







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2012年04月11日

Anne Fisher為《財(cái)富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個(gè)職場(chǎng)專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的興衰起落、行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。




????“每到這個(gè)時(shí)候,政治討論往往就會(huì)異常熱烈起來,”明尼阿波利斯的溝通培訓(xùn)公司Roshini Performance Group 的主管以及《有話好好說!》(Communicate That!)一書的作者羅什尼?拉基庫瑪表示。“今年這個(gè)大選年略不同于以往,雖然羅姆尼領(lǐng)先,但并沒有明顯的優(yōu)勢(shì)。他的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手有非常多的熱心支持者,引發(fā)了很多討論?!倍?,她還補(bǔ)充說:“今年公開爭(zhēng)論的一些問題非常情緒化,很多人似乎都有點(diǎn)走極端。”


????更好的做法是“與老板私下談話時(shí)提起這項(xiàng)政策。不要在其他人面前提起,不要太對(duì)立或帶刺。不妨這樣說:‘我不知道您是否清楚辦公室里的政治討論讓持有不同觀點(diǎn)的員工感覺不那么自在。有沒有辦法,可以緩和一下呢? ’”




????Dear Annie: I work in a small (20-person) department of a huge company, for a boss who I think is fundamentally a good guy. He's a devoted dad, very fair to us employees, and usually a pleasure to be around. The problem is his political opinions, which are so extreme they make Rush Limbaugh look like a flaming liberal. He and I are on polar opposite sides of almost every issue in the news these days, from immigration policy to health care reform.

????That would be fine if he didn't insist on talking about politics all the time and trying to get the rest of us to agree with him. A few of my colleagues, who I happen to know are way more moderate than they're letting on, are kissing up to him by pretending to agree in order to get on his good side, but I'm just not going to do that. Can you or your readers suggest a diplomatic way to shut down all this yakking and let us get back to work? — Gritting My Teeth

????Dear G.M.T.: For what it's worth, you're not the only one wondering. Many other readers have been asking lately how to persuade colleagues to leave their political views in the parking lot. One issue is that some people believe they have a First Amendment right to spout off at work. But as I wrote in a column during the 2010 Congressional elections, guess what: Private-sector employees on company property (and company time) have no First Amendment rights.

????"Political talk does seem unusually heated this time around," says Roshini Rajkumar, head of Minneapolis-based communications coaching firm Roshini Performance Group and author of a book called Communicate That!. "It's a little different than in previous election years because, although Romney is ahead, he's not a clear favorite. His opponents have so many avid supporters that it opens up a lot of discussions." Moreover, she adds, "Some of the issues on the table this time are very emotional, and many people seem to be taking extreme positions."

????Since you note that you work for a huge company, there may be a written policy somewhere -- in the employee handbook, for example -- that prohibits outside distractions, including political talk, that get in the way of work. "If your company has such a policy, you could alert human resources to this situation," Rajkumar says. "But that would be a drastic measure."

????A better course of action: "Mention the policy in a private conversation with your boss. Don't bring it up in front of other people, and don't be confrontational or critical. Say something like, 'I wonder if you're aware that all the political discussion around here makes the atmosphere uncomfortable for people with different views. Is there a way we can all agree to tone it down?'"

????Stay cool. "The calmer you are on the inside, the more persuasive you'll be," Rajkumar notes. Whether with your boss or with coworkers, don't be drawn into arguments that are likely to produce nothing but hard feelings. "When others are talking about political subjects, or in fact any subject that you don't think is appropriate, it's perfectly all right to say nothing," she says. "Then if someone asks why you're not piping up, just answer that you're busy working."

????For anyone who (unlike you) actually enjoys talking politics with colleagues, Rajkumar has some common-sense reminders about keeping the discussion civil. "Political conversations can go downhill fast," she says, "and people may make snap judgments about you based on your views. Debates are fun, but they're not worth risking your career." A few pointers:

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