


Dan Mitchell 2012-02-16

????美國司法部(the Justice Department)本周一批準(zhǔn)了谷歌(Google)以125億美元收購摩托羅拉移動(dòng)(Motorola Mobility)的交易。同時(shí)美國司法部也對(duì)谷歌發(fā)出了嚴(yán)厲警告,要求谷歌不得濫用從交易中獲得的17,000項(xiàng)專利??梢?,谷歌只是極為勉強(qiáng)地通過了司法部的調(diào)查。同一天,歐盟(the European Union)也批準(zhǔn)了這筆收購。




????《21世紀(jì)的創(chuàng)新》(Innovation for the 21st Century)一書的作者、羅格斯大學(xué)(Rutgers University)法學(xué)院教授、反壟斷專家邁克爾?卡利爾指出,怎樣才叫“人為地索取高額專利費(fèi)”,這個(gè)問題很難界定,可能最終還是要訴諸法律才能找到答案。而且這還只是眾多專利問題之一,因?yàn)閷@m紛還涉及反壟斷問題??ɡ麪栐诮邮茈娮余]件采訪時(shí)表示:“法律并沒有現(xiàn)成的工具來分析一套專利組合的建立將帶來哪些妨礙競(jìng)爭的危害。目前為止,司法部門在專利糾紛上還沒有一個(gè)清晰的框架可以套用,”在審批專利交易時(shí),“司法部很大程度上要依賴企業(yè)的自愿聲明?!?/p>

????The Justice Department on Monday gave Google (GOOG) the go-ahead to complete its $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola Mobility (MMI). Judging by the stern warnings the DOJ issued, and its criticisms of Google's promises to not misuse any of the the 17,000 patents it is acquiring in the deal, it appears that the company might have just barely made it through the investigation. The European Union also approved the merger on Monday.

????The DOJ said in a statement that it would be watching Google for any signs of "potential anticompetitive use" of its patents. It must license its patents on "fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms." The statement compared Google's commitments on that score unfavorably with those made by Apple (AAPL) and Microsoft (MSFT). Google's promises were "more ambiguous" than those made by the other companies, it said. Nevertheless, the DOJ couldn't find a basis on which to deny the merger. But it warned that if Google steps over the line, the agency "will not hesitate to take appropriate enforcement action."

????The acquisition is all about patents, as Google has said from the beginning. It's part of a trend of tech companies buying patents to defend themselves against intellectual property lawsuits filed by competitors with their own stash of patents. The whole thing is a huge mess, with companies suing each other left and right, and technological innovation increasingly being determined by officers of the court as well as by corporate officers.

????The DOJ also approved deals for Microsoft, Apple, and Blackberry maker Research In Motion (RIMM) to buy patents from Nortel, a bankrupt maker of telecommunications equipment. And it OK'd purchases by Microsoft and Apple of patents owned by Novell. The companies have agreed not to use patents to prevent competitors from introducing new products and to refrain from charging artificially high prices for patent licenses in order to keep competitors out of a market. Motorola Mobility makes phones and tablets that use Google's Android operating system, so when the deal is closed, Google will be licensing software to its competitors -- all the companies that use Android.

????The question of what constitutes artificially high prices is ambiguous, and might end up being worked out in court. That's just one issue in dealing with patents as they relate to antitrust matters, says Michael A. Carrier, author of "Innovation for the 21st Century" and a professor and antitrust expert at Rutgers University School of Law. The law "does not have a ready-made toolkit for analyzing anticompetitive harm from the creation of patent portfolios," he said in an email interview. "Collections of patent portfolios have not (yet) led to a clear framework that the agencies could apply." In approving the patent deals, "the DOJ put a lot of faith in the voluntary statements."

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