


Jay Jamison 2012-06-21
眼下蘋果一邊在與微軟最新發(fā)布的Windows 8操作系統(tǒng)進(jìn)行競爭,另一方面還想挑戰(zhàn)安卓系統(tǒng)在手機(jī)數(shù)量上的優(yōu)勢。



????蘋果的聲明對創(chuàng)業(yè)公司意味著什么?蘋果的舉措可能會在地圖、支付和忠誠消費(fèi)回饋計(jì)劃(loyalty program,一種刺激用戶重復(fù)消費(fèi)的回饋機(jī)制,如積分卡機(jī)制)等領(lǐng)域?qū)σ恍┰缙诘某晒拘纬蓧毫?。不過我的第一感覺是,蘋果并不是要故意扼殺這些創(chuàng)新公司的努力。這個觀點(diǎn)可能和主流觀點(diǎn)相悖,因?yàn)楦髁鞯挠^點(diǎn)是,蘋果、微軟、谷歌或Facebook這樣的科技巨頭往往會模仿或是收購好的創(chuàng)意,把它們納入自己的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)里,從而造成扼殺創(chuàng)新的結(jié)果。



????On the Android side, Google's unit share leadership continues to provide the advantages of being #1, but the ecosystem's health is questionable. With most developers I speak with, Android struggles to deliver consistent profits and revenue to high value-add developers. Part of this challenge is due to the fragmentation of Android App Stores, form factors, and even different OS versions running on devices. Google is apparently working to address these issues, but material progress has been slow. Google has to turn on the jets here, as Apple's strategy of having an integrated device, software, and app store ecosystem enables Apple to drive innovation into the marketplace more quickly and more broadly than Google.

????Another key challenge for Android is winning high profit users who today tend to choose iPhones or iPads. On the tablet side, in particular, how often have you actually seen a user with an Android based device in the wild? It's rare. In today's PC world, the most profitable users are Mac users; the same dynamic is starting to take hold in the smartphone world.

????What do Apple's announcements mean for startups? Apple's moves potentially pressure some successful earlier stage companies in spaces such as maps, payments or loyalty programs, but my first take is that Apple is not specifically trying to suffocate these efforts. This may be a contrarian view, as the more common narrative is that tech behemoths, such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, or Facebook copy or buy out good ideas built in their ecosystem and, as a result, stifle innovation.

????My perspective is that Apple's move to extend and improve these areas is the natural order of things for a platform owner managing the innovation of its ecosystem. The platform owner, Apple, has a business interest in enriching its platform, making its platform more functional and more attractive for developers to build against and ideally for users to consume. You can look to any mainstream platform, whether targeting gamers, consumer, social or enterprise -- XBOX, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft Windows Server or Amazon (AMZN) Web Services for example -- all expand the footprints and capabilities of their platforms to make them more functional for developers and ecosystem providers, for the purpose of providing a deeper and more useful end-user experience.

????So no startup can stand still. As Apple continues to raise the water line on its platform's functionality, startups are going to have to continue to innovate or they'll struggle. And in most (not all) cases, I worry more about the risk of a startup that fails to execute and continue to innovate, than I do a tech giant extending its platform into a space. Keep in mind, Apple's iCloud was supposed to kill Dropbox, and Apple's Ping was supposed to crush Pandora (P) or stop a Spotify before it come out. This is not a critique of Apple's innovation at all; I'm merely saying that startups that execute and innovate can continue to thrive.

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