


Kevin Kelleher 2012-02-17


????投資者對(duì)這一點(diǎn)認(rèn)識(shí)得尤為清醒,他們甚至曾多次呼吁鮑爾默辭職。2010年和2011年,微軟股票表現(xiàn)遠(yuǎn)低于市場(chǎng)平均水平。兩年間,其股票價(jià)值下降了15%,而道瓊斯工業(yè)平均指數(shù)(Dow Jones Industrial Average)卻上升了17%。此外,盡管微軟在此期間的市盈率始終保持在10上下,遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)低低于道瓊斯的平均市盈率,微軟股票仍然遜色于入選道瓊斯指數(shù)的其他股票。






????Microsoft will always have its detractors. The truth is that Bill Gates moved away from the company he founded just as the Windows dynasty was being supplanted by rival technologies. That left CEO Steve Ballmer with the thankless task of trying to find a place for Microsoft in an industry where companies like Apple, Google and Facebook seemed to be increasingly setting the agenda.

????That sense of disenchantment has been especially strong among investors, who have repeatedly called for Ballmer to resign. In 2010 and 2011, Microsoft (MSFT) significantly underperformed the broader market, declining 15% over the two-year period while the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 17%. And it underperformed its Dow peers even though it had a price-earnings ratio that was consistently near 10, well below the Dow's average PE ratio.

????In 2012, things are changing. So far this year, Microsoft's stock is up 19%, against a 5% rise in the Dow, and it's been flirting with the $32 a share level it hasn't seen since early 2008. And the biggest reason seems to be that Microsoft is finally persuading investors that it's going to be just fine in the post-PC world.

????Of course, Microsoft won't dominate the post-PC world. Neither will it be irrelevant. It' has changed its seat at the head of the table for just another seat at the table. Investors had feared that the rise of tablets and smartphones meant a slow decline for the company. Instead, Microsoft seems to be positioning itself for years of steady, moderate growth.

????That also seems to be the message that Wall Street has been sending to Microsoft this year. In the most recent quarter, revenue from Windows software, for decades the biggest source of Microsoft revenue, fell 6% last quarter to $4.74 billion, due largely to a 70% decline in netbook sales. In the past that alone would have been bad news, but Microsoft's stock has steadily risen 8% since that disclosure.

????Why? First, because other divisions are more than making up for the slowdown in Windows sales. Revenue from entertainment and devices (which includes the Xbox game console) rose 15% to $4.24 billion. And revenue from servers and tools rose 11% to $4.77 billion. In other words, server revenue grew fast enough to eclipse Windows revenue last quarter. And entertainment revenue is close to surpassing it as well.

????So even if Windows were a dying franchise, Microsoft has laid plans to keep its revenue and profits growing in other areas. And while it's too early to say decisively, Windows may not be a dying franchise. It may in fact be one about to see renewed growth for years.

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