







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2012年03月14日

Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的興衰起落、行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。


????我的老板對這種情況心知肚明,但他并不是那種敢于直面沖突的人,他并不想破壞現(xiàn)狀。(最初也是他提出來合并兩支團(tuán)隊的。)人力資源部總是說,我們有問題可以隨時向他們反映,不必?fù)?dān)心打擊報復(fù),但我對此將信將疑。如果我真的去人力資源部反映情況,反而遭到那些惡意同事的報復(fù),甚至遭到解雇的話,我能就此提起訴訟嗎?— 忍無可忍的人


????丹尼爾?凱賽是紐約就業(yè)律師事務(wù)所Kaiser Saurborn & Mair的合伙人。他說:“各個州都有自己的反報復(fù)法規(guī),但絕大多數(shù)地方都規(guī)定惡意行為必須跟公共政策問題有關(guān)聯(lián),你才具備足夠依據(jù)來采取法律行動?!比绻皇鞘艿讲挥焉频膶Υ?,或者因為同事對你懷有惡意導(dǎo)致你被解雇,你并沒有什么依據(jù)去起訴他們。


????杜雷出版過一本很有見地的著作,名為《兇險職場生存秘籍:保護(hù)自己,化解同事、老板和工作環(huán)境帶來的威脅》(Surviving the Toxic Workplace: Protect Yourself Against the Co-Workers, Bosses, and Work Environments That Poison Your Day)。她在書中寫道,像你遇到的這種困境實際上并不鮮見?!捌髽I(yè)的常態(tài)之一就是變化。有時壞人也會占上風(fēng)?!彼€說,求助老板的老板也可能無濟(jì)于事,“在有些公司,壞人也能一路高升,而他們的負(fù)面影響甚至能滲透到最底層的郵件收發(fā)室。”


????Dear Annie: Ever since my team merged with a different one, about a year ago, my job has become a nightmare. My new coworkers are hostile, controlling, and go out of their way to belittle and intimidate others. They also undermine the work my group is trying to do, partly by denying us access to the support staff we are all supposed to be sharing. It has gotten so bad that a couple of key members of our department have requested, and gotten, transfers out -- which further damages our ability to do our jobs here, since we have to train replacements.

????My boss is aware of the situation, but he's a non-confrontational kind of guy who doesn't want to rock the boat. (The merger of our two groups was his idea.) Our human resources people have often said that anyone should feel free to come to them with problems, without fear of retaliation, but I wonder if I can trust them. If I complain to HR and my hostile colleagues react by getting me fired, do I have grounds for a lawsuit? — Fed Up

????Dear Fed Up: Yikes. Unfortunately for you, anti-retaliation laws do not cover sheer nastiness -- unless it arises from discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, age, or religion, or if you are a whistleblower who has reported unlawful behavior (insider trading, for example) to government regulators.

????"Each state has its own retaliation statutes, but in the vast majority of places, in order for you to have grounds for legal action, the hostility has to be connected to one of these public-policy issues," says Daniel J. Kaiser, a partner in New York City employment law firm Kaiser Saurborn & Mair. If you're simply being treated badly -- or if, as you fear, you get fired -- because your coworkers are mean and obnoxious, you won't have a leg to stand on.

????"So you have two choices here," says Linnda Durré, a consultant who specializes in resolving the kinds of conflicts you are describing. "Either you can go over your boss's head to his boss, and at the same time take the human resources people at their word and lodge a formal complaint with them. Let them investigate and try to fix the problems. Or you can leave."

????Sadly, according to Durré, who wrote an insightful book called Surviving the Toxic Workplace: Protect Yourself Against the Co-Workers, Bosses, and Work Environments That Poison Your Day, dilemmas like yours are not at all uncommon. "Change is one of the few constants in business," she says. "Sometimes the Evil Empire takes over." Your boss's boss, alas, may be no help, she adds: "In some organizations, the evil goes all the way to the top, and trickles all the way down to the mailroom."

????If you decide to bring the HR people into it, two suggestions: Take someone with you, or ideally more than one person, who can corroborate what you're saying. "To some extent, there is safety in numbers," notes Durré. You're less likely to be dismissed as a whiner (or retaliated against) if others back up your version of events.

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