


Michal Lev-Ram 2012-11-12
數(shù)據(jù)分析公司Tableau Software善于將巨大的數(shù)據(jù)集轉(zhuǎn)變成悅目的圖形。它的服務(wù)深受歡迎,公司業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展迅速。2011年,它的銷售額增長(zhǎng)了83%。如今,科技巨頭谷歌又成為它最新的合作伙伴,公司有望迎來(lái)新一輪的發(fā)展。

????實(shí)際上,一個(gè)處理海量數(shù)據(jù)的工具和它要處理的數(shù)據(jù)一樣重要。商業(yè)智能初創(chuàng)企業(yè)Tableau Software將數(shù)據(jù)計(jì)算變成好看的圖片,贏得了熱烈好評(píng),現(xiàn)在公司正忙于擴(kuò)展合作伙伴隊(duì)伍,搭建“接口”。接口項(xiàng)技術(shù)將使外部數(shù)據(jù)源,如在線客戶關(guān)系管理服務(wù)供應(yīng)商Salesforce.com、微軟(Microsoft)和甲骨文(Oracle)的服務(wù)器,可以無(wú)縫接入其軟件。

????這就是Tableau的策略——“不論數(shù)據(jù)藏身何處”,用戶都可進(jìn)行處理。上周,這家公司在加州圣地亞哥召開(kāi)的用戶大會(huì)上公布了最新的合作伙伴——谷歌(Google)。此舉意味著,現(xiàn)在Tableau用戶可以利用它的可視化軟件與谷歌分析(Google Analytics用于跟蹤網(wǎng)站流量)和谷歌BigQuery云服務(wù)中的數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行交互。BigQuery云服務(wù)允許企業(yè)在極其龐大的數(shù)據(jù)集(約數(shù)十億行)中運(yùn)行搜索。

????谷歌BigQuery產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理郭巨凱(音)稱:“我們的對(duì)象并不是具有超強(qiáng)技術(shù)背景的人,我們的目的是賦予商業(yè)用戶能力。”Tableau用戶可以拖拽大的數(shù)據(jù)集,創(chuàng)作彩色圖表。連鎖特許學(xué)??释W(xué)校(Aspire Public Schools)的老師通過(guò)Tableau跟蹤學(xué)生的表現(xiàn)和出勤率。美國(guó)3A級(jí)車隊(duì)國(guó)家汽車俱樂(lè)部( National Motor Club)則使用這個(gè)軟件協(xié)調(diào)道路救援電話。(其他較大的客戶還包括eBay和谷歌)





????A big data tool is only as good as the data that feeds into it. Business intelligence startup Tableau Software has earned rave reviews for?turning data computations into beautiful graphics, but now the company is busy expanding its pool of partners and building "connectors" -- technology that enables external data sources like Salesforce.com (CRM) and Microsoft (MSFT) and Oracle (ORCL) servers to seamlessly plug into its software.

????It's all part of Tableau's strategy of allowing customers to work with their data "no matter where it lives."?At its user conference in San Diego, Calif. this week, the company announced its latest partner -- Google (GOOG). The move means Tableau users will now be able to use its visualization software to interact with data on Google Analytics (used to track website traffic) as well as Google's BigQuery cloud-based service, which lets businesses run queries on extremely large datasets (think billions of rows).

????"Rather than having someone with a very technical background we're able to empower any business users," says?Ju-Kay Kwek, product manager for Google BigQuery. Tableau users can drag and drop large sets of data to create colorful graphs. Teachers at Aspire Public Schools, a chain of charter schools, use Tableau to monitor student performance and attendance. And the National Motor Club, a AAA competitor, uses the software to coordinate roadside assistance calls. (Other, larger customers include eBay (EBAY) and, fittingly, Google).

????Company CEO Christian Chabot says Tableau is for anyone with data and questions.?"The idea that analytics is for IT guys only is stupid," says Chabot.

????Putting big data at the fingertips of everyday business users is a popular effort. Tableau has plenty of competition from the likes of heavyweights like SAP (SAP) and smaller players like QlikTech (QLIK). But the Seattle-based startup is definitely one to watch. The company's sales grew 83% in 2011 and Chabot says revenue will exceed $100 million this year--not bad for software that puts a pretty face on the complexities of big data plumbing. Plus, an IPO is rumored to be in the works, and soon.

????For now, Tableau is focused on improving its product (a new, upcoming version of the software will include a revamped engine for rendering visualizations) and building out more connectors to its visualization tools. Hooking up with Google, then, is a logical and necessary move.

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