


Brian Dumaine 2012年07月17日

????隨著雙層巴士轉(zhuǎn)入查爾斯頓路(Charleston Road),開始蜿蜒穿梭谷歌(Google)位于加利福尼亞州山景城(Mountain View, Calif.)的園區(qū),我全身舒泰地坐在公務(wù)艙標(biāo)準(zhǔn)大小的座椅上,欣賞平滑的黑色皮革以及腳下毛絨灰色的地毯。寬敞的折疊桌伸展開來,擺放著我的筆記本電腦,它已經(jīng)與車內(nèi)的WiFi系統(tǒng)連接。這趟奢華雙層巴士的單價為80萬美元,是谷歌擁有和運營的73輛巴士之一。(該公司向外出租26輛。)每天這些班車都運送大約4,500名員工,相當(dāng)于三分之一在谷歌園區(qū)(Googleplex,谷歌總部的名字)工作的人。







????As the double-decker bus turns onto Charleston Road and starts winding through Google's Mountain View, Calif., campus, I stretch out in the business-class-size seat, admiring the smoothness of the black leather and the plush gray carpeting at my feet. A spacious table expands to hold a laptop, which can connect to the vehicle's Wi-Fi system. This $800,000 luxury double-decker is one of 73 buses that Google owns and operates. (It leases 26 others.) Each day the fleet transports about 4,500 employees, or about a third of those working at the Googleplex, as the company's headquarters is known.

????It turns out that Google (GOOG) isn't offering a free ride simply as an employee perk -- the buses actually save the company money. Yes, there's the added productivity of 4,500 employees working an extra couple of hours each day while riding to and from work. But Google's bus service is about much more than that. Real estate in Mountain View is expensive. Underground parking spaces cost as much as $85,000 to construct. (Really!) If Google had to build a parking space for each of the bus riders, the price tag would run to almost $400 million. And that's not counting the lost opportunity cost of not using that land for new office buildings.

????Google has made other investments in transportation too. If, during the day, a Google-ite needs to run an errand or pick up a sick kid at school, he or she can hop into one of 52 electric and hybrid cars parked on campus. The company also encourages employees to drive electrics. It has spent an estimated $3 million to $4 million to install 395 chargers -- the largest corporate electric-vehicle infrastructure in the country.

????Finding creative solutions to energy issues has become a major priority for Google co-founder and CEO Larry Page in recent years. For the obvious reasons -- a growing population, increasingly scarce resources, and climate change -- he believes that the corporate world needs to operate more sustainably, and he is determined to build the nation's first zero-carbon company. This means a business that ultimately is so energy efficient and uses so much clean power that it emits no greenhouse gas -- a very tall order indeed. Experts aren't sure whether it's even possible for a company to emit no carbon, but Google is trying to come as close to that goal as possible. "As we became a bigger user of energy, we wanted to make sure we were not just part of the problem, but part of the solution," says Urs H?lzle, Google's employee No. 8 and a senior vice president who oversees the company's green initiatives.

????To reach its audacious zero-carbon goal, Google is taking a three-pronged approach. First, it's making its server farms, office buildings, and commuting habits more energy efficient. (Apparently Page's Boeing 767, which he owns with co-founder Sergey Brin, doesn't get counted in the equation.) Then the company is investing heavily -- $915 million to date -- in solar and wind producers to make clean energy more available. And finally it is buying enough carbon offsets to make the company carbon neutral -- at least on paper -- until it can meet its overall goal.

????If the plan works, Page will have created a blueprint that other companies can use to reduce their own energy use and -- as important -- save money at the same time. But Google has already learned some hard lessons.

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