


JP Mangalindan 2012-02-07






????但卡蘭尼克的辦公室遠算不上豪華。Uber的舊金山總部簡樸到乏善可陳??ㄌm尼克的桌子是在一間拐角的小辦公室里,用透明墻隔斷,墻上涂寫了一些看上去很復雜的等式。認識卡蘭尼克的人們都說他干勁十足,有時可能有點不講道理,但絕不像一些成功的企業(yè)家那樣刻薄。很難量化卡蘭尼克追逐的市場究竟價值幾何,盡管該公司自己估計僅美國就有幾十億美元的商機。迄今為止,Uber已提供了幾十萬次乘車服務。更加值得一提的是,Uber用戶月均用車支出超過100美元——相比大多數(shù)應用軟件帶來的微薄銷售額,這個數(shù)據(jù)令人瞠目。該公司已從社交游戲公司Bezos Expeditions、高盛(Goldman Sachs)等投資者那里獲得了超過5,000萬美元的融資。

????You need a ride. Instead of lingering at the intersection flailing your hand in the air, you fish out your smartphone. A few taps later, Uber's slick, futuristic logo appears, a seriffed "U" hovering over a stark black background. Signing up takes a few seconds. Once you provide basic contact and credit card information, a Google map pops up displaying your nearby surroundings. You select a spot on the screen to set a rendezvous and watch as a car-shaped icon inches toward it. When a black sedan pulls up a few minutes later, the driver welcomes you by name and offers free snacks and bottled water. At your destination, the fare is automatically charged to your card. No fumbling with wadded cash. No flimsy receipts to stash. You simply hop out and go.

????In eight major cities, including New York, Paris, and Washington D.C., three-year-old startup Uber is trying to remake the cab experience. Drivers aren't employed by Uber, but get a cut of each fare instead. The arrangement can be lucrative, bringing in upwards of $500 a day, a sum some cab drivers only make after a week's work. Rates take into account the typical factors of time and distance but -- through an Uber-developed algorithm -- also demand. Uber's servers crunch information about where riders are requesting cars, where they're likely to want to go, even traffic-distorting big events nearby. When a Giants in San Francisco game lets out, several Uber cars are likely close-by.

????The man behind Uber is Travis Kalanick. The company's co-founder and CEO doesn't look 35 save for some salt and pepper, a souvenir from a previous venture. "What we like to say is FedEx delivers packages tomorrow, but Uber delivers packages in five minutes. It just so happens that that 'package' is a towncar that takes you wherever you want to go," he says. Kalanick has a tendency to punctuate his sentences with a big grin and, when he is talking about work, his speech is electrified by cocky self-confidence. "In the beginning, it was a lifestyle company. You push a button and a black car comes up. Who's the baller? It was a baller move to get a black car to arrive in 8 minutes."

????Kalanick's office is anything but plush, however. Uber's San Francisco headquarters is spartan to the point of being nondescript. Kalanick holds court in a small corner conference room with a transparent wall. Complex-looking equations are scrawled across the glass. Those who know Kalanick describe him as hard-charging, sometimes awkward, but not prone to the meanness of some successful entrepreneurs. It's hard to quantify how much the market Kalanick is going after is really worth, though the company estimates it is a multi-billion dollar opportunity in the United States. Uber has provided hundreds of thousands of rides so far. More significantly, Uber users are spending over $100 a month on average on the service -- an astonishing figure compared to the minuscule purchases most apps encourage. The company has raised more than $50 million in funding so far from backers that include Bezos Expeditions and Goldman Sachs (GS).

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