


Dan Mitchell 2012-01-21


????一周多之前,美國眾議院提出的《反網(wǎng)絡(luò)盜版法》(Stop Online Privacy Act,SOPA)和參議院提出的《保護知識產(chǎn)權(quán)法》(Protect IP Act,PIPA)開始并沒有引起廣泛的關(guān)注。到了18日,它們卻占據(jù)了傳統(tǒng)和社交媒體的頭條。事實上,這兩個法案本身并沒有發(fā)生任何重大的變化,一切只是因為它們引發(fā)的抗議活動。包括維基百科在內(nèi),一大批網(wǎng)站都在18日暫停了服務(wù)。

????可以想見,這場網(wǎng)絡(luò)抗議活動勢必會引發(fā)種種冷嘲熱諷和反擊行為。“《反網(wǎng)絡(luò)盜版法》的支持者們將無法訪問Moveon.org(自由組織網(wǎng)站——譯注),到時他們便會明白,他們等于是搬起石頭砸自己的腳。”《滾石》雜志(Rolling Stone)的時政記者蒂姆?狄更森在Twitter上寫道。他完全沒有領(lǐng)會這場抗議活動的要點,而且,不明就里的大有人在??棺h活動并不是要懲罰這兩個法案的支持者,而是促使人們關(guān)注這兩條法律,深入了解它們的內(nèi)容?!尽敦敻弧冯s志(Fortune)的母公司時代華納集團(Time Warner)也是上述法律的支持者?!?/p>




????I just looked at a Google cache version of a Wikipedia page. It's easy to do that, so today's blackout of the online encyclopedia, in protest of proposed anti-piracy legislation, isn't totally effective in blocking access to the site. But it is effective in making people aware of the legislation and in spurring further protest, which is the whole point.

????A week ago, the House's proposed Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) and the Senate's proposed Protect IP Act (PIPA) were getting relatively light attention. Today, they're dominating both the traditional and social media. Nothing significant has happened with the legislation itself -- it's simply the blackouts. Wikipedia is just one of a many sites that have gone dark today.

????Predictably, the campaign has spurred cynical retorts. "SOPA supporters wont be able to access Moveon.org -- that'll show em," tweeted Rolling Stone political reporter Tim Dickinson. He is far from alone in missing the point entirely. The idea isn't to punish supporters of the bills; it's to inform people of what's in those bills by drawing attention to them. (Fortune's parent company, Time Warner, is a supporter of the legislation.)

????This happens whenever there are online protests or awareness campaigns. Would-be world-wise types are sure to weigh in whenever an awareness meme spreads on Facebook, for example. In 2010, people replaced their profile photos with images of their favorite cartoon kids in a child abuse awareness campaign. "Oh, sure," came the above-it-all responses, "posting cartoon pictures on Facebook will definitely end child abuse."

????But of course, nobody said it would, just like nobody is saying that today's blackouts by themselves will kill SOPA/PIPA (though, given the reaction today, it really could turn out to be the thing that turns the tide -- because now many, many more people know what's in the bills. And now it appears that some congressional minds are being changed.). If even just a handful of people donated to anti-child-abuse charities, or were simply made more aware of the problem, then the Facebook meme worked.

????It could be that Internet-based awareness movements draw criticism simply because they're Internet-based. Since the people taking part in them are sitting at their desks as opposed to marching in the streets, that somehow makes the whole thing seem less serious. But if the idea is to inform people, the Internet is the most powerful tool available. The point isn't to put oneself through as much hardship as possible -- the point is to spread information.

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