







專欄 - Allan Sloan


Allan Sloan 2011年12月12日

艾倫·斯?。ˋllan Sloan)為《財富》雜志高級編輯。出生于紐約布魯克林,1966年畢業(yè)于布魯克林學(xué)院,次年畢業(yè)于哥倫比亞大學(xué)新聞學(xué)院研究生院。他是金融領(lǐng)域的資深記者,2008年以“"House of Junk”一文第七次獲得財經(jīng)新聞界最高榮譽杰洛德-羅布獎(Gerald Loeb Award)。


????至于海外股票和外匯,難道你愿意持有前景不明的歐元嗎?你能搞清楚歐洲到底是什么情況嗎?或者說,你愿意和歐洲央行打交道?那我只能祝你好遠(yuǎn)——你比我勇敢。明富環(huán)球金融(MF Global)的喬恩?科爾辛確實勇敢,但代價慘重。




????這絕非什么創(chuàng)新策略。事實上,在本期《財富》雜志的《2012年最佳股票推薦》(The Best Stocks for 2012)一文中,你可以看到一份《財富》雜志認(rèn)為低估的大盤股名單,這些股票很多都支付豐厚的派息。簡單乏味,但眼下這一策略對我而言是管用的。它給我?guī)砹艘恍┦找妗疫@樣的組合也能讓我在晚上睡得著覺。

????The Fed's attempts to force down interest rates to revive housing and the general economy have an unfortunate byproduct: eviscerating the income of savers, such as retirees who supplemented their Social Security checks with income from CDs and short-term securities. But shooting for higher income by buying long-term securities at current interest levels is incredibly dangerous.

????As for foreign stocks and currencies: You want to deal with the instability of the euro? Try to figure out what goes on in Europe? Or with the European Central Bank? Good luck -- you're braver than I am. Jon Corzine was real brave at MF Global, which didn't work out too well.

????And commodities -- well, when you see gold being marketed everywhere, the game's pretty much over. If you had a time machine and could buy commodities at what they fetched three years ago, they'd be a great investment. At today's prices, not so much.

????Now that I've said what not to do, what's my investment idea? It's simple. And it's totally not exciting for those of us who enjoyed the days of superstar money managers and a U.S. market that returned 20% a year from August 1982 through March of 2000.

????After having foolishly put money into a once-hot stock mutual fund last year, I'm now into boring. I'm buying individual blue-chip U.S. stocks that pay dividends. Some are multinationals, which give me exposure to rapidly growing foreign economies and hedge my dollar risk. (And, no, I won't give you any names.) I'm looking for singles, not home runs. My seeking-singles portfolio, which has produced a small loss thus far, is appropriate for me because I can afford the risk. You have to determine whether it's appropriate for you.

????This isn't exactly an original approach. In fact, in "The Best Stocks for 2012" later in this issue, you can find a list of big-company stocks that Fortune considers undervalued, many of which pay enticing dividends. Simple and boring, for now, is what works for me. It gives me some income -- and a portfolio that lets me sleep at night.

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