


Alex Konrad 2012-05-23
True Office是美國一家通過電子游戲?yàn)槠髽I(yè)提供員工培訓(xùn)的公司,這樣的做法取得了良好的效果,很有可能成為未來的趨勢(shì)。

????亞當(dāng)?索德維克希望讓企業(yè)合規(guī)培訓(xùn)變得有趣些,或者至少比現(xiàn)在更吸引人一些。這也許聽起來很難,但這位True Office的首席執(zhí)行官相信他已找到辦法,能更好地調(diào)動(dòng)員工興趣,讓人力資源部的工作更容易開展。


????True Office借助的是流行的“游戲化”趨勢(shì),將視頻游戲的敘事和互動(dòng)與求職、培訓(xùn)等事務(wù)結(jié)合起來。很多游戲用獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)和點(diǎn)數(shù)來鼓勵(lì)表現(xiàn)。True Office給員工的唯一獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)是不那么痛苦的合規(guī)培訓(xùn)體驗(yàn)。


????True Office正在完善測(cè)試,計(jì)劃本月推出。但早期用戶稱,他們?cè)缫芽吹搅藨?yīng)用趨勢(shì)(比如,如果員工反復(fù)忽視某種違反政策的行為),說明這些領(lǐng)域需要進(jìn)一步培訓(xùn)。哈佛大學(xué)(Harvard)對(duì)這款軟件的測(cè)試結(jié)果是用戶意識(shí)到一些重大的違規(guī)行為,其實(shí)是需要對(duì)一些細(xì)小問題進(jìn)行更進(jìn)一步的培訓(xùn)?!叭藗兊姆答伿撬麄冋J(rèn)為這很有趣?!惫鸫髮W(xué)人力資源咨詢總監(jiān)蓋瑞?考米爾表示,“但分析對(duì)我們很重要?!?/p>

????索德維克對(duì)于他的產(chǎn)品非?,F(xiàn)實(shí):?jiǎn)T工不會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)喜歡培訓(xùn),但他相信他們對(duì)True Office的抱怨會(huì)少一些。人力資源管理者也會(huì)倍感輕松?!拔覀儗⑷〈鶳owerPoint和三孔檔案夾,”他說。True Office提供的數(shù)據(jù)和工具一定會(huì)讓一些接受合規(guī)培訓(xùn)的人輕松一刻。


????Adam Sodwick wants to make corporate compliance training, er, sexy -- or at least make it more exciting than it is today. That may sound like an uphill battle, but the True Office CEO thinks he has a way to engage employees and make HR folks breathe easier.

????Sodowick got his start in the corporate training business a decade ago peddling video lessons, so he knows that these tired techniques still are commonplace. But now that tablets offer a more interactive medium for testing, Sodowick's new company has developed a compliance app that runs as a fast-paced game (usually a painless 20 minutes). The employee is immersed in a sleek interactive story and then takes a 10-minute quiz to confirm his understanding of the material.

????True Office is riding the popular "gamification" trend, which brings videogame storytelling and interactivity to mundane tasks such as job applications and, yes, training. Many of the games encourage performance with rewards and points. True Office's only prize for employees is a less miserable compliance experience.

????But the real payoff comes in the advanced analytics its program provides employers. Companies using True Office's game will know exactly when and for how long their staff read the policies built into it, helping protect them against liability suits.

????The company is finishing trials and plans to launch this month, but early users say they can already see trends (if employees consistently fail to flag a policy violation, for example) that suggest areas requiring additional training. Harvard's test of the program, for example, revealed that users recognize flagrant infractions but need more training on subtle ones. "The feedback from people was that they thought it was fun," says Gary Cormier, a director of HR consulting for Harvard, "but the analytics are most important to me."

????Sodowick is realistic about his product: Employees will never love training, but he thinks they'll grumble less about True Office. HR executives are another matter. "We're going against PowerPoint and three-ring binders here," he notes. The data and tools True Office provides are sure to set a few hearts in compliance racing.

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