







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012年08月21日

喬布斯生前就曾放話,要對谷歌惡意剽竊iPhone的行為發(fā)動“熱核戰(zhàn)爭”。然而,去年收購了摩托羅拉移動之后,手握海量專利的山景城霸主谷歌在美國國際貿(mào)易委員會對盤踞在庫比蒂諾的蘋果展開了反擊,稱蘋果iPhone、iPad和iPod Touch侵犯了谷歌的七項(xiàng)專利。

圖片來源:Esther Aarts' via Flikr


????如今,頗具諷刺意味的是,谷歌也反過來指控蘋果剽竊它的專利。而且,谷歌并不針對蘋果的代理,而是直接向美國國際貿(mào)易委員會(U.S. International Trade Commission,簡稱ITC)起訴蘋果公司

????根據(jù)公司提供給彭博社(Bloomberg)與《華爾街日報(bào)》(Wall Street Journal)的新聞稿,訴訟稱蘋果公司的iPhone、iPad和iPod Touch侵犯了谷歌的七項(xiàng)專利。約一年前,谷歌收購摩托羅拉移動(Motorola Mobility),并獲得了該公司的1.7萬項(xiàng)專利,其中就包括這次訴訟中涉及的七項(xiàng)專利。




????犬儒主義者對此會有什么看法?專利博客網(wǎng)站FOSS Patent的佛羅里爾?穆勒周六就指出,谷歌此次起訴的時(shí)間恰好選在兩條壞消息到來之前:





????So far, the "thermonuclear war" Steve Jobs promised to wage against Google (GOOG) for allegedly ripping off the iPhone has been fought through proxies -- several dozen lawsuits filed in courts around the world against the manufacturers of Android phones and tablets.

????Now, in a move rich with irony, Google has accused Apple (AAPL) of ripping off itspatents. And rather than attacking a proxy, it has filed suit directly against Cupertino in the U.S. International Trade Commission.

????The claim, according to press statements issued to Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal, is that Apple's iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch infringe seven of the roughly 17,000 patents Google inherited when it bought Motorola Mobility just over a year ago.

????"We would like to settle these patent matters," said a spokesperson for Google's Motorola division, "but Apple's unwillingness to work out a license leaves us little choice but to defend ourselves and our engineers' innovations."

????The filing has not yet been made public. and Google has been a little vague about what patents Apple may have infringed -- except to say that they are not the kind of standards-essential patents that Motorola had earlier tried and failed to use against Apple. (See here.)

????According to TechCrunch's Frederick Lardinois, the patents in question involve location reminders, e-mail notifications, video playback and Siri, and were deemed serious enough to demand an import ban against nearly every iOS product Apple makes.

????Cynics might point out, as FOSS Patent's Florial Mueller did Saturday, that Google's suit was filed only days before the expected arrival of what could be two pieces of bad legal news for Mountain View:

????? On Thursday, the ITC is scheduled to issue a final ruling on a suit Motorola Mobility brought against Apple before it was acquired -- one that Mueller thinks likely to be decided in Apple's favor

????? On Wednesday, the jury is scheduled to begin deliberations in the multi-billion dollar Apple v. Samsung trial -- a trial that most court watchers feel has not been going well for the world's largest manufacturer of Android phones.

????Google, says Mueller, may be hoping to show its manufacturing partners at this critical juncture that it has a patent war chest equal to Apple's.

????It may also be trying to to prove to Wall Street that it wasn't pouring money down the drain last August when it spent a whopping $12.5 billion to buy Motorola Mobility.







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