


Kevin Kelleher 2012-03-22

????之前的舉措已經(jīng)讓員工憂心忡忡,也讓互聯(lián)網(wǎng)同行敬而遠(yuǎn)之,但湯普森似乎還嫌這些不夠,又做好了跟維權(quán)投資者第三點(diǎn)基金投資公司(Third Point)爭奪代理權(quán)的準(zhǔn)備。自稱雅虎“最大外部股東”的第三點(diǎn)公司希望雅虎改組董事會(huì),解決數(shù)年以來雅虎股東和董事會(huì)之間的矛盾。





????因此,雅虎對(duì)“大數(shù)據(jù)”(Big Data)的投入也許能拯救公司,也可能會(huì)帶來滅頂之災(zāi)。雅虎本月的舉措已經(jīng)引發(fā)眾怒,但尚未波及消費(fèi)者。但是,如果雅虎在利用用戶數(shù)據(jù)方面過于激進(jìn),最終可能會(huì)讓消費(fèi)者也避之唯恐不及。如果連消費(fèi)者也選擇了放棄,雅虎就徹底玩完了。


????As if distressing employees and alienating peers wasn't enough, Thompson is also gearing up for a proxy battle with activist investor Third Point, which wants new directors on the company's board. Third Point, which calls itself Yahoo's "largest outside owner," wants to tap into several years of shareholder frustration with Yahoo's board.

????And in February, comments from Thompson upset Interpublic, a major advertiser. That may not matter if Thompson follows through on another radical plan to sell off pieces of Yahoo's advertising technology, part of its historically core market. Thompson has said he sees future growth in the "wealth of data" in Yahoo's businesses, which he called "exploitable" for new products and services.

????All of this is making Yahoo under Thompson look very bad indeed. But there may be a method to his madness. Controversies blow over. Layoffs are always traumatic for workers, but Silicon Valley is facing a shortage of talent. Patent battles can get ugly, but they are so common the memory of them soon passes (Until last week, most people had forgotten that Yahoo held Google over a similar patent barrel before its 2004 IPO).

????If Thompson's bold, no-holds-barred approach turns Yahoo around, all these controversies will be forgotten. It's a huge risk to take, but it may just be Yahoo's best chance. In the end, the exhausting work of Bartz and Jerry Yang to extract growth from an aging ad business amounted to nothing more than hospice care. Returning Yahoo to the forefront of the web is still an unlikely outcome, but the new fighting spirit at least gives it an outside chance.

????The key to any Yahoo turnaround lies in Thompson's goal of supplanting a fading display-ad business with a new focus on customer data and analytics. In the age of Facebook, tracking users' behavior on the web is the real secret to success. But it's a road filled with privacy landmines. People are growing wary about having their personal data exploited.

????That's why Yahoo's push into "big data" could save it, or irreparably hurt it. If Yahoo is too aggressive in exploiting its user data, it could end up alienating the one constituency it hasn't angered this month: its customers. If they abandon Yahoo, the show is over.

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