


Verne Kopytoff 2012-07-02


????只有少數(shù)案例沒有按著這個劇本走。比如上周早些時候,美國聯(lián)邦貿(mào)易委員會(Federal Trade Commission)將溫德姆國際酒店集團(Wyndham Worldwide)告上法庭,理由是后者沒有采取足夠措施保護客戶信息。亞利桑那州的聯(lián)邦法院受理了此案。聯(lián)邦貿(mào)易委員會在起訴書中稱,過去兩年里,黑客先后三次入侵了溫德姆集團的電腦系統(tǒng),但在此之后,溫德姆集團并沒有采取足夠措施升級安全系統(tǒng)。






????美國近年的黑客襲擊頻頻得手,與之相比,區(qū)區(qū)三十多起訴訟與和解顯得十分蒼白。據(jù)身份失竊資源中心 (dentity Theft Resource Center)報道,光是去年,美國就發(fā)生了419起黑客案件,受影響人數(shù)多達2,290萬人。該中心主任雷克斯?戴維斯表示,實際上得手的襲擊次數(shù)肯定還要更高,因為很多公司在遭到黑客襲擊后都沒有對外披露。

????溫德姆集團旗下運營著戴斯酒店(Days Inn)、速8(Super 8)和華美達(Ramada)等知名酒店品牌。聯(lián)邦貿(mào)易委會員在上周二遞交的起訴書稱,溫德姆集團甚至沒有實施基本的安全措施。例如該集團把用戶的信用卡賬號保存在文本文檔里,黑客輕易地就可以讀取到。



????Hackers infiltrate Company X's computers and make off with thousands of customer credit card numbers. After learning of the theft, Company X apologizes and promises to beef up its security. A storm of public indignation builds and then passes until, soon after, the cycle repeats itself when hackers attack another Company Y. And so on.

????Only rarely does the script deviate like it did this week when the Federal Trade Commission sued Wyndham Worldwide (WYN) for failing to do enough to protect its customer information. The complaint, filed in federal court in Arizona, alleged that Wyndham did little to upgrade security after hackers breached its computer system three times in two years.

????Wyndham responded that the case was without merit.

????Unlike Wyndham, most companies that fall victim to hackers never enter the F.T.C.'s crosshairs. As long as businesses have reasonable security measures, they can avoid punishment after even serious breaches.

????What draws the F.T.C.'s attention is when it believes a company left the door wide open to its customer information. Such inattention violates privacy policies in which companies invariably promise that they safeguard the consumer data they collect, using standard industry practices.

????"We have always said that it is not a violation to be hacked," said Kristin Cohen, an attorney in the F.T.C.'s division of privacy and identity protection. "We can only go after companies that have misleading privacy policies -- either they did something that was deceptive or unfair."

????Over the past decade, the F.T.C. has reached settlements or sued around 35 companies for misrepresenting their data security. For example, RockYou, a social game site, settled with the agency earlier this year while Twitter did so in 2010.

????The number of cases pales next to the proliferation of successful hacker attacks in the United States. Last year alone, there were 419 breaches reported affecting 22.9 million people, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center, a group that tracks the problem. The number of successful attacks is almost certainly higher, however, because many companies fail to disclose when their defenses are defeated, said Rex Davis, director of operations for the center.

????In its complaint Tuesday, the F.T.C. said that Wyndham, which operates and franchises Days Inn, Super 8 and Ramada hotels, failed to implement basic security measures. Credit card numbers were stored in text files that hackers could easily read, for example.

????The first hacker attack against Wyndham in 2008 compromised 500,000 credit card accounts, and led to hundreds of thousands of account numbers being sent to a domain registered in Russia. Two more attacks over the next two years accessed another 50,000 credit and debit card numbers.

????The F.T.C. said that the hackers were able to use the information they obtained to make $10.6 million in fraudulent charges. Wyndham countered that it knows of no customers who suffered a financial loss.

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