


《財富》(中文版) 2011-04-26






Jim Collins: Now, there are two lessons from climbing that I have found personally very valuable. One is, the constant battle between failure and fallure. I have no idea how this would translate into Chinese.

Thomas D. Gorman: We'll figure it out.

Jim Collins: But, the essence of it is this. You're on a climb, it's an onsite go, which means it's your first time on the route. It could also be a red point, which means you know the route, but onsite has more uncertainty, 'cause you don't know what the holds are, you don't know if you're going to be too pumped to be able to clip the rope or whatever it happens to be. So now it's like "go". And there's this point where you start to, your muscles start to fail, your heart rate is up, there's a high rate of uncertainty coming, and you've got anxiety. And there come these moments of decision, and choices between failure and fallure. Now, this has to be in an environment where falling is ok, and not in all climbs is that the case. It's relatively a safe climb, relatively safe. There comes this decision point were failure means, you let go. You either physically let go, you mentally let go and not try that hard, or you only give a half-hearted attempt to the next thing, or you have your partner hold you on the rope, or whatever happens to be, but you are mentally broke at that moment. You know it, even if it looks to an outsider like you tried hard, you know if you broke.

And then there's fallure. Now, a fallure is, you didn't break, you just didn't succeed getting up the route. You tried your absolute hardest, you went from hold to hold, you went fully committed attempted to go up, left nothing on the table, you still fell, but you fell in a completely honorable attempt to go, and it's all about the inner honor. It's about, it's not about getting to the top of the climb, it's about your honor. And it's all self-assessed, because you could make people think you went to fallure. You're the only one who knows if you really went to fallure. And, did you break, did you not break? And the battle and I would keep track, a little spreadsheet of success and failure on onsite.



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