







專欄 - 從華爾街到硅谷


Dan Primack 2011年10月09日

Dan Primack專注于報道交易和交易撮合者,從美國金融業(yè)到風(fēng)險投資業(yè)均有涉及。此前,Dan是湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)的自由編輯,推出了peHUB.com和peHUB Wire郵件服務(wù)。作為一名新聞工作者,Dan還曾在美國馬薩諸塞州羅克斯伯里經(jīng)營一份社區(qū)報紙。目前他居住在波士頓附近。





????不過上周四,甲骨文決定反戈一擊。它發(fā)布了一份幻燈片,這是林奇在2011年4月一次會議上向甲骨文總裁馬克?赫德演示時使用的。以下鏈接是幻燈片的第一部分和第二部分。文件里的確能列出了一家銀行,不過這可不是隨隨便便的“某家銀行”。而是投資銀行Qatalyst Partners,Autonomy所聘請的收購顧問正是該銀行。而且,甲骨文還表示,Qatalyst的創(chuàng)始人弗蘭克?夸特隆也出席了4月份的會議。



????2011年4月, 在弗蘭克?夸特隆的引薦下,Autonomy和馬克?赫德進行了一次大約三十到四十分鐘的會談。甲骨文是Autonomy的客戶。我們當時明確表示Autonomy并未尋求出售,也沒有展開任何出售行動。當時,夸特隆先生的公司還沒有受聘于Autonomy。從那以后,我們和甲骨文再沒有任何接觸。





????Some advice for Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch: You can obfuscate about what is said in a private conversation. But if you also leave behind a slide-deck, it's best to either come clean or keep your mouth shut.

????Autonomy is the British enterprise software company that HP (HPQ) agreed to buy last month for $10.3 billion. In a subsequent earnings call, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison said: "Autonomy was shopped to us... We looked at the price and thought it was absurdly high."

????Let's take the second part first. Of course it was absurdly high. An 80% premium to where Autonomy was trading in London! In fact, here is how newly-installed HP CEO Meg Whitman responded when asked if her predecessor overpaid: "It is what it is."

????The first part of Ellison's statement, however, is the reason for this post. Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch told WSJ that the idea of Autonomy shopping itself to Oracle (ORCL) was "inaccurate... If some bank happened to come with us on a list, that is nothing to do with us."

????Today Oracle laid down the boom, posting a slide-deck that Lynch gave to Oracle president Mark Hurd during an April 2011 meeting. Here is Part 1, and here is Part 2. You'll notice that a bank is listed on the deck, but it's not just "some bank." It's Qatalyst Partners, the shop retained by Autonomy. Moreover, Oracle says that Qatalyst founded Frank Quattrone was present at the April meeting.

????The ball is now in Mike Lynch's court, but I can't imagine what he can do at this point but fall on his sword. Or maybe just keep quiet, like he should have in the first place.

????Update: Well, Autonomy is fighting back again. And basically suggesting that statements like my lead graph are way off base. In a statement Autonomy says:

????In April 2011, there was a meeting for approximately thirty or forty minutes between Autonomy and Mark Hurd, which was set up by Frank Quattrone as an introduction to Mark Hurd. Oracle is an Autonomy customer. It was made clear that Autonomy was not for sale and no sale process was under way. Mr. Quattrone's company was not engaged by Autonomy at that time. There has been no other contact with Oracle since then.

????It may well be that investment banks were independently recommending Autonomy as an acquisition target to industry players – that is standard practice for — but this would not have been at our behest. Qatalyst have informed us that the slides Oracle has recently posted on its website were prepared and sent independently by Qatalyst to Oracle on 26 January (the content is clearly from January). This is the first time we have seen them. Autonomy was not involved in this nor was Qatalyst engaged by Autonomy until mid-year. Autonomy did not present these slides in the meeting.

????Update II: Frank Quattrone is backing the timeline of his client, via a statement to Alphaville:

????"The slides Oracle posted publicly were sent by me to Mark Hurd in January, were prepared by Qatalyst and were for the purpose of our independently pitching Autonomy as an idea to Oracle. These slides were not used in our April meeting with Mark and Doug."

????Don't be surprised if there is a third update, with some sort of rebuttal from Oracle (which has gone from offense to defense in a matter of hours)..







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