


Robert Levine 2012-02-08

????華納兄弟(Warner Brothers)最近發(fā)行了哈利波特系列電影大結(jié)局的DVD版及藍(lán)光版,購買了這套電影的消費(fèi)者都有驚喜,因?yàn)榘b盒內(nèi)附送了一份這部電影的UltraViolet(紫外線)格式的數(shù)字版本。雖然UltraViolet這個(gè)名詞很陌生,但它代表著好萊塢邁入云端的第一步,也就是電影媒體將儲(chǔ)存在遠(yuǎn)程服務(wù)器上,能通過多種設(shè)備訪問。如今,這個(gè)概念已經(jīng)炒得沸沸揚(yáng)揚(yáng)。


????這項(xiàng)技術(shù)與與電影公司利益攸關(guān):DVD銷售額在2004年曾達(dá)到創(chuàng)紀(jì)錄的150.5億美元,不過隨著用戶轉(zhuǎn)向Netflix等流媒體服務(wù)以及“萬惡”的非法下載,DVD業(yè)務(wù)現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)一蹶不振。那些已宣布將發(fā)行UltraViolet格式電影的公司【??怂梗‵ox)預(yù)計(jì)將在晚些時(shí)候宣布,迪士尼(Disney)則仍持觀望態(tài)度】認(rèn)為,UltraViolet將有助于提振電影銷量,原因在于消費(fèi)者們能借此構(gòu)建自己的遠(yuǎn)程電影博物館。UltraViolet格式的制定者為數(shù)字娛樂內(nèi)容生態(tài)系統(tǒng)集團(tuán)(Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem),公司總裁米奇?辛格稱:“我們明白,觀眾都有收藏電影的愛好?!?/p>


????當(dāng)然,UltraViolet技術(shù)并非沒有挑戰(zhàn)。申請(qǐng)數(shù)字儲(chǔ)物柜需要一點(diǎn)時(shí)間。用戶必須首先創(chuàng)建一個(gè)UltraViolet賬號(hào),隨后還要登陸到Flixster網(wǎng)站上,這樣才能在線觀看電影。Flixster是一家隸屬于華納兄弟的電影網(wǎng)站,后者和《財(cái)富》(Fortune)一樣,也是時(shí)代華納(Time Warner)的下屬公司。(其它支持UltraViolet電影播放的網(wǎng)站將在今年晚些時(shí)候陸續(xù)上線。)



????本文作者羅伯特?萊文著有《盜版搭便車:數(shù)字寄生蟲吞噬文化產(chǎn)業(yè)及文化產(chǎn)業(yè)的反擊之道》(Free Ride: How Digital Parasites Are Destroying the Culture Business and How the Culture Business Can Fight Back)一書。


????Consumers who recently purchased Warner Brothers' final Harry Potter film on DVD or Blu-ray found a surprise in the package: a digital copy of the movie in the new UltraViolet format. Although the name is not yet familiar, UltraViolet represents Hollywood's first step into the cloud -- the much-hyped idea that media will be stored on remote servers and accessed by various devices.

????The idea behind UltraViolet is simple: The format allows buyers to own rights to films, which they can store in a "digital locker" and access via various Internet services. It's potentially a huge convenience for consumers, who now have a dizzying number of devices (phones, tablets, computers) on which they can watch video content, and indeed, some 750,000 households in the U.S. and Britain have set up UltraViolet accounts, its backers say.

????For the studios the stakes are high: DVD sales, which peaked at $15.5 billion in 2004, have stalled as consumers have turned to streaming services such as Netflix (NFLX) or, worse, illegal downloads. The studios that have announced releases in the UltraViolet format (Fox is expected to announce soon; Disney (DIS) remains a holdout) believe UltraViolet will help goose home video sales by enabling consumers to build a remotely stored library of movies. "We know consumers like collecting movies," says Mitch Singer, president of the Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem, the consortium that controls UltraViolet.

????The consortium believes the UltraViolet format addresses industry and consumer concerns around compatibility and piracy. Working with tech company Neustar (NSR) the group developed a system that operates more like an entertainment ATM. When users sign in, it queries a central database to see what movies they have rights to watch -- much as an ATM checks how much money cardholders can withdraw.

????The format isn't without its challenges. Setting up a digital locker takes time. Customers must first create an UltraViolet account; then, to watch movies online, they sign in to Flixster, a movie site operated by Warner Bros., which like Fortune, is a unit of Time Warner (TWX). (Other UltraViolet movie-viewing sites will debut this year.)

????But the biggest hurdle could be competition from technology companies such as Apple (AAPL), which has its own iTunes ecosystem for movies. Amazon (AMZN), on the other hand, has signed a deal with one studio, which it didn't name, to sell UltraViolet films.

????Despite the challenges, studio executives are bullish on the format. For the first time they're able to offer on-demand video on multiple screens, and may even outfox pirates. Talk about a Hollywood ending.

????Robert Levine is author of Free Ride: How Digital Parasites Are Destroying the Culture Business and How the Culture Business Can Fight Back.

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