







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2012年04月25日

Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟的興衰起落、行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。











????A back-up plan is actually a plan for failure. By having a Plan B, Leibman says, "you're telling yourself you might not succeed at your real search, which is exactly what you shouldn't be thinking. Hold nothing back, and you will get what you want."

????It's easier to get your dream job than most other jobs. Why? Because you're genuinely passionate about it. "One reason I got a front-office job in the NBA at such a young age, while being turned down for other openings where there was less competition, is because of how badly I wanted that NBA job," Leibman says. Counterintuitive as it may seem, he believes that "you're more likely to succeed when you aim high."

????The best way to get the job you want is to stop looking for jobs and look for people. Because so many openings are never advertised anywhere, and are filled through personal contacts and recommendations, "the only way to crack the 'hidden job market' is to talk to people working in the industry where you want to get hired," Leibman notes. In your case, why not start with the people you already know from your past internships?

????Networking is not "all about who you know." This is one point where Leibman says the conventional wisdom falls short. "Networking is really about who likes you and who respects you," he explains. "Before referring you to someone else or letting you in on an opportunity, a contact is consciously or unconsciously deciding, 'Do I like and respect this person enough to put my reputation on the line by introducing him or her to my inner circle?'

????"If the answer is no, networking will get you nowhere. However, if the answer is yes, you can usually get almost anyone to open his Rolodex." This is yet another reason why you'd be wise to begin your search with people who liked your work at the companies where you interned, and the industry contacts your professors may have.

????Two more thoughts about pursuing a dream job: First, nothing is perfect, so keep your expectations in line with reality. "No job will ever be exciting and free from frustrations and drawbacks 100% of the time," Leibman notes.

????And second, he adds, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself." If you end up working in the movie business and at some point decide that it isn't what you hoped, "remember, a job is not a life sentence. You can change directions at any time -- and in fact, most people change jobs, and even careers, a number of times throughout their lives."

????Good luck.

????Talkback: How did you get your first job out of school? Was it in the same field where you work now, or did you later change direction? Leave a comment below.

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