????臺北的《電子時報》(DigiTimes)歷來就是亞洲電子元件產業(yè)種種傳言的源頭,它的記者們打字有多快,傳言生成的速度就有多快。上周四,這家媒體報道稱,來自上游供應鏈的匿名業(yè)內人士認為,惠普(Hewlett-Packard)、戴爾(Dell)、宏碁(Acer)和華碩電腦(Asustek)等PC企業(yè)最終將逐步退出平板電腦市場。 ????《電子時報》的報道稱: ????亞馬遜(Amazon)的Kindle Fire售價199美元,巴諾(Barnes & Noble)即將上市的Nook Simple Touch售價99美元,純硬件生產商不太可能通過價格競爭在這個市場上賺取利潤。 ????鑒于亞馬遜和Barnes & Noble主要靠內容平臺(而非硬件)賺取利潤,業(yè)界認為這些硬件設備最終將免費提供給消費者。 ????這篇報道的這部分還算言之有理。但最后一部分,就不那么令人信服了: ????業(yè)者指出,雖然iPad 2消費需求強勁,但銷量不如iPad一代,說明消費者對平板電腦的狂熱追捧已竟開始降溫。 ????蘋果(Apple)是2011年第二財季末推出的iPad 2,正如上圖所示,iPad 2產量一上去,銷量很快就超過了iPad一代。 |
????Taipei-based DigiTimes, which has been churning out rumors from Asian electronics parts suppliers as fast as its correspondents can type, reported Thursday that unnamed "sources from upstream supply chain" believe that PC makers such as Hewlett-Packard (HPC), Dell (DELL), Acer and Asustek will "gradually phase out" of the tablet market. ????According to DigiTimes: ????With Amazon offering its Kindle Fire at US$199 and Barnes & Noble to provide its upcoming Nook Simple Touch at a price of US$99, the pure hardware players are unlikely to profit from the market through price competition. ????Since Amazon and Barnes & Noble are mainly profiting from their content platforms, not the hardware, the sources believe these hardware devices will eventually be offered for free. ????This part of the DigiTimes' report makes sense. The last part, not so much: ????The sources pointed out that although iPad 2 is also seeing strong demand from consumers, sales were lower than those of iPad, indicating that consumers' strong enthusiasm for tablet PCs has already disappeared. ????As the chart above shows, once Apple (AAPL) got production ramped up after the iPad 2's release at the end of fiscal Q2 2011, its sales quickly eclipsed those for the original iPad. |