
超極本:哪款模仿MacBook Air的產(chǎn)品最出色?

超極本:哪款模仿MacBook Air的產(chǎn)品最出色?

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012-06-08
第二代超極本即將閃亮登場,他們能打敗蘋果的MacBook Air嗎?價格也許會是一個關(guān)鍵的因素。

????超極本被認(rèn)為是英特爾(Intel)和微軟(Microsoft)對蘋果MacBook Air的有力回?fù)?。它重量超輕但性能強(qiáng)勁,能完成高級用戶所需的繁重工作。

????不過超極本在頭一年賣出的數(shù)量少得可憐,《紐約時報》(New York Times)四月份時報道稱,調(diào)研機(jī)構(gòu)NPD集團(tuán)(NPD Group)和高德納(Gartner)“甚至無法統(tǒng)計超極本的銷量?!?/p>




????外界普遍認(rèn)為蘋果將在下周推出新版MacBook Air。這些并不急于購買超極本的潛在客戶們是否在等著看蘋果的新產(chǎn)品?

????在證券公司Topeka Capital工作的布萊恩?懷特本周參加了在臺灣舉辦的一個電腦展后,在周二致客戶的報告中寫道:“還是買MacBook Air吧,超極本還是太貴了?!?/p>

????“在Computex電腦展的第二天里,我們分析了更多的超極本。不過,迄今為止,我們的調(diào)查顯示,新版超極本的售價將大大超過699美元,而我們認(rèn)為這一價格門檻正是超極本想取得成功所必需不能逾越的。例如,技嘉(Gigabyte)展示了一款11英寸顯示屏的碳素纖維外殼超極本,將于今年7月上市,售價為999至1299美元;而宏碁(Acer)和華碩(Asustek)也展示了引人注目的超極本,但我們認(rèn)為其價格將是大問題。在我們看來,如果用戶不能以很大折扣購買Windows版超極本,那么他們會毅然選擇最好的產(chǎn)品,花999美元購買蘋果的MacBook Air?!?/p>


????Ultrabooks were supposed to be Intel's (INTC) and Microsoft's (MSFT) answer to Apple's (AAPL) MacBook Air -- featherweight laptops powerful enough to do the heavy lifting that power users require.

????But so few sold in their first year on the market that the New York Times reported in April that the research firms NPD Group and Gartner "can't even get their fingers on a pulse."

????With the second generation of Ultrabooks now available for purchase, that may be changing. In a survey released Tuesday, ChangeWave reported that although only 1% of respondents owned an Ultrabook, 7% were planning to buy one in the future – "a clear sign," according to ChangeWave's Josh Levine, "of momentum for the new PC category."

????Half of the respondents didn't know which model they wanted, but among those who did, Dell (DELL) and Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) were the clear winners, with 44% of likely buyers split evenly between them.

????But even among these potential customers, only 14% said they planned to make a purchase within the next 90 days; 64% said they would wait six months or longer.

????Apple is widely expected to unveil a new version of the MacBook Air next week. Could the Ultrabook holdouts be waiting to see what Cupertino's new machines are like?

????That's the advice of Topeka Capital's Brian White, reporting this week from a trade show in Taiwan. "Ultrabooks Are Still Too Pricey, Stick with the MacBook Air," he wrote in a note to clients Tuesday:

????"During our second day at Computex, we analyzed more Ultrabooks; however, our checks thus far indicate that the price points for the new releases will be well over the $699 price threshold that we deem necessary for this new category to be a big success. For example, Gigabyte showed off a new 11-inch, carbon fiber Ultrabook that will launch in July with a price point of $999 to $1,299, while Acer and Asustek also showed off attractive Ultrabooks but we believe price will be an issue. In our view, if consumers are not getting a significant discount for a Windows-based Ultrabook, they will simply opt for the best and pay $999 for Apple's MacBook Air."

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