
最會賺錢的美國公司排行榜:蘋果第三 谷歌僅17

最會賺錢的美國公司排行榜:蘋果第三 谷歌僅17


18. 谷歌公司(Google)






19. 強(qiáng)生公司(Johnson&Johnson)




20. 通用汽車公司(General Motors)






Fortune 500 rank: 73

2011 profit: $9.7 billion

????Google's revenue -- at $37.9 billion -- increased by 29.3% in 2011 compared to the previous year. And profits, at $9.7 billion, were up by 14.5% in 2011 compared to the previous year.

????A staggering 96% of the company's revenue came from its advertising platform, Adwords. The finance and insurance industry spent a whopping $4 billion on Google ads in 2011, followed by retailers and merchandisers at $2.8 billion.

????All of this should spell great news for Google. But as the prices that Google can charge advertisers continues to decline, the challenge of finding new sources of revenue lingers.

Johnson & Johnson

Fortune 500 rank: 42

2011 profit: $9.7 billion

????Over the past year, Johnson & Johnson fell from No. 9 to No. 13 on our list of most profitable companies. Profits at the drug maker were down by almost 28% in 2011 compared to the previous year, as the company dealt with recalls, quality control issues at its factories, and subsequent government investigations. In April 2012, William Weldon stepped down as CEO, officially handing over the top job -- and all the turnaround challenges -- to Alex Gorsky.

General Motors

Fortune 500 rank: 5

2011 profit: $9.2 billion

????GM has a lot on its plate, to say the least. But despite rising gas prices, recalls, and the not so distant memory of bankruptcy and accepting a nearly $50 billion bailout from the federal government, General Motors has emerged triumphant. The company's profits were up by nearly 49% in 2011 compared to the previous year, and the automaker reclaimed its title as global sales leader from Toyota.

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