


Kevin Kelleher 2012-03-23






????貝寶的戰(zhàn)略正慢慢地變得清晰起來。收購了BillMeLater、購物搜索引擎Milo和應(yīng)用程序開發(fā)商WHERE和Redlaser等初創(chuàng)企業(yè)之后,貝寶已經(jīng)開始推出若干新功能——最新推出的功能是PayPal Here服務(wù)。業(yè)界普遍認為,這項于上周正式推出的服務(wù)將成為Square公司強有力的競爭者。Square的成名作就是可插入智能手機、用以在商店和餐廳現(xiàn)場支付的加密狗。


????兩家公司正在迅速地推出比加密狗更為先進的移動支付服務(wù)。Square推出了一款名為Card Case的iPhone應(yīng)用程序——用戶向Square的零售客戶支付款項時,這款應(yīng)用可以幫助他們省去刷信用卡的麻煩。PayPal Here也可以讓用戶在簽約零售商哪里實現(xiàn)無線支付。通過與Card.io公司合作,PayPal Here還能夠給信用卡拍張照片,而無需使用加密狗。

????As long as the Internet has been a venue for commerce, some companies have dreamed of making electronic cash as seamless and intuitive to use as possible: no cash or coins, no check-writing, no typing in or storing credit card numbers. Thanks to the rise of the cloud and the popularity of smarphones, that idea is becoming real.

????As a result, the names of companies working to create a so-called digital wallet is growing: startups like Square, big-name companies like eBay (EBAY), Google (GOOG) and Apple (AAPL) or financial services giants like Visa (V) and MasterCard (MA) – each hoping for a key role in what could in coming years become a lucrative market.

????No company has been working longer at this goal than PayPal. Back when people spoke less of the cloud and more about grid computing, and when mobile phones were too big to fit comfortably inside a pocket, PayPal was laying the foundation for a global e-payment system – working through regulatory processes in hundreds of countries, grappling with myriad forms of online fraud and fielding customer complaints.

????Today, PayPal works with 9 million merchants and 106 million active customers. And over the past couple of years, the eBay (EBAY) unit has been quietly assembling a strategy to create a digital wallet for those customers, and potentially many more. But it means improving on offerings from competitors, some of which have large customer bases and ample cash reserves.

????It also means placing bets on which standards consumers and merchants will embrace. Will Square-like dongles become an everyday accessory in retail? Or will near-field communications overcome security concerns and become the norm? Will credit- and debit- accounts continue to play a central role? And most importantly, which brands will emerge as the most trusted consumer interface to mobile payments?

????Slowly, PayPal's strategy is becoming clearer. After buying startups such as BillMeLater, shopping-engine Milo and app developers WHERE and Redlaser, PayPal has begun rolling out new features – most recently its PayPal Here service. Announced last week, PayPal Here was widely seen as a competitor of Square, the startup noted for the dongle that plugs into smartphones for on-the-spot payments in stores and restaurants.

????Square is catching on with many retailers. PayPal says it saw $4 billion in mobile payments in 2011 and that it expects to top $7 billion this year. But Square also says it processed $4 billion in payments last year, largely from small brick-and-mortar retailers that PayPal has tended to overlook.

????Both companies are quickly moving beyond the simple dongle. Square offers Card Case, an iPhone app that lets people pay Square's retail clients without swiping a plastic card. PayPal Here also allows wireless payments with participating retailers. Through a partnership with Card.io, PayPal Here can also take a photo of a credit card instead of using a dongle.

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