







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2011年12月23日

Anne Fisher為《財(cái)富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個(gè)職場(chǎng)專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的興衰起落、行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。



????親愛的斯密提:里奇?莫蘭一定可以給幫到你。里奇?莫蘭曾擔(dān)任埃森哲咨詢公司(Accenture)顧問,同時(shí)也是硅谷的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資老手,現(xiàn)任咨詢與招聘公司Accretive Solutions(總部位于芝加歌)CEO。

????此外,莫蘭還曾寫過一系列指南,幫助讀者以聰明、隨性的方式在職場(chǎng)上獲得成功,其中包括《備忘錄≠現(xiàn)實(shí)》(Never Confuse a Memo With Reality)和《不要懼怕黃色便簽》(Fear No Yellow Stickies)。莫蘭的新書《罪惡與CEO:高管成敗啟示錄改變你的職業(yè)生涯》(Sins and CEOs: Lessons from Leaders and Losers That Will Change Your Career)中有一章內(nèi)容你可能會(huì)感興趣。這章的標(biāo)題是“羅馬火光熊熊,但我們并不在場(chǎng)”。






????? “人們都希望能從會(huì)議中學(xué)到些東西,要么是了解如何制訂有效的方案,要么是了解市場(chǎng)的變化趨勢(shì),”莫蘭指出。所以“要邀請(qǐng)能夠寓教于樂的發(fā)言人參加會(huì)議,并盡量使會(huì)議時(shí)間縮短。”

????Dear Annie: I guess it is true that no good deed goes unpunished, because our office holiday party -- which took me six weeks to organize -- was such a hit that now my boss has put me in charge of a three-day management retreat scheduled for mid-February. The location, a resort on a Caribbean island, has been booked, but so far the agenda is a blank sheet of paper, which is up to me to fill.

????I've never been responsible for planning one of these before, so I really don't know what I'm doing, but I'd like this meeting to be unique and memorable, and as productive as possible. Can you and your readers give me any pointers? — Smitty

????Dear Smitty: Richard Moran sure can. A former Accenture (ACN) consultant and longtime Silicon Valley venture capitalist, Moran is CEO of Accretive Solutions, a Chicago-based consulting and recruiting firm.

????He's also the author of a string of smart and irreverent guides to success in business, including Never Confuse a Memo With Reality and Fear No Yellow Stickies. His new book, Sins and CEOs: Lessons from Leaders and Losers That Will Change Your Career, contains a chapter that might interest you. It's entitled "Rome Is Burning and We're Off-site."

????"Contrary to popular belief, retreats are really hard work for all who attend," Moran says. "Foremost, there's nowhere to hide. Anyone who monopolizes the airtime is assumed to be jockeying for a promotion. Anyone who doesn't participate is assumed to have checked out."

????Trying to strike the right balance and still get some work done tends to stress people out, so Moran -- a veteran of many great and not-so-great off-sites -- recommends giving everyone a chance to decompress by building some genuine downtime into the schedule.

????"Don't close the windows," he says. "Why go someplace beautiful if there is no time for the pool or golf, and people are locked in dark rooms from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.?" A total lack of leisure breeds resentment, he observes, and that can torpedo the whole event.

????One San Francisco financial company he knows of held a crucial annual long-range planning meeting at an exclusive ski resort, and then gave people no chance to ski. "The attendees were instructed that they could ski between 7 and 9 a.m. or after 5," Moran says. "Unfortunately, the ski lifts opened at 9 and stopped running at 5." That made people "so grouchy the entire time that nothing was accomplished." Avoid that.

????Some more of Moran's tips you might find useful:

????? "People want to learn at meetings, whether it's how to construct an effective plan or understand market dynamics," Moran says. So "bring in speakers who can teach and entertain at the same time, and keep the sessions short."

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