Market in terms of downloads for some app categories, the rest will, probably in inverse proportion to how valuable they will be to getting you users. And in the meanwhile consider them non-dilutive equity financing sources.

????It's going to be a really interesting year for mobile. Having tackled Android, I'll do my thoughts on iOS next (and it's not coming out all roses there either).

????Antonio Rodriguez is a general partner with Matrix Partners. This post originally appeared on his blog.

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