


Yewon Kang 2012-08-29


????蘋果與三星的專利訴訟案判決看來也沒有怎樣改變這一趨勢。LTE(意即“長期演進(jìn)”)技術(shù)是從設(shè)備制造商到軟件開發(fā)商,到網(wǎng)絡(luò)運(yùn)營商在內(nèi)的所有IT業(yè)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者都在追逐的下一代無線技術(shù),因?yàn)橄M(fèi)者要求獲得速度更快、更穩(wěn)定的網(wǎng)路。LTE技術(shù)還為LG電子(LG Electronics)、諾基亞(Nokia)等在3G設(shè)備鼎盛期顯著落后的二線公司提供了趕超三星、蘋果等領(lǐng)頭羊的機(jī)會。三星和蘋果兩家公司現(xiàn)在合計(jì)把持著智能手機(jī)市場半壁以上的江山。

????例如,LG電子最近就宣稱持有的LTE專利數(shù)量最多,據(jù)知識產(chǎn)權(quán)咨詢公司估算價值約80億美元。TechIPm的科技業(yè)知識產(chǎn)權(quán)戰(zhàn)略專家埃里克斯?李稱:“自從智能手機(jī)大行其道以來,確保競爭地位的最有效方式就是擁有專利?!彼€說:“LG致力于持有堅(jiān)實(shí)的4G專利組合,這是項(xiàng)好策略……該公司擁有超過4,000萬美元的基礎(chǔ)價值,可對專利進(jìn)行授權(quán)或出售,有望帶來巨大的價值?!保?G 和LTE常?;Q使用。)

????但對于大肆宣揚(yáng)專利戰(zhàn)略價值的做法,也有一些人士提出了質(zhì)疑。換言之,LG將必須履行專利授權(quán)承諾?!耙虼?,未來它可以從專利中獲得一些財(cái)務(wù)上的回報(bào),但還不足以據(jù)此抗衡像蘋果這樣的對手,”專利專家弗洛里安?穆勒在一封電子郵件中寫道。而且,由于大多數(shù)專利訴訟案的公司最終都通過交叉授權(quán)來了結(jié)案件,NH Securities and Investment證券投資公司駐首爾的分析師李成泰表示,最終唯一的贏家可能只有律師。

????即便如此,在過去的幾年中,大公司達(dá)成了越來越多的移動技術(shù)專利交易。就在上個月,英特爾(Intel)向移動技術(shù)開發(fā)和授權(quán)公司InterDigital購買了價值3.75億美元的3G、4G LTE 和Wi-Fi技術(shù)。更值得一提的是去年,已破產(chǎn)的北電網(wǎng)絡(luò)(Nortel Networks)將其LTE專利拍賣給了包括蘋果、EMC、愛立信(Ericsson)、微軟(Microsoft)、黑莓手機(jī)生產(chǎn)商移動研究公司(Research In Motion)和索尼(Sony)在內(nèi)的競爭對手聯(lián)合體,總價達(dá)45億美元。去年8月,谷歌(Google)以125億美元收購了摩托羅拉移動(Motorola Mobility),也大大強(qiáng)化了其專利組合。

????為什么LTE如此重要?LTE技術(shù)處于一些最重要的技術(shù)發(fā)展趨勢的焦點(diǎn)。市場研究公司Strategy Analytics的高級分析師尼爾?沙赫稱,這些趨勢包括頻段效率、數(shù)據(jù)傳輸和速度、設(shè)備能耗管理等。事實(shí)上,LTE專利幾乎涉及到熱門消費(fèi)設(shè)備和服務(wù)的方方面面。


????As dramatically shown in Apple and Samsung's epic legal conflict, patents have become the new currency among tech giants. Dull-sounding legal instruments have become all-important, not necessarily because of their financial worth but for their strategic and marketing value. Simply put, patents are a means to gaining a competitive advantage.

????A verdict in that marquee case seems to have done little to alter that trend. So-called LTE -- the term stands for "long-term evolution" -- is the next wireless technology that IT industry leaders from device makers to software developers and network operators are pursuing as consumers demand faster and more reliable networks. LTE technology also provides second-tier players such as LG Electronics and Nokia (NOK) who lagged badly during the heyday of 3G devices an attempt to catch up with the likes of Samsung and Apple (AAPL), which together own more than half of the current smartphone market.

????LG Electronics, for one, recently boasted that it holds the largest number of LTE patents, estimated to be worth around $8 billion according to intellectual property consulting firms. "Since the smartphone boom, the most efficient way to affirm their position is patents," says Alex Lee, an IP strategy expert at TechIPm, of technology companies. "LG has a good strategy to position [itself] with strong 4G portfolios...it has more than $40 million of base value, and it can utilize the patents for licensing or sell them, the values would be huge," Lee adds. (The terms 4G and LTE are often used interchangeably.)

????On the other hand, some criticize the hype of strategic value of patents. In other words, LG will have to honor its licensing commitments. "As a result, it will get some financial value out of those patents, but it won't be able to leverage them against a rival such as Apple," Florian Mueller, a patent expert, wrote in an email. And since companies in most patent lawsuits end up settling for cross-licensing deals, the only clear winners in the end may be the lawyers, notes Lee Sun Tae, an analyst at NH Securities and Investment in Seoul.

????And yet, major companies have increasingly struck deals involving wireless technology patents in the last few years. Just last month, Intel (INTC) bought $375 million worth of patents on 3G, 4G LTE and Wi-Fi technologies from InterDigital, a wireless technology developer and licensor. More notably last year, bankrupt Nortel Networks auctioned off its LTE patents to a consortium of key players including Apple, EMC (EMC), Ericsson, Microsoft (MSFT), Research In Motion (RIMM) and Sony (SNE) for a total price of $4.5 billion. Google (GOOG) boosted its patent cache by acquiring Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion last August.

????Why has LTE proved so central? LTE technologies are at the nexus of some of the most important trends in technology. These include spectrum efficiency, data transfer and speed, and power management of devices, according to Neil Shah, a senior analyst with Strategy Analytics. In effect, LTE patents permeate nearly every aspect of popular consumer gizmos and services.

????For instance, to increase data speed, operators are working to improve spectrum efficiency by using a technology dubbed carrier aggregation, which combines multiple bandwidths into one data link. Another technology to improve quality and speed of data transfer involves what's called "multiple input multiple output," or MIMO, which employs multiple antennas in cell towers and on devices to transfer more data at the same time. Currently, LTE networks use two antennas and are expected to expand to eight in the future. The challenge lies with hardware makers trying to pack more advanced components into phones that are always becoming thinner.

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