


Michal Lev-Ram 2012-06-01






????全美互惠保險公司(Nationwide Mutual Insurance)新產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)新負(fù)責(zé)人鮑勃?伯克哈特稱:“多年以來,消費(fèi)者一直要求RIM提供控制移動設(shè)備方方面面的能力,而RIM也一直在這么做。但他們忙于迎合消費(fèi)者的需求,卻忽略了他們應(yīng)該專注的東西——創(chuàng)新。”


????RIM's decision to enlist two major banks in evaluating its options means the company is highly likely to put itself -- or at least major parts of its business -- on the auction block. The company could ditch the hardware business and spin itself into a software and services company, licensing its still-valuable email service and infrastructure to other phone manufacturers. (That is a solution one of its former co-CEOs is said to have proposed.) Or it could throw its weight behind a strategic partnership like Microsoft (MSFT) and Nokia (NOK), or just sell off the entire business. None of the options are good.

????Of course, there was a time when RIM could do no wrong. Based in tiny Waterloo, Ontario, the company started out as a consulting business in 1984. It later developed and sold digital barcode readers used by the movie industry to scan through spools of film, as well as two-way pagers. In 2003 it launched the first BlackBerry, wowing employees with push email and teeny-tiny QWERTY keyboards. IT professionals loved the product because of ample security controls -- they could, for instance, shut off access to websites deemed inappropriate or remotely erase the contents of a lost device with the push of a button. It wasn't long before BlackBerries became the accessory of choice for working professionals and chief information officers were purchasing thousands of email-enabling servers from RIM.

????In Canada, RIM became a darling. And all across the world, "CrackBerry" addicts were signing on by the millions as BlackBerries became the smartphone of choice for a whole army of increasingly mobile professionals. "It was a great source of pride in Canada," says Abramsky, the former RBC Capital Markets analyst. "It was almost like Apple is in the United States -- a local tech company that's also a leading player on the world stage."

????The tide started to turn in 2007, when Apple introduced the iPhone. At first, many -- including, of course, RIM's managers -- dismissed its potential in the enterprise. After all, Apple's Steve Jobs had made it clear that catering to enterprise customers wasn't a priority, once referring to CIOs as "chief information orifices." Google's Android was also developed with consumers, not corporate users, in mind. It didn't matter. Before long, employees who had stood in line to buy shiny new touchscreens began bringing their new phones to work.

????Both iOS and Android managed to overtake RIM precisely because they appealed to everyday users, not enterprise customers. They launched user-friendly app stores with millions of sleek, time-sucking apps. (RIM was unfashionably late to launching its own application store.) And they gave users access to the full web, not the miniaturized version offered on BlackBerries and low-end handsets. RIM's device -- once the poster-child for mobile innovation -- fell badly behind.

????"For years and years we asked RIM to give us the ability to control every last little aspect of the devices and RIM went right with us," says Bob Burkhart, director of new product innovation at Nationwide Mutual Insurance. "They were so busy doing what we wanted them to do that they took their eye off the ball."

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