


Phil Moyer 2012-03-15





????本文作者Philip D. Moyer是一位副總裁和常務董事,具有25年的連續(xù)創(chuàng)業(yè)的經驗。他為Safeguard Scientifics公司帶來了許多重要的運營和交易經驗。他在該公司主要負責尋找金融技術以及Enterprise 3.0方面的機會。


????Many of the big four accounting firms (the largest employer of recent college grads) have already instituted such a policy and are encouraging employees to bring their iPad or smartphone to work. The company occupies a small piece of real estate on those devices as opposed to the employee's personal life occupying a small piece of real estate on a corporate device. The consumerization of the enterprise is upon us.

????For the last 10 years, CIOs tried to consolidate and outsource as much as possible to gain the benefits of economies of scale. Today, however, the economies of scale outside the firewall dwarf most enterprises' internal economies―with a fraction of the economic risk. At the same time, labor arbitrage can be accomplished without an RFP right over the Internet. Many CIOs have found themselves flat footed without the necessary internal skills to harness a world where infrastructure, processing capacity, and labor are available in abundance.

????The best CIOs are building small teams, partnering them with business units, and giving them a mandate to innovate with no barriers outside of the firewall. They are also building a serious enterprise technology team to build relationships to the major cloud vendors and evolve their offerings and relationships to support going live with these innovator teams. These are the CIOs that are intrapreneurs and the breed that will take their companies into the next generation of business.

????Both cloud and mobile technology offer untold possibilities for CIOs who are willing to rethink their business environments. Those proactive enough to experiment with new business models, even if they only start with low-risk cloud-based applications, are the ones who will succeed.

????Philip D. Moyer is Vice President and Managing Director. With more than 25 years of experience as a serial entrepreneur, Phil brings significant operational and deal experience to Safeguard Scientifics (NYSE: SFE), where he is responsible for sourcing opportunities in financial technology and Enterprise 3.0.

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