????直到不久之前,如果在亞馬遜網(wǎng)站的搜索框里鍵入“斯蒂夫?喬布斯、艾薩克”,第一個(gè)跳出來的結(jié)果可不是沃爾特?艾薩克森那本暢銷書。搜索結(jié)果里排名第一的書也叫《喬布斯傳》,連作者的名字也很像——艾薩克?沃辛頓(Isaac Worthington)。這本書似乎也有人買,雖然有個(gè)讀者給了它一星差評,而且稱其為“粗制濫造的小冊子”。沃辛頓的這本書沒準(zhǔn)是對杰夫?斯托布斯(Jeve Stobs,與Steve Jobs拼寫相似,系作者為諷刺而生造的人名——譯注)獨(dú)家專訪的作品。 ????亞馬遜上有不少與暢銷書書名相仿的山寨作品。在全球引起轟動的《蒼白50色》(Fifty Shades of Grey)是一部口味怪異的愛情小說,也是亞馬遜的頭號暢銷書。而亞馬遜上還有一本書叫《蒼白35色》(Thirty-Five Shades of Grey)。這兩本書的作者大名都以縮寫字母開頭——E. L. 詹姆斯和J. D.利特,而它們又都是三部曲的第一部,講的都是一位少女是如何與一個(gè)成功老男人陷入專制性愛的故事。《蒼白50色》的出版商稱這本書是“一本深深吸引你、永遠(yuǎn)與你相伴的故事”。而四月初面世的《蒼白35色》的作者和出版商顯然覺得這句話和他們的書同樣也是絕配,于是干脆一字不差地照搬到自己的書上。亞馬遜上類似的山寨書委實(shí)不少:比如《我是龍紋身女孩》(I am the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)(仿冒《龍紋身女孩》)和《暮光之城》(Twilight New Moon)(仿冒《暮光之城:新月》)。它們其實(shí)都不是你真正想找的書。 ????而如果想在亞馬遜上購買暢銷書《思考,或快或慢》(Thinking, Fast and Slow),點(diǎn)擊時(shí)可要當(dāng)心了。該書作者是諾貝爾獎獲得者、經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家丹尼爾?卡尼曼。很多想買它的讀者找到的卻是卡爾?丹尼爾斯的《或快或慢的思考》(Fast and Slow Thinking),這本書不久前還在亞馬遜上有售。卡尼曼對自己的李鬼兄弟的評價(jià)是:“根本就沒這么個(gè)專家,它純粹是剽竊。人們給它的評論也令人忍俊不禁。讓人震驚的是,亞馬遜竟會允許這種事發(fā)生。” ????可能更讓人震驚的是,亞馬遜不僅出售山寨書,居然還親自幫這些作者攢這種書?!敦?cái)富》雜志(Fortune)發(fā)現(xiàn),亞馬遜上所有這些仿冒痕跡明顯的作品都是“創(chuàng)作空間”(CreateSpace)一手炮制的。這是亞馬遜的一個(gè)部門。作者們可以運(yùn)用“創(chuàng)作空間”的系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)并自助出版書籍。這些書隨后就可在亞馬遜網(wǎng)站和其他網(wǎng)站上出售,所得收益由亞馬遜和作者分享。這種關(guān)系與大多數(shù)出版商與作者的關(guān)系不同,但讀者卻完全不知情。 “創(chuàng)作空間”在亞馬遜網(wǎng)站和其他網(wǎng)站上都被列為這些書的出版商之一。 ????曾任西蒙與舒斯特出版公司(Simon & Schuster)律師的埃里克?雷曼稱:“這種書就相當(dāng)于垃圾郵件。亞馬遜應(yīng)該制止這種事。無論是對讀者還是對出版業(yè)來說,這種做法都貽害無窮?!?/p> ????上周,《財(cái)富》雜志就這種明顯的作假行為聯(lián)系了亞馬遜公司,隨后亞馬遜刪除了沃辛頓和丹尼爾的相關(guān)頁面。一位女發(fā)言人稱,亞馬遜不會繼續(xù)銷售這些書籍了。但是,這兩本書仍然在以“創(chuàng)作空間”的名義在其他網(wǎng)站上銷售。亞馬遜的發(fā)言人稱,公司有一套專門的流程,專門檢查并刪除那些不能“改善用戶體驗(yàn)”的圖書。他還表示,亞馬遜已拒絕或刪除了“上千本”書籍。他說:“我們希望不斷改進(jìn)方法?!倍端沟俜?喬布斯傳》(Steve Jobs)的出版商,即西蒙與舒斯特出版公司的發(fā)言人拒絕就此發(fā)表評論。 ????《我是龍紋身女孩》的作者凱倫?皮布爾斯稱,她已通過“創(chuàng)作空間”自助出版了約一萬本書,但不是所有書都署她的本名。她說:“我是單身母親,孩子在家上學(xué)?!彼€表示,每個(gè)月她能賣掉“成千上萬本書”?!白灾霭鎸ξ襾碚f是很不錯(cuò)的收入來源。每個(gè)月我都有理想的版稅進(jìn)賬?!?/p> |
????Until recently, if you had typed "Steve Jobs Isaac" into the online retailer's search box, the first choice that popped up wasn't the best selling book by Walter Isaacson, but instead one with the same name and a similarly sounding author, Isaac Worthington. The book appears to be selling, even though Amazon's one reviewer gives the book a single star and calls it a "poorly produced pamphlet." Presumably, Worthington's book is based on exclusive interviews with Jeve Stobs. ????There are a number of books on Amazon with similar titles to much more popular ones. Fifty Shades of Grey, the steamy romance novel that has created buzz around the world, is the No. 1 selling book on Amazon. Also available on Amazon: Thirty-Five Shades of Grey. Both books are written by authors with two first initials – E. L. James and J. D. Lyte – and both are the first in a trilogy about a young girl who falls for an older, successful man with a taste for domineering sex. The publisher of the bestseller Fifty says the book is "a tale that will obsess you, possess you, and stay with you forever." The author and publisher of Thirty-Five, which came out in early April, apparently believe that description fits their book as well, word-for-word. Also selling on Amazon is I am the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Twilight New Moon. Neither is the book you are likely looking for. ????And if you want to buy bestseller Thinking, Fast and Slow on Amazon, be careful where you click. A number of Amazon shoppers looking for the book by Nobel Prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman ended up with Fast and Slow Thinking by Karl Daniels, which until recently was also on Amazon. Says Kahneman of his doppelganger, "There is no such expert, it's a rip-off. The comments on it are quite amusing – rather shocking that Amazon allows this sort of thing." ????It's perhaps more shocking that Amazon (AMZN) not only sells the books, it's also helping their authors create them. All of the apparent copycat books that Fortune found on Amazon were made through CreateSpace, which is a division of Amazon. Authors can use CreateSpace's system to design and self-publish their own books. The books then go on sale on Amazon and other sites. Amazon splits the proceeds with authors. It's a different relationship than most publishers have with their authors, but there is no way for consumers to know that. On Amazon and other sites, CreateSpace is listed as the publisher of the books. ????"It's the book equivalent of spam," says lawyer Eric Rayman, a former attorney for Simon & Schuster. "Amazon should be taking steps to stop this. It's bad for consumers and it's bad for the book business." ????After Fortune contacted Amazon late last week about the apparent fakes, the company removed the pages for the Worthington and Daniels books from its site. A spokeswoman says Amazon is no longer selling the books. Both books, though, are still for sale on other sites with Amazon's CreateSpace listed as the publisher. An Amazon spokeswoman says the firm has a process in place to detect and remove books that don't "improve the customer experience." The spokeswoman said Amazon has rejected or removed "thousands" of books. "We expect to keep improving our approach," says the spokeswoman. A spokesperson for Simon & Schuster, the publisher of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, declined to comment. ????Karen Peebles, who is the author of I am the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, says she has self-published around 10,000 books though CreateSpace, not all of which are in her own name. "I am a single mother who home schools her children," says Peebles, who says she sells "thousands and thousands" of books a month. "Self-publishing is a great way for me to make income. I receive a pretty nice royalty every month." |