


Jay Jamison 2012-06-21
眼下蘋果一邊在與微軟最新發(fā)布的Windows 8操作系統(tǒng)進行競爭,另一方面還想挑戰(zhàn)安卓系統(tǒng)在手機數(shù)量上的優(yōu)勢。

????上周,蘋果CEO蒂姆?庫克在一年一度的蘋果世界開發(fā)者大會(Worldwide Developers Conference)上首次做了主題演講。這也是標(biāo)志蘋果邁入庫克時代的一個里程碑。不過庫克的工作也有很的大風(fēng)險。首先要走出喬布斯的陰影就不是件容易的事,其次分析師、投資者以及成百上千萬的“果粉”們都在尋找蘋果是否出現(xiàn)了創(chuàng)新減緩的苗頭,又或是是否有哪里出現(xiàn)了失誤的跡象。不過蘋果的聲明里有一個核心焦點,那就是現(xiàn)在庫克正在準(zhǔn)備對微軟(Microsoft)和谷歌(Google)發(fā)動進攻。眼下蘋果一邊在與微軟最新發(fā)布的Windows 8操作系統(tǒng)進行競爭,另一方面蘋果還想挑戰(zhàn)Android系統(tǒng)在手機數(shù)量上的優(yōu)勢。以下就是蘋果采取的戰(zhàn)略:

????微軟推出Windows 8后,蘋果發(fā)布了安裝了視網(wǎng)膜顯示屏的新款MacBook Pro。隨著微軟相繼發(fā)布Windows 8和Metro UI,并開始支持ARM架構(gòu),看起來微軟已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好了通過一系列的新產(chǎn)品發(fā)布,讓自己這樣一個龐大的計算平臺朝著更加移動化的方向轉(zhuǎn)變。另外近日微軟還推出了一臺名叫Surface的平板電腦。那些以移動業(yè)務(wù)為中心的創(chuàng)業(yè)公司、特別是那些主打平板電腦產(chǎn)品的小企業(yè)應(yīng)該會非常關(guān)注微軟Windows 8的發(fā)布。

????不過最近蘋果憑借新MacBook Pro的發(fā)布扳回了一城。新MacBook搭載了先進的視網(wǎng)膜顯示屏,據(jù)說待機時間長達7小時,以今天的價格來算,可以說蘋果再次為那些靠“Windows系統(tǒng)+英特爾芯片”吃飯的PC廠商提高了追趕的門檻。雖然蘋果在現(xiàn)在的全球PC市場上仍然只占了一個較小的份額,但它的營業(yè)利潤卻是其他PC廠商望塵莫及的,說不定未來還有可能把普通PC廠商的利潤空間徹底榨干。由于蘋果一直保持并擴展著與普通Windows PC廠商的利潤差距,因此微軟的最強項,也就是它的Windows PC業(yè)務(wù)被限制住了手腳。對于蘋果來說,這相當(dāng)于對微軟的核心業(yè)務(wù)形成了狠狠一擊,同時蘋果還在它的主打業(yè)務(wù)——也就是移動業(yè)務(wù)上繼續(xù)保持著行業(yè)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的地位。



????Last week, Tim Cook took the stage and keynoted Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference for the first time. It wasanother milestone marker at the beginning of the Cook era, and a high stakes one at that. Apple's new CEO is laboring not only in the shadow of the great Steve Jobs but the millions of fanboys, analysts and investors looking for any signs of a drop-off in innovation, a loss of a step. But the announcements had one core focus: Cook is going on the offensive against Microsoft and Google. Cook and Apple want to set the competitive battle ground on which Microsoft launches Windows 8 and it wants to attack Google mobile OS unit leadership with Android. Here's how:

????Apple's (AAPL) New MacBook Pro with Retina Display is going after Microsoft (MSFT) Windows 8. With its upcoming Windows 8 launch, its Metro UI and ARM support, Microsoft has a major Windows release that appears well tuned to evolve its mass scale computing platform to a more mobile-centric world. (A new tablet dubbed Surface isn't likely to hurt either.) Mobile-centric startups, especially with tablet offerings or enterprise focus, should watch Microsoft Windows 8's launch closely.

????Apple's new MacBook Pro announcement has stolen a bit of a march on Microsoft here. By launching this new MacBook Pro lineup -- with Retina Display, a reported 7 hour battery life, at today's prices -- Apple is raising the bar (and likely the BOM costs) on WinTel-based PC manufacturers. Though still a small percentage of unit share in the global PC marketplace, Apple now accounts for the vast bulk (potentially all) of PC manufacturer profits. Maintaining and extending that profit pool leadership against the WinTel PC manufacturers limits Microsoft's maneuverability on its strongest front, namely its Windows PC business. From Apple, this is a solid jab at Microsoft on Microsoft's core front, while Apple retains its leadership on its key mobile fronts.

????Apple's Facebook (FB) integration hits Google (GOOG) Android hard. Apple and Facebook announced that Facebook will be much more deeply integrated into the upcoming iOS6. Users will find it much easier to connect to Facebook from iOS6, making it easier to post a photo or a song from your device to Facebook.

????Strategically, this aims right at Google and Android, and the big beneficiary in my view on this announcement is actually Facebook. Facebook has reportedly struggled in mobile, in part because it's been cumbersome to get stuff from your mobile device onto Facebook. This development appears to address this problem. Also, by opening up Facebook on iOS via an API, iOS developers will get access to the increased social flow that this integration enables. Done well, this move may tighten the vice on Google Plus. With the Instagram acquisition and now this, Facebook has some strong responses to any perceptions that they're not focused on mobile.

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