


《財富》(中文版) 2011-04-14





讓我們來舉幾個具體的例子吧。在我們研究的公司中有些涉及的領(lǐng)域十分廣泛,但是卻成為了卓越的公司。比如通用電氣(GE)、寶潔(Procter & Gamble)、強生(Johnson & Johnson)和明尼蘇達礦務(wù)及制造業(yè)公司(3M),我們分析其中的幾個案例。


Thomas D. Gorman: I know another course that you taught at Stanford was on entrepreneurship; I want to come back to that. But, before we get there, one feature of the Chinese corporate universe, at the moment, there are still a lot of large diversified conglomerates and I know you've researched conglomerates versus more specialized companies. And I'd like for you to talk, if you would, for just a moment on the strengths and weakness on conglomerates and one or two examples of people who got it right and how did they get it right?

Jim Collins: We talked earlier about the idea of a hedgehog concept. So, how would the idea of a hedgehog concept, which is we're going to focus on what we can be best in the world at, what we're passionate about, what drives our economic engine related to the possibilities of the conglomerate.

Would a conglomerate by definition be doomed to average?

I suggest there actually can be a process hedgehog, just like there are content hedgehogs, like the best low cost airlines, or the best convenient drugstore chain, or the best at world discount retailing, like Wal-Mart, or the best at biotechnology breakthroughs, or something like that, or certain drug areas. But, I believe there's also a process that some companies can have a process hedgehog. In other words whatever they're the best in the world at. It's a given process that could apply across multiple businesses. Now, sometimes that can be within a theme and I think that's generally best.

But, let's just take some specific examples. Coming from our research companies that have a more diversified portfolio, but nonetheless became great companies we’ve got, GE, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson and 3M. Now, we could go through a number of these.

But if you look at the GE case it's awfully hard to see one unifying theme during their best years, because over a very long period of time they've evolved into a lot of things. But, what is GE the very best in the world at? Developing executive talent, turning good managers into great executives. And deploying them to increase, ultimately, profit per unit of executive talent. So, here you have, you ask -- what's the unifying theme? It's their management system. It's their people system, which is enormously effective, you could take people from one GE business and they'll often move them to another area over here and they can be successful within the whole GE system.



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