


《財(cái)富》(中文版) 2011-04-27



為了充分準(zhǔn)備,我在家弄了一個(gè)攀巖訓(xùn)練房。有一天晚上,我妻子出來(lái)找我,發(fā)現(xiàn)訓(xùn)練房里一片漆黑,不見(jiàn)人影。吉姆,你在哪兒?然后她發(fā)現(xiàn)在攀爬墻上有一盞探頭燈,原來(lái)是我關(guān)了燈,在黑暗中練習(xí)攀巖。練習(xí),就是把更換支點(diǎn)、準(zhǔn)備下降、移動(dòng)等一切必須的動(dòng)作在黑暗中練上無(wú)數(shù)遍。這樣等到攀巖的那天,一切就能如行云流水一般順暢。還有,團(tuán)隊(duì)行動(dòng)時(shí)你也需要訓(xùn)練,什么時(shí)候該走,什么時(shí)候該停都有一定之規(guī)。 當(dāng)然,有意思的是,攀巖過(guò)程中你仍然可以充分發(fā)揮你的創(chuàng)造力,畢竟每塊石頭都不一樣,你需要發(fā)揮創(chuàng)造力才能想到如何爬上去。



Thomas D. Gorman: I would have thought that another directly applicable set between climbing and your work is discipline. The discipline of tying the knots, the discipline of rigging the ropes and the various other connections. But, even the discipline of teamwork, because your life depends on it.

Jim Collins: Actually, there are sort of I guess, two other things that relate to the concepts that show up a lot in the climbing. One really is the discipline and it's the discipline of, of course there's training, preparation, and my friends always laugh because I like to be over prepared, but that's ok, Because the rock can be bigger than me. The discipline to really focus on some very specific details. When we were doing the climbs in Yosemite for my 50th birthday on El Capitan, we were going to do a lot of the pitches in the dark and we were also going to switch ends of the rope. So, just the practice of tying your knot in and out, without making a single mistake over and over again, sleep deprived, it's not regimentation, because if it's mindlessly regimented, you'll make a mistake. It has to be very mindful. And mindful in the sense of constant discipline.

So in preparation, I have a rock climbing gym at home. And my wife came out one night and the lights were off and I'm out there, where's Jim? Then she noticed there's a headlamp out in the climb field and I had turned off all the lights and I'm in the climbing gym, climbing in the dark, inside. Practicing, you know, switching in and out of anchors, practicing setting up rappels, practicing doing moves, practicing everything I need to do, hundreds of times, in the dark, over and over again. So that, when the day comes, it's really like clock work. It's really like clock work, and there's discipline in the way you operate as a team. There's discipline when you don't go, when you do go. And of course, the interesting thing is, there's also an enormously creative activity Because you have to...every piece of rock is different and you may need a lot of creativity to figure out how to get up it.



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